Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 319

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that this teenager, who seems to be two years younger than them, thinks more comprehensively and meticulously, seeing many things they haven't seen or missed.

Bai Lu said without thinking:

"Armor, bait.

There will be no shortage of battles in the future, and armor is a must, but for the convenience of action, it must not be a bulky full body armor. Set it according to your own fighting style.

I suggest a pair of arm guards is enough."

Zombies are no better than Kabane, but the two have a lot in common. Bailu uses the wisdom of Kabane world humans to deal with Kabane here, just right.

Xiao Shi Xiao heard this, a little disturbed:

"Will it be too little?"

He couldn't imagine that he would fight with the zombies with two armguards. After all, he would be finished if he was bitten by the zombies, and the zombies could not just bite their arms.

Bai Lu faintly explained:

"If you get a bite, you will definitely get infected, unless you put yourself in a safe, so there is no so-called safety. Arm guards are actively sent into their mouths to block them at a crisis, and they will fight back.

And if you face too much, you can also be a dying struggle.

Of course, the arm guard is just my suggestion, you decide how to prepare it."

Everyone was thoughtful when they heard the words. It sounds like Bailu's words are very reasonable. There is no problem in theory and logic, but they always feel uneasy. However, they must be prepared for arm guards.

Hirano Kota then continued:

"How about using your phone if you are bait?"


Bai Lu nodded his head to express his approval. Recently, there is no problem with using mobile phones as bait.

Entering the end of the world may not be reflected at first, but over time, daily functions such as water and electricity will be affected or even interrupted. Once the power is cut off, the mobile phone will also lose its function.

Having said that, many things in modern society are extremely dependent on electricity, and there are not many things that can automatically and continuously make sounds without relying on manpower.

Bailu paused, then said:

"In addition, it is best to take foods that contain high energy such as chocolate or that are easy to carry and preserve such as vacuum packaging. It is best to bring clean water for drinking to deal with situations other than quenching thirst.

Some people may think that juice should be brought to supplement energy. That's right, but the thirst quenching effect of juice is far inferior to that of clear water, and clear water is more versatile.

Hirano Kota also continued:

"There are also high-grade liquor and oil, I can use them as Molotov cocktails!"

After hearing this, Saye Gaocheng remembered the apartment supplies that had been counted, and said:

"The owner of the apartment has a collection of high-quality liquor, and the oil uses spare fuel from Hummer. You can use these to make a few first. Tomorrow the collection of materials is mainly food and water. If you have more time, you will find more."

The practical use of alcohol is better. However, most of the alcohol is in hospitals and clinics, and the stock is not too much. I am afraid that it is not enough to make Molotov cocktails, so Gao Cheng Saya did not say.

Not to mention the fuel, you have to go to the gas station, and the gas station is often set up on the main road with a large traffic volume. Most of the coastal generations are residential areas. Obviously there is no gas station nearby. The gas station occupied by a large number of zombies is not worth the gain for them whose goal is to cross the river.

Kota Hirano made a salute gesture and said:

"To understanding."


Everyone fell silent for a while, thinking about everything they could think of. After waiting for no one to speak, Dudao Kongzi stood up and said simply:

"If this is the case, let's start preparing. Teacher Shizuka draws a map to plan the route. Hirano prepares a Molotov cocktail. Komuro still goes to the balcony to guard. Miyamoto, Takashi and I will prepare armor for you. You can help with Senju. Yes, you should be prepared."

"Good (yes)."

Komuro and Heping Yekota responded at the same time. One stood up and went upstairs to the balcony to be on guard, and the other looked for high-level liquor and fuel to make Molotov cocktails.

Mr. Shizuka had been drawing pictures before, and she was completely involved in it, and there was no response. Perhaps he heard the words of Dudao Tsuiko and did not care to respond.

Little Lori Alice said positively:

"Sister Poison Island, Alice can help too!"

Hearing the words, Dudao Kongzi touched Lori's head, smiling like a flower:

"it is good."

Well-behaved children have always been likable, not to mention that for children like Alice who have just gone through hardships, their well-being is even more pitiful.

At the moment, everyone worked together to prepare according to their respective divisions of labor, and was busy until more than 11 o'clock in the evening. Hirano Kota volunteered to take over Komuro Takashi's guard task.

In the apocalypse, it is not careless at all, the crisis does not only come from those zombies, but also from the same kind...

When Bailu woke up, the sky was shining brightly, and she walked to the balcony and said to Hirano Kotaichi, who remained vigorous all night:

"I'll take over, so you can take a break."

Kota Hirano shook his head when he heard this, and grinned:

"It doesn't matter, I used to play games all night long, I'm used to it."

Bai Lu smiled clearly when he heard the words. This is the case for the young man. He was also a fat house back then. Although his hobby is not to play games, but to watch novels and movies, he often does it all night.

The slight difference is that he was an ordinary fat house back then, but he did not have such a good shooting technique as Hirano.

Bai Lu does not persuade him. He has had the same experience. Naturally, he knows that people who have the habit of staying up all night do not count as much, and there is not much time before departure. Now they fall asleep but can't replenish their energy. After waking up, they will only get more energy. Sleepy, but affect the state.

So without saying anything, while observing the situation, he asked directly:

"Nothing unusual last night?"

Hirano Kota heard this and replied:

"It's nothing, it's just after two o'clock in the morning, the phone might be out of power, and the zombies scattered a little."

Bai Lu nodded slightly, he also saw the zombies wandering around the street, and said indifferently:

"It's okay, this amount, with the impact of the Hummer, is enough to hit it."


Hirano Kota nodded when he heard the words, and then raised a hand. On his arm, he wore a double-layer wooden plank that completely covered the outer arm of the arm and was wrapped in cotton. The wooden plank was a bit long and even covered the back of his hand, which was quite strange.

Hirano moved too much and said:

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