Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 342

The 320th chapter is strong!

After finding the police bulletproof vests in the armory, Komuro Taka and Heidao immediately replaced them. Although the self-made armors were good, they were too crude compared to the bulletproof vests, while Bailu and Toshishima Tsuiko remained the same. Bailu didn’t need it. However, from the beginning, Tokushima Tsuiko had only a simple pair of armguards. Wearing a body armor would affect her flexibility, but it would be cumbersome.

After the four changed their outfits, one with a small pistol and full of confidence, they walked out of the East Police Station, crossed the street, and walked to the department store that had been supplied before. The supplies and people in it were their second target, too. The most important goal, after all, to develop a base, the most important thing is people and materials.

Half an hour ago, Bailu set up an alarm clock on a balcony of a residential building two blocks away from the East Department. After the alarm sounded and the zombies moved, the survivors in the department store also noticed the movement of the zombies, although they didn’t know how. It's true, but I also vaguely heard Dangdang's voice and guessed that it was a human movement, so I kept staring in that direction.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for them to see Bailu and his party entering the police station across the street, making many people who were eager to move after seeing the zombies leave, regrettable, but some people recognized Bailu and his party and couldn't help but wonder:

"Why are they back!?"

The other person shook his head, guessing:

"I don't know, there are only four people left, and the car is no longer there, maybe it was stopped by the zombies."


Someone agrees and some opposes and put forward their own views.

"It's not like it, but it seems that they have a plan."

Asami Nakaoka, the policewoman, looked at the four people who went back and entered the police station with a strange premonition. She felt that the four children would definitely come. She felt a little bit uncomfortable. She was not resisting. In short, it was mysterious and mysterious. The six senses are so unreasonable.

Asami Nakaoka had a hunch but couldn't say it. She couldn't do anything bad when she wanted to come with four children. She shook her head just as she thought too much.

After a while, when they saw the four of Bailu, Bailu and his party had already gained something. Komuro and Heping Ye Gengtai changed a set of equipment. They secretly regretted that they were a step late and saw Bailu cross the street. , Some people can't help but think carefully.

However, the following facts will soon give them a profound lesson.

Bailu and his party entered the department store. Bailu looked at the leader Asami Nakaoka and the survivors and said lightly:

"Come with us."

Nakaoka Mami's heart jumped, and she faintly understood how her previous premonition had come from.

Not all of the survivors had the sixth sense of Nakaoka Asami. A middle-aged man wearing a cotton hat stepped forward with excitement:

"Has the Gaocheng family cleared the way to come here?"

Bai Lu squinted slightly and said faintly:

"No, we found an overseas island as a base to collect yours."


Asami Nakaoka heard the words in her heart and said, "Sure enough," but the survivors were startled when they heard the words, and immediately burst into laughter, and looked at Bailu sarcastically:

"Boy, are you talking about your dreams? Take us in"


The end of the iron-clad scabbard hit the middle-aged man's face fiercely. Bailu shook his wrist, and shook the scabbard flying out. The cold-lighted sword blade stuck to the middle-aged man's neck, expressionless. Road:

"No matter how stupid, you should understand your position, you just need to obey!"

Perhaps it was due to the exhaustion of patience in playing the game, and the power of Bailu was slightly leaked during the conversation. The power of the multiple rulers of the three worlds only a little shocked ordinary people. The needle fell quietly in the department store. Smellable.

Poison Island Kongzi's swordsmanship is exquisite and he has a clear mind. Although his strength is still in the category of ordinary people, his heart is extremely strong, and he is the first to recover. The catalog is splendid, and if he is thinking, he has not broken the silence.

Others started with Hirano Kota and police officer Nakaoka Asami who had been trained outside, and gradually woke up, looking at Shiroru with a little awe involuntarily.

Nakaoka Asami silently drew out her gun, and looked at Bailu cautiously:

"Everyone is a survivor, sit down and say something, don't be impulsive!"

The middle-aged man with a knife on his neck was sweating coldly. He didn't know where the courage came from. He thought that Bailu would not dare to really do it. After hypnotizing himself, he wanted to retreat and avoid the blade while saying dryly:

"You are breaking the law..."

The middle-aged man didn't finish his words, and the tip of a long knife was nailed to the center of his brows, a thin blood line fell smoothly, and the words stopped abruptly.

Bailu pulled out the tip of the knife, pointed the muzzle of the left revolver at Asami Nakaoka, and said lightly:

"This world has always been the weak and the strong. The strong set the rules. In the last days, fists, knives, and guns are power. Those who have power speak, and those who are powerless follow. What do you think of the police officer?"


Du Dao and others were also shocked by Bai Lu’s inconsistent murderous actions, but they soon reacted. Du Dao Tongzi and Heping Yegong’s support was too silent. One person drew his sword and the other raised his gun. Although Komuro saw this, he felt a little uncomfortable Adapted, but after a feeble groan, he pointed his gun at the survivor.

There were dozens of survivors. They were terrified when they saw Bailu's cruelty. Some were naturally restless. They thought they could bully the widows by the crowd, so they shouted:

"There are only four of them, and they didn't dare to shoot zombies and fight with them."


Smoky smoke drifted from the muzzle, a bloody arrow shot out from the back of the noisy person's head, and fell on his back. The survivor who was about to move, his expression became a little frightened.

"Don't dare to shoot?"

Bai Lu raised her eyebrows, not smiling, blowing away the green smoke from her muzzle, and said leisurely:

"Although there was a previous mechanism that led away the nearby zombies, the gunshots passed farther, so...you are running out of time."


The survivors looked sluggish, complaining or even hating the people who had clamored before, but did not dare to raise a little bit of resentment against Bailu, some were just endless fear, did not dare to move, even held their breath, for fear that the next person to die would be himself. Liushen Wuzhu, knowing that the zombies would come but did not dare to do anything, subconsciously cast her gaze at Asami Nakaoka in a police uniform in front.

Asami Nakaoka felt the gaze behind her, gave a wry smile, and looked at Bailu:

"We choose to obey."

Bai Lu nodded in satisfaction, pointed the tip of the knife and the muzzle, and said lightly:

"Very well, I will give you three minutes to prepare survival supplies, and then walk with us. The words are ahead. The island is a deserted island with no people. You can take care of food and clothes. Don't fall behind on the road because of greed."

Asami Nakaoka took a deep breath after hearing this, and turned to the survivors:

"Have you heard it, hurry up and prepare!"

With Asami Nakaoka taking the lead, the survivors breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately got ready to sweat profusely. They didn’t have much time, and they had to think about what to bring. They didn’t doubt that the cruel boy would be there for them. Abandon them when overtime or falling behind.

With the time left for the survivors to prepare, Komuro Takashi said with some dissatisfaction:

"It's over."

Bai Lu glanced at Komuro Takashi and didn't say anything. There is really nothing to say with this kind of high school student who just came out of the ivory tower, even though the experience in the last few days has made Komuro Taka mature a lot.

Hirano Kengtai was able to understand Bailu's approach. After all, he was trained in military affairs and could understand many principles, but he also felt that Bailu's methods were too cruel.

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