Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 302

In the end, Black Eye did not follow Chelsea and insisted on staying. The most important thing in her heart is to get stronger strength than her sister, and then end her pain. Even if she gives everything, it doesn't matter. I believe that she will do it if she changes to her sister. The same choice.

Bai Lu was a little surprised by the black pupil's staying behind, but he was not too surprised. He didn't know the grudges of the red pupil and black pupil sisters, but he could see that the black pupil longed for power, and the empire did not exist stronger than them, black pupil. It makes sense to stay.

But Bai Lu doesn’t have any special thoughts on Black Pupil. Although he is not very old now, he is also an uncle in his thirties in his previous life. For teenagers, he hasn’t grown up yet. interest.

e. Miss whirlpool is an exception. Bailu likes Miss whirlpool’s cheerful personality.

After dinner, a group of people sat in the open space behind the house and watched the moon. After chatting for a while, Bai Lu suddenly said:

"We are leaving in half a month. If we have something to do, we are unlikely to come back later."

Asides heard this and shook his head and said:

"I have nothing to do."

Her relatives and friends died early in the aggression of hostile foreign races. Afterwards, she hunted dangerous species by herself and continued to grow stronger, but she no longer had friends and family, and only enemies and subordinates remained.

The 100,000 troops under it are all elites who have experienced many battles. Even if there is a change of dynasty, such an army will not be left out or be treated unfairly. There is no need for Estherst to bother.

Leonai was a little worried about the partners of night raid and friends from the slum, so he said:

"I want to go back and see."

Hei Tong did not make a sound. She and Chi Tong entered the assassination unit since they were young. There are no so-called friends in such a place, and family members can't be found. There is nothing to deal with.

As for the sister, Chitong, either she will not see each other. If she meets, she will divide life and death, and settle all past grievances.

Bai Lu nodded when he heard the words, and said to Leone:

"If you have anything to prepare, just speak up."

"So generous."

Leo Nai was a little surprised when she heard this. After all, she was the only one of the three women who was surrounded by Bai Lu's routine. She thought that Bai Lu was afraid that it would be too late for her to escape, but she didn't expect Bai Lu to be willing to help, so she said straightforwardly:

"Aren't you afraid of me running away?"

Bai Lu said with a pun like a smile but not a smile:

"I have always been generous to myself."

"Uh, hahaha..."

Leonai looked away and laughed.


Chelsea smoothly returned to the base of night raid (night raid) before it got dark, and reported the incident in detail.


Na Jiexitan leaned on the chair, sighed with her hand, and immediately clapped:

"Rabo, you go to contact the comrades inside and outside the imperial capital and enter the city to stabilize the situation."

Lubbock hesitated after hearing this:

"This, is it too aggressive?"

Najiexitan waved her hand and said confidently:

"No problem, we are strong enough to face most crises."

The official members of night raid (night raid), except for Rabo, are all imperial emissaries. Six imperial emissaries sit in the imperial capital, and five are offensive, which is indeed sufficient to suppress one party.

Lubbock nodded when he heard the words and turned to leave.

Ma Yin said with concern:

"What about Leonard?"

Najiexi sighed frankly when she heard the words:

"If she needs our help, she will tell Chelsea. Since it is her choice, we have no right to interfere."

Then again, in the face of two powerhouses at the level of Esders who want to do something, they are all going up to deliver food, but they are all companions who live and die together. It is so chilling to say. .

Najiexitan glanced at the red pupil who had been silent since Chelsea talked about the black pupil, shook his head slightly, and announced:

"Disband, starting tomorrow to deal with changes that may occur at any time."


Night raid (night raid) everyone responded and dispersed.

The next day, the imperial capital was taken over by the night raid in the name of the Revolutionary Army. Najieshitan was once the deputy of Esdes, and was familiar with the three beasts, and she was also somewhat famous in the army of 100,000. Without much effort, he recruited the only remaining Daidas and one hundred thousand army among the three beasts, and quickly suppressed and calmed the situation that had begun to appear in the imperial capital. In addition, Will and others saw that Najiexitan was doing things well. , They took refuge in the past.

Najiexitan integrated the top powers and the most powerful army in the imperial capital in a short period of time. As a former general, he had a strategic vision and did not hesitate. The rear was stable, and he took the initiative after integrating the forces at hand. Strike out and respond to the revolution from the inside.

The cities within the empire have not faced battle for a long time. After the ministers came to power, they ruled out dissidents and made the empire a mess. The empires were all flattering people. The place is conceivable. The level of military and political aspects has almost fallen to the horizontal line. In the following, civilian life is difficult.

Regardless of whether it was the revolutionary army attacking from the outside or the Najieshitan who was coping with it inside, the progress was exceptionally smooth. The city gates were wide open wherever they passed, and the people delivered food and drinking water to welcome them.

However, at any time, there are always some ugly little ghosts at work.

Of course, the changes in the outside world did not affect the Bailu family who lived in seclusion in the forest, and Najiexitan was also very witty and did not go to Bailu, and her daily life was very leisurely and comfortable.

The wind is sunny and it is another day of fine weather.

Asides did not go out hunting, hunting for several days in a row, there is nothing dangerous for her to be willing to do it in a radius of a hundred miles, so she simply cultivated feelings with Bai Lu greasy, and looked at the pictures of Bai Lu that are difficult to distinguish from reality. , Sincerely praised:

"I didn't expect Bai Lu to have such superb painting skills. It's really amazing."

Although Esders does not know art very well, he is in a high position and even has a place in the palace. He has seen many masterpieces, but he has never seen a painter or work better than Bailu's painting skills, and his lover has a beauty. One point of advantage is also infinitely magnified, and Esders feels that it is naturally excellent.

Bai Lu cocked her mouth when she heard the words, happy in her heart, but humblely said in her mouth:

"It's nothing more than hard training day after day. It's worse than the famous ones."

Bai Lu also knows that his paintings are exquisite, with the super insight of writing round eyes as the aid, and he can completely copy the things he wants to paint, but there is no vitality.

The paintings of real masters do not lie in the false and true, but in the charm of them.

Bai Lu knew the problem and made conscious adjustments. It was only a matter of time before she painted the charm.

The pen sharpened slightly, Bai Lu gradually accelerated, and said with a chuckle:

"How about I draw you a picture later?"

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