Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 35

Sifang Chuanchangpu believed it was true, pursed his lips and smiled, and said modestly:

"Where, you are really polite. We can only get here safely with your protection along the way. We should do it."

Bai Lu blinked awkwardly when he heard the sincere words of the Sifang Chuanchangpu. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he nodded slightly, said nothing, turned and left.

Everyone in the front of the car was confused. You look at me, I look at you, and they all look blinded.

They didn't know what the usually mysterious and powerful guardian was thinking, so they came over to say a polite thing?

It's too boring!

Before everyone in the front of the car had time to make more complaints about Bai Lu, they heard the rapid alarm bell from the observation platform on the wall of Wawenyi.

Not only in the front of the car, but also in Jiatiecheng, and even the whole Wowenyi people became nervous when they heard the alarm bell.

The alarm bells only mean one thing: Cabane invasion!

Of course, it is not without exception. At this moment, the Shu Fangzhong, who has the name of liberator, actually activated Juncheng and asked the gatekeeper of Wawenyi to lower the suspension bridge.

Amidst the surprise and admiration of all the residents of Wawen Post and everyone in Jiatiecheng, they rushed out of the post all the way.

It's not to run away, but to face it upright!

Bai Lu was also slightly surprised by the behavior of Shu Fangzhong, and immediately walked towards the kitchen car, the bastard who poisoned him more that he cared about now!

Be sure to let that guy have a taste of the onigiri he has added!

Chapter 34 Hunting Fangzhong

The heavy suspension bridge slowly descended amidst the creak of the machinery overwhelmed, and finally completed the connection with the external track.

Hunting Fangzhong, red-brown painting, the full-bodied Juncheng spewed pitch black smoke, burst out of the station amid the rhythmic and dynamic clicking sound, and stayed in the Kabbah everywhere in the shocked look of everyone On the plains.

Kabane was attracted by the huge sound of Juncheng running. Most of the cabanes gave up the siege and invaded the Wowenyi station, and instead howled towards the Juncheng of the hunters, seemingly staggering, but once they smelled alive Breath, will incarnate the most brutal evil spirit!


A train carriage in the Shoufang Zhongjun Castle is different and wider. The entire box walls on both sides have been transformed. Amid the hum of the machinery, they were lifted one by one. In the carriage, all the samurai wore masks and the same uniforms. , Stand ready.

"Incendiary bomb, let go!"

The samurai at the outermost part of the carriage squatted in two groups, with a metal tube like a grenadier placed in the middle. Following the command of the commander, the samurai quickly stuffed the cannonball into the barrel, regardless of the outcome in the next moment. , Covering his ears and lowered his head.


A cannonball was ejected and landed on the soft ground or hard rock. It exploded. The strong air wave shredded the nearest Kabane, and the fire and oil flowed to the surroundings. Spilled out, poured on the ground and Kabane, burning violently.

Ah ah ah--

Kabane's body was dead, but he seemed to be able to feel the pain of the burning fire, and he made a harsh and unpleasant roar at the same time, charging towards Juncheng even more frantically.

Not only did the warriors in the hunting party not shrink back from the defense, but instead launched a countercharge. A row of masked motorcycle riders rushed out with the grey-haired boy's gestures.

Suddenly ---


The locomotive roared and charged in a criss-cross pattern on the undulating ground, facing Kabane without dodge, and violently colliding. The shooter sitting in the back seat of the locomotive was calm and stable, with no bullets, although he could not kill Kabane. , But opened a channel for the rider, reducing obstacles.

Occasionally, accidents occurred, causing the locomotive to fall, and the samurai didn't care. The rider pulled out the steam gun behind him, and cooperated with his partner in the back seat, approaching and gathering nearby companions.

None of the warriors in the hunting party shouted to boost morale, but silently repeated the process of firing and advancing, murderously, the dull shooting of steam guns and the howling of Kabane played the melody of death on the plain.

Skybird Mima has long pink hair, is dressed in a pitch-black combat uniform, is dressed in a red half-length cloak, and holds a fire-red network pattern long knife. As the leader of the hunting party, he looks more like a handsome nobleman who has held a high position for a long time. Handsome guy, but his bravery is not lost to his appearance, riding a horse, galloping on the battlefield, leading his men to victory!

I often walk by the river, so how can I not wet my shoes?

The hunter is not invincible, and some people will be injured. The samurai didn't panic either. He just handed his steam gun to his companion, took out his self-determination belt and pressed it to his heart, and said lightly:

"I will leave it to you later."


The samurai ripped off the lead of the self-determination belt as he said, his heart spurted blood mixed with minced meat, his body was lying weakly on the ground, losing his vitality.

There is no unwillingness, no resentment, and some are just plain looking at death.

Because of this, it brought a spiritual shock to every coward who was secretly watching behind the post city wall, and aroused the enthusiasm of the heart that has not yet cooled.

They cheered, yelled, and shot Kabane. They may not have made any significant achievements, but they are not useless. They can help the hunters share some pressure and feel satisfied.

This is a war, a war between mankind and Kabane, a war in which mankind takes the initiative to attack!

Bai Lu held a white gold three-foot long sword with a cold face, and attacked his Kabane with the owl's head, walking calmly on the plain of fire and blood, step by step, walking towards the direction of the sky bird and horse.

The lower edge of the pure white kimono was stained with a little blood. If a little bit of bloody plum blossoms bloom in the cold winter, it will add a bit of cool beauty, but the color of the'plum blossom' is too bright, and there is a hint of charm and evil in the cold.

Seeing the various performances of the Shou Fangzhong, Bai Lu sighed in her heart.

Such a performance is worthy of the name of a liberator, but ---

Bai Lu glanced at the steed that was foaming at her feet and fell to the ground exhaustedly. Behind the steed, a few dying or even dead humans were dragged with a rope. The civilians' bodies against the ground were rubbed with blood and blood. The red blood path spread from a distance. Come.

Kabane was attracted artificially, coincidence?Or not?


Kabane's roar suddenly sounded in his ears, interrupting Bai Lu's thoughts.

Bai Lu turned his head and looked at it, but it was one, or three combined together, with a weird and peculiar shape, a particularly tall Kabane.

The two-meter-high Kabbane Kabane should be a thief skill Kabane. It has the fighting consciousness during his lifetime. Not only can he use weapons, but also has defensive instinct. Let two petite Kabane hang on his chest and back, completely shielding him. The key to his heart.

"Annoying tall guy..."

A hint of displeasure flashed in Bai Lu's eyes. This Kabane was too high. Standing next to him was like a hill, covered with dark clouds, blocking the sun, making Bai Lu feel very annoying.

The body is not tall, and it always feels like being overlooked, which is really uncomfortable. It is even more uncomfortable to be overlooked after using the transformation technique!


The big knife of the fit Kabane slashed deep into the soft ground, the turf and mud splashed, Kabane howled, raised the knife, but the tall body threw forward uncontrollably.

"It looks much pleasing to the eye."

Bai Lu watched her legs break at the root and fell to Kabane under her feet, raising her eyebrows slightly, the three-foot long sword in her hand danced, and the golden light refracted by the sword tip left several pleasing golden arcs in the air.


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