Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 310

"It's worthy of a time-tested practice method."

Her emperor has already merged with her. Regardless of each other, she can activate her abilities with a single thought. It doesn’t matter whether she has ninjutsu or not. Originally, she was just curious to practice Chakra, but she was surprised by using Chakra as energy. She is more comfortable with her ability to activate her ability. She could not control the speed of ice cone formation before.

Speaking of it, the original emperor consumes the spiritual and physical strength of the emperor, and the chakra is precisely the energy of the two mixed in a specific ratio.

The emperor becomes part of Esters' body, and the refined chakra naturally contains part of the energy of the emperor. After the second purification and fusion, it is more conducive to the manipulation of Esters.

Leonai felt it for a while, and said in a puzzled way:

"It feels nothing special."

Hei Tong also cast a puzzled look at Bai Lu.

Bai Lu did not answer immediately, but took out three test papers prepared in advance and handed them to the three women:

"Send your chakras in."

The three women were puzzled but did so. Needless to say, Esther's paper turned into ice flakes directly, while Leo Nai's one burned and the other half shattered, and the black pupil was wrinkled.

Leonai said puzzledly:

"What does it mean?"

"Sister Remi, you have someone to send all the ninjutsu of the fire, earth, and thunder elements."

Seeing the test results of the three of them, Bai Lu gave the secretly guarding Remi a big order, and then explained to Leo Nai:

"To test your Chakra attributes, Esther's is the bloodstain of ice escape, Leo Nai, yours is the dual attributes of fire and earth, and the black pupil is the pure thunder attribute."

Leonai looked at the single attribute shown by Esthers and Black Pupil, and said to Bai Lu:

"Are the two good or bad?"

Bai Lu chuckles and chuckles:

"It doesn't matter. It can only be said that you are more suitable for ninjutsu with the two attributes of fire and earth. It is easier to complete the change of nature. As for the other things, it depends on your personal performance."

In fact, it is true. Basic attributes cannot be distinguished between high and low, but they are different in nature and have nothing to do with quantity. After all, human energy is limited, and cultivation can only be done step by step. It depends on the individual.

The most typical example is the incumbent Naruto III, Sarutobi Hitoshi, the uncle is proficient in all basic ninjutsu, all kinds of ninjutsu are familiar with each other, cooperate with each other, are not limited to the form, and have a lot of moves. They have made great achievements in World War I. Prestigious, known as the'ninxiong'.

The relative example is Raikage of past dynasties. The past dynasties of Raikage only practiced ninjutsu, using the characteristics of ninjutsu and combining with physical skills to develop ninjutsu. Although it was only a single basic attribute, its combat effectiveness was exploded and its strength was also high. At the top of the ninja world.

"Don't think so much, come with me and teach you two tips for practicing ninjutsu."

Bai Lu walked out of the room and came to the side of the fish pond in the yard, condensed the Chakra on the bottom of his feet, stepped on the water surface, and the water surface rippled.

Bai Lu walked flat to the center of the pool, and said to Leonai and Black pupil who were surprised:

"Try to condense the chakra on the soles of your feet, form a repulsive force, and then come up."

"Oh? Let me try!"

Leo Nai was obviously eager to try. Even the Beastmaster had no choice but to walk on the surface of the water. He immediately followed Bailu's words and stepped into the pool.


The water splashed and Leo Nai stomped on the air. Fortunately, the fish pond was not deep enough to cover more than half of his calf. It was not embarrassing.

Bai Lu smiled upon seeing this:

"Pay attention to control. If the repulsion is too large or too small, it will fail, and it must fit the current and the fluctuation of the water surface.

As I spoke, Esdes was already standing on the water, and the slender high heels of his army boots didn’t pierce the water. It was really amazing, my sister!It was only the first time to be able to do this, and it was indeed Esthers.

Leo Nai was quite unconvinced, and continued to practice without saying a word. Fortunately, he was not a big or small master. He must have passed the test in terms of control. After a few attempts, he was able to walk freely on the water. It seemed that I had obtained a new toy, and I walked around the small pool tirelessly, shocked that the koi carp scurrying around in the pool.

Black pupil's learning speed is also not slow, after all, the past experience is there, and it is not difficult to practice by analogy.

"There is still this."

Bai Lu saw that Leo Nai and Black Eye had already mastered the water surface walking, and the koi frightened them shook their heads helplessly. In fact, it is not difficult to learn this kind of thing, so he walked to a big tree aside and stood. On a horizontal branch, standing upside down, looking at Leonai and Black pupil, said:

"Let’s have a try. This time I use chakras to absorb. Also pay attention to control. If the adsorptive force is too large, it will be broken, and if the adsorptive force is too small, it will fall.

Leo Nai did not make a fool of himself this time. In terms of difficulty alone, a solid, unchanging tree is much easier than a constantly flowing and fluctuating water surface. It is a success.

"Little Lord."

Remi walked out of the shadows and handed a large scroll to Bailu. This is the fire, earth, and thunder ninjutsu owned by the Senju Clan. It can also be said that it is most of the three ninjutsu in the village of Kinaba. Up.

Speaking of it, Konoha has the strongest conditions in all aspects of the five ninja villages, but sincerely there is no special ninjutsu, such as the wind escape in the sand hidden village, the earth escape in the rock hidden village, the thunder escape and the fog hidden in the cloud hidden village The water escape in the village, Konoha should say that the fire escape is stronger, but to be honest, it is not very distinctive, at least not as obvious as the other hidden villages.

To say that the powerful fire escape is not without it, such as fireballs, fire extinguishing, fire extinguishing, dragon fire, dust hidden, etc... You know it is very powerful by hearing the name, but they are all Uchiha The family’s family ninjutsu, these things Uchiha would never be able to take out.

In fact, Konoha’s strongest part is that there are many ninjas. The three bloodstains of Senju, Uchiha, and Hyuga will not be mentioned. Sarutobi, Shimura, Inuzuka, Yume, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimi, Hagi, etc. The ninja world is famous for a while, with hundreds of years of age, medium-sized ninjas with their own characteristics, and some little-known ninjas.

Although the little Ninja clan is not well-known, if you think about it carefully, it must have two brushes to survive the Warring States period when people are dead every day.

Of course, there are many ninjas in other villages, and the ice escape bloodstained Shuiwuyue family and the Skeleton Huiye family of the Water Country are very famous.

However, in the event of a battle, Konoha, which is a joint action of the ninja clan, must have an advantage over other single-armed ninja villages.

Closer to home, there are not many top three-line ninjutsu Konoha, but the current ninjutsu is enough for Leo Nai and black pupils to practice, and ninjutsu, if you understand enough, you can develop it yourself, just like Bailu The water escape, the mirror of the river god and the ablation of all things, the former is a grade and the latter is s grade, absolutely high-end goods.

What's more, Bailu has the legacy of the second generation of Naruto. Although Qianshoujian did not invest much energy in the three elements of fire, earth and thunder, the ninjutsu inventors are not joking. There is no finished product. The semi-finished products with complete theories are still separate. There are three to five, middle-end and low-end old people have never developed it, but they have studied a lot, and the research that broke apart and crushed it has great benefits for beginners.

Bai Lu is not stingy with her own people. He sorted out the research experience of the old man fire, soil, and thunder ninjutsu and gave it to Leo Nai and Kuroto. Those semi-finished advanced ninjutsu waited for them to practice to a certain level. After all, It's a semi-finished product, and it can't be determined by two beginners.

As for Esthers, Bailu couldn’t help, and the old man of ninjutsu, such as Bing Dun, hadn’t studied it. Moreover, Esther’s Bing Dun is not strictly a blood stain, but the blood’s ability, which is better than ninjutsu. The application is more straightforward, simple, and handy.

Chapter 297

The sea waves are rippling, the waves are churning, the sound of water is clashed, the visibility is less than a few meters in the thick fog, the big ship enters the port and docks, the wood and the stone slab collide with a muffled sound.

When the group of people walked out of the cabin, Leonai looked at the white mist around him, like a fairyland, stretched out his hand, the mist flowed like a substance, and could not help but whispered:

"It's so foggy, and the air feels wet."

Mo Yiyun stood behind the crowd and introduced:

"Miss Leoney knows that the water country is made up of archipelagoes, rich in water vapor, less sunny, foggy and rainy. The fog is indeed heavy now, but it is not uncommon on the shore."

In recent years, as the business of the consortium has spread, Moyiyun has also traveled around and is knowledgeable, and because he is doing business for Bailu, he must have a considerable degree of understanding of the local situation, so although he has not been to the water country several times , But know a lot of things.

Senshou Lin Mao knows only a lot more, after all, he is a ninja, and he pays far more attention to intelligence than Mo Yiyun, but he is one of the dark parts of Senshou who stayed behind to protect Bailu, only responsible for Bailu , If Bailu didn't speak, he would not speak.

That’s right, Bailu and his party are now in the Nation of Water. They promised to bring Esders over to see the ice escape of this world. The world has been at peace for several years, and there is no tension between countries, and there is no such thing as before. So beware, there is nothing wrong with Coming Water Country at this time.

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