Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 313

"Your Excellency is strong, and I will worship you."

In fact, the strength of Kaguya Ninja is more than that. If he wants to, he can also perform desperate tricks, but once that trick is used, whether it is successful or not, he will pay a considerable price, and even if it succeeds, He is just a guard who has killed the Patriarch of Thousand Arms?woman?It makes no sense.

It doesn’t matter what the face of Wuyin Village is. Anyway, when the first generation of Naruto, the second generation of Naruto, and Uchiha Madara were alive a few years ago, let alone the village of Wuyin, the face of the entire Ninja world was in those three people. It's not a big deal to stom on the footsteps of the descendants of Hokage.

The crowd of misty village ninjas onlookers were angry and embarrassed. They were angry at their village ninja’s incompetence, but they were embarrassed about it. However, they were helpless. If they were singled out, they were not opponents. Group fights?Do not bring this to death.

How long did the First War of Ninja World end?The water country of Wuyin Village, a player with inherently weak conditions, does not take the opportunity to lick the wound to regain his strength. It is completely dead, and give them a hundred courage and dare not let Bai Lu get into trouble in Wuyin Village.

Of course, I dare not let Bailu have an accident in Wuyin Village, but I don’t necessarily have to greet Bailu with a smiling face and warmly entertain him. At any rate, he is also one of the five great Shinobi villages. Go up and buy it.

Therefore, Bai Lu, who was inconvenient to stay in Wuyin Village, left with Mo Yiyun. As for the power system laying plan or something, naturally there are people below who will do everything, and they have to do everything. Everyone can drink Northwest Wind!

When he returned to the voyage, Bai Lu originally planned to go to the country of the vortex. To be precise, it was the young lady of the vortex's house in the village of vortex, but she had to give up with Esther and Leone.

Playing romantic in front of the future old man?I'm afraid I will be killed.

How about the physical clone technique is a very useful ninjutsu, Bai Lu couldn't do it himself, so he divided into a clone to communicate with each other.

Asdes, the fighting madman, expressed regret that he did not see the authentic vortex seal technique.

Bai Lu said that the seal technique learned by the young master was too orthodox to be more orthodox.

Returning to the Thousand Hands Clan, the Esdes Wuyin Village and his party have gained a little bit, and there is no fighting for the time being, so they plan to study ninjutsu and Chakra carefully, and further develop their abilities, and Leonai and Black Eye In this way, most of their strength comes from Teigu, and having ninjutsu, a power system that enhances their abilities, is naturally very invested.

Bai Lu looked left and right, yes, there is nothing to deal with this deity, just explore the new world, anyway, the current strength is at the peak in the Ninja world, the eyes of reincarnation are far away indefinitely, it is better to go out and the waves of strength, perhaps Even a strong enemy can break through.

Even if you encounter a blue dragon-level enemy in the world where Esdes is, it is not without the possibility of escape, especially after getting inspiration from Teigu [Shanggradi] and applying the God of Thunder to a deeper level, Bai Lu felt No one can stop him unless he hits Esdes's'Moke Pottermore'!

Of course, Bai Lu’s nature is super intimidating. How could a person who is nice and cautious not make more preparations. After the lesson of jumping directly to Estes’s handsome account last time, he learned a lesson and gained wisdom. The boundary gate did not immediately cross over, and first lost a handful of Fei Lei Shen Kuwu.

Although the direct use of Xianshu Chakra, or the lack of natural energy in the control, there is still no problem in flying Thunder God, as long as the Flying Thunder God has coordinates and mental power positioning, there is sufficient energy to provide the power for space jump after the distant echoes. enough.

It doesn't matter whether the energy is ordinary chakra or neutralized fairy chakra, or natural energy.

The difficulty of Flying Thunder lies in the sense of space, which is an innate talent.


Although Bai Lu was mentally prepared when he crossed the gate for the first time, he would inevitably feel subconsciously horrified when he really faced it.

A lifeless blue-gray complexion, pale, dead fish-eye pupils, thick phlegm-like breathing in the throat, and mechanical and slow staggering footsteps... This thing is a real zombie, the eschatological theme of the rotten world of science and technology The cast of the movie!

Lost wisdom, only knows to eat, and swallow the walking dead of the same kind, like natural enemies that appeared specifically for humans.

This is a completely different species from the inside and outside of the Kabane. The Kabane is not necessarily much better-looking than the zombies, but it is stronger, or much stronger, the individual quality completely crushes the zombies, and a very small number of alien species have certain The degree of intelligence, learning ability, and even a monster like a fusion.

Bailu will feel horrified subconsciously, mainly because I watched too many horror movies in my previous life, and suddenly face to face, especially the pair of dead fish eyes, how horrible and horrible!

Then Bai Lu suddenly leaped back subconsciously, and at the same time his pupils contracted and swallowed.

But nothing happened...

Originally, he was going to make waves, but Bai Lu, who had just crossed the border, had not had time to find an'account' to log in to this world, nor had he had time to enter the fairy mode, and the result was very embarrassing.


Bai Lu narrowed his eyes, curled his mouth, and suddenly couldn't use ninjutsu. It was really unaccustomed, but there was no time for him to enter the fairy mode, so he used the Kuink suit that he had rarely used since he was equipped.

Now Bailu’s Kuink suit is not as streamlined as it was a few years ago. Under the supply of g, it has been replaced by a set of full body armor interlaced in black, red and blue. Although it is a full body armor, it is actually not heavy. Body tight, exquisite and light, even with visor, hand armor, and boots!

Due to the characteristics of the material Kazuko, it even has the effect of blessing power and speed, which is equivalent to a very advanced biological exoskeleton, although these increases are better than nothing for Bailu.

The weapon is a blue-violet horizontal knife with a straight blade, three fingers wide, and a length close to two meters. The blade on the tip of the blade is not arc-shaped, but an obtuse angle of 120 degrees, which is not effective for thrusting. , But very suitable for piercing armor.

The weapons created by Kuinke are extremely sharp, and cutting iron like mud is a humble term.

Such a magic weapon fell in Bai Lu's hands, cutting people like cutting vegetables, and the purple blade reflected a cold brilliance under the spotlight. As Bai Lu stepped on ghostly, it bloomed in the zombies group, and the light of the knife woven out. An unpredictable trajectory!

The police are trying their best to maintain the cordon, but also to appease those fools who think they are engaged in protests, and in response to tricky interviews, a figure jumped up from the abrupt group of zombies, making everyone subconsciously look over, and then see An incredible scene.

Hundreds of meters away from the bridge, on the second floor balcony of the river bank apartment, his head was big and thick and his neck was fat like a ball. The young boy who used a telescope to follow the situation of the bridge also saw this scene, and the shocked and graceful dragon. , A figure of a wicked armor like a demon god, can't help but call out excitedly:

"Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, come and see!"

Despite this, the little fat man did not forget to keep his voice down as much as possible. The place where they were was also in danger, and the streets under the balcony were full of zombies.

"What's the matter? Gengtai."

Xiao Shi Xiao, a short-haired boy wearing a brown-red T-shirt, walked onto the balcony with a puzzled expression, wondering why his companion was so gaffe.

The little fat man, Kota Hirano turned the telescope to Komuro Taka with a pale face, and pointed in the direction of the bridge:

"Look at the bridge over there."


Xiaomuro couldn't help but screamed when he saw it. His face was as pale as the little fat man beside him. Thanks to the high-powered telescope in his hand, even though the scene on the bridge was a few hundred meters away, the scene on the bridge was also very slim. Clear.

The scene of the slaughterhouse on the bridge where the heads are full of blood and blood can be seen. How can Komuro, who was a student a day ago, accept it?

However, there is still the ability to survive the first day of the last days, and the clues are quickly seen.

The corpses on the bridge were all beheaded, and the fracture was unusually smooth.

The figure standing under the spotlight at the bridgehead and being focused by the police, memorizing, and marching crowd was also very conspicuously greeted. Seeing the long knife, muttering questions to himself, but with a certain tone:

"A master of swordsmanship like Senior Sister Kongzi?"

Hirano Geng, who had witnessed a massacre with his own eyes, nodded too much and couldn't help saying:

"Do you know how long one has shared?"

Komuro Xiao heard the words subconsciously:

"How many?"

Kota Hirano stretched out a hand, the corner of his mouth twitched and said:

"No more than five seconds!"

Decapitate more than 20 zombies in less than five seconds. What is this concept?Even if you put more than twenty chickens there and let him chop honestly, it might not be possible to chop them in five seconds.

This is a ninja, a pure killing machine, even without ninjutsu, fighting skills summed up by thousands of years of battle and magic weapon in hand, killing people is easier than killing chickens!

Komuro Takashi was stunned when he heard the words, and then found that the demon-like figure he was following turned his head. Although covered with a solid visor, he could feel that the other party's eyes were looking at him.

Komuro Taka was taken aback by the weird thoughts that suddenly appeared, and he almost dropped the telescope in his hand, which made Hirano Kotoo look at him.

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