Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 330

Saya Gaocheng twitched and had to admit that the self-proclaimed genius she was very frustrated in the face of Bailu, and it was her mother who told her to understand the reason for moving to the safe zone.

"The morning after tomorrow."

"Time is a bit tight."

Bai Lu touched her chin, paused, and suddenly said:

"Well, I want to ask you a question. Although we have chosen to'disengage', what is your position for yourself?

The guerrillas expelling zombies?Or is it completely independent?"

Rei Miyamoto was puzzled:

"Is there any difference? No matter what, we can't avoid fighting them."

"The guerrillas refer to the pure combat organization that relies on the Gaocheng family for logistics. They are mercenaries in a sense, the Gaocheng family's vassals, but the number is limited to us. Even if we add new members, it will not be too many, and it has a certain degree of independence .

Complete independence means forming our own forces, like the Gaocheng family, or a similar existence, then we will become the management, the rule-makers, that is, if we want, we can even restore the feudal system and even slavery in the past. ."

The education Gao Cheng Saya received made her understand Bailu's meaning in an instant, explained Bailu to Miyamoto Rei, and then looked at Bailu knowingly and asked:

"Does that mean?"

Bai Lu nodded slightly.

Everyone was silent for a while. Although they had chosen to "leave" before, they did not think too much. They subconsciously prepared to follow Bailu's guerrilla method. After all, their state is not stable, and they are not suitable and unable to take their parents with them. Action, it is most suitable for them to stay in a safe Gaocheng home.

However, Bai Lu's question showed them another way. The girls and Shizuka-teacher had no idea, but Komuro and Heping Nokota were thinking seriously.

In fact, Saya Gaocheng is also very tempted. She has lived under the wings and glory of her parents since she was a child. If she has the opportunity to make a career of her own, she is very happy, even if it is difficult, she even needs to risk her life.

But again, is there anything that is not dangerous in the world?When you drink cold water when you are particularly unlucky, your teeth are stuffed!

Suddenly, Dudao Tsuizi said:

"Your thoughts?"

Bai Lu shrugged and told the truth:

"I don't care, I just don't want to be too bored with you, maybe I want to leave anytime."

Gao Cheng Saya looked at Bai Lu in amazement.

"you are serious?"

She doesn't understand Bailu anymore. From Bailu's careful work style and proposal, she is an ambitious person, but at this time she easily says to give up or abandon it, which is unimaginable.

Bai Lu asked back:

"Do I need to make a joke?"


Everyone was speechless, and suddenly realized that they had never understood, or even understood Bailu.

There was a little silence, Komuro said:

"If you are completely independent, what will our parents do?"

Although it was a question, it also represented Komuro Takashi's preference choice. If he could solve his current problem, he would choose to be completely independent.

"Youth, you should know more about where you live."

Bai Lu chuckled and pointed to a certain position on the edge of the bed owner city map.

"The biggest weakness of those things is that they cannot be launched. Coincidentally, there are several small islands near the main city of Bedouin. The big ones are like overseas airports, but the small ones are only a hundred meters in radius. These are all good places for bases."

Komuro's hypothetical way:

"What if someone takes it first?"

"There is no objection to your assumption."

Bai Lu snorted and did not give an answer, but he also gave an answer. Whether he can realize that he is willing to accept it is Xiao Shi Xiao's own business.

"Speaking of which, the Hummer is no problem crossing the river. It will definitely not work if you go to the sea. If you continue to modify it, you will not have enough time. Forget it, you can go to the relevant store and walk around. The beach is definitely not lacking. Who knows? , Can get something like an inflatable boat."


The knock on the door suddenly remembered, and a male voice sounded outside the door.

"Miss, the weapon you wanted was sent here."

Standing at the door, Kota Hirano heard the words and opened the door, and saw a young man in blue clothes walking in with a knife and a wooden spear in one hand, putting his weapon on the ground, and then said:

"There is no reserve for the spear, so if it is made temporarily, it can be handed over to me for modification.

Also, the commander-in-chief asked Miss Dudao to come over."

Toxic Island Nodded and was a little surprised, but there was nothing to see the uneasy color of the big man. Although the Gaocheng family was once the lord of the old bed lord, the heritage of the Toxic Island family is not necessarily shorter than that of the Gaocheng family. Her father The swordsman who was once Gao Cheng's father, the teacher went out of the same school, there is no talk of awe.

"I will leave for a while."

Dudao Kongzi talked to everyone and went out.

Rei Miyamoto took the long gun and tried it. The wooden pole was smooth and elastic. The wood was treated with dry wood. There was no need to worry about cracking in the future. The weight was slightly heavier, but it was within the acceptable range.

Rei Miyamoto, who has never had a regular spear, got a handy weapon, and said with joy:

"very suitable."

Bai Lu drew out the knife and looked at it. The cold light flashing under the light of the blade knew that it was sharp and slightly lighter, but it was not a problem. After all, relative to his strength, things weighing hundreds of catties were just like that.

Bai Lu nodded slightly, which was regarded as a sign of approval for this knife.

"I can rest assured that."

The young man in blue was relieved when he heard the words, bowed slightly to Saye Gaocheng, and exited the room.

Gao Cheng Saya looked at Bai Lu, and said unhappy:

"Where are our weapons?"

Bai Lu casually returned the long sword to its sheath, and said lightly:

"You don't know how to use weapons. The Japanese sword is a technical weapon, especially for decapitation. If you accidentally cut it on the bone, the blade will wear out, and it will be scrapped after a few times.

Komuro has good strength, just use a stick, those things are easy to find."

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