Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 356

Underworld Chasing Soul raised his head to see Bai Lu, nodded slightly, and after answering Bai Lu's question, he handed the case in his hand to Bai Lu.

"It just so happened that you came, and a patient fell into a coma. Go and see."


Bai Lu raised his eyelids upon hearing this, and reached out to take the case. He is a specially-appointed physician, who only accepts intractable diseases that embarrass ordinary doctors, or helps Underworld Chase handle some tricky operations, and relieves Underworld Chase some burden.

Listening to the meaning of Soul Chaser, this case is very special, otherwise Soul Chaser will directly tell him what he needs to help.

"Zuotian Leizi? The situation is unknown, what the hell? A new disease?"

Bai Lu frowned slightly when he saw the case. He knew that Zuotian Leizi, who was nicknamed the legendary'lv6 updraft' by the artillery fans, was a cheerful girl, but he had never met.

Hearing the words, the soul chaser said calmly:

"If that child is really sick, I'm pretty sure it will be cured, but she is not sick, and it is not a doctor who can intervene."

"I want to go check it out."

Bai Lu shook her head slightly, put down the case and walked out of the office.

Since the original Cannon Sister and Mo forbidden were talked about separately, and he had never watched anime, he had a guess about Saten Leizi's "illness" but he was not sure.

Of course, if it was the same as he thought, the solution would be quite simple.

Entering the ward, Bai Lu saw Misaka Mikoto who was sitting in front of the hospital bed with a worried face, and couldn't help but smile and said:

"Sister Pao, you are here."


Misaka Mikoto's mouth twitched. She only told this guy yesterday that she could call his name, and she changed it back today, deliberately!

However, thinking that Saten Leizi was still lying on the hospital bed, Misaka Mikoto was not in the mood to entangle the shameful address, looking at Bai Lu suspiciously:

"Are you here to treat tears?"

Although she knew that Bailu's heart pierced through and hit her own electromagnetic cannon, all the serious injuries that could kill her recovered within half a day, and she also knew that Bailu was the specially-appointed physician here, but it was always hard to see Bailu's appearance with herself being much smaller Believe in Bailu's medical skills.

Bai Lu did not look at her former admiration like fanatical fans, but now she fainted in front of the girl who had a good impression, and said cautiously:

"I'll check it first, you just sit down."

Bai Lu smiled, and let Misaka Mikoto who was about to get up to make room for herself, sit back, and stared at Saten's tears, her pupils quietly changing into a kaleidoscope of blood red and black flowers.

Everyone in the Ninja world knows that Hyuga's white eyes can see through. In fact, the writing wheel eyes can also see the flow of energy. The higher the level, the more and clearer they see, and the larger the scope.

Although it can't see through, it's not as good as a blind eye in terms of distance and range, and it can't observe 360 ​​degrees without blind spots, but Kaleidoscope is much better than blind eyes in simple observation and insight.

In Bai Lu's eyes, there is no problem with the energy flow from head to toe in Zuotian Leizi's body, a very healthy girl.

Sure enough, there was no gain, and it seems that Zhuanyan can't see everything.

Several light green medical chakras condensed on Bailu's fingertips and concentrated on the head of Zuotian Leizi.

Human body functions normally, but people are not awake, indicating that there is a problem with the brain or soul.

Although the brain and soul are mysterious, Bailu is not without means to detect.

After mastering the principle, Chakra is more accurate and convenient than any scientific instrument, and safe, without radiation or anything.

The premise is that the operator has an extremely fine control over the Chakra.

This time Bai Lu really found something unusual and confirmed his guess. He immediately relieved his heart, as long as he understands everything and has a corresponding method, it will be much easier.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko watched Shiroko's tactics. Although they didn't understand at all, they didn't dare to bother. It felt like a long time in just a few minutes.

Seeing Misaka Mikoto's nervousness, Bai Lu smiled and said:

"Everything is normal, there is no danger."


Misaka Mikoto was startled when he heard this, but Shirai Kuroko unceremoniously questioned:

"Have you checked carefully? If you are unconscious, you say it's not dangerous!"

"Who said that coma is dangerous?"

Bai Lu snorted and stabbed back, and then explained to the frowning sister Pao:

"There was an external brain wave inserted into her brain wave. This is the cause of the coma, but it is not dangerous, as long as that brain wave is dissipated.

Although I can handle it now, the brain is, after all, the most mysterious part of the human body. A slight impropriety can damage Saten's brain."

"Ah!? What should I do?"

Misaka Mikoto was surprised and helpless. The ability and improvement of the capable people rely on the brain to perform complex calculations, so the importance of the brain to the capable people is self-evident.

Although it is possible to make a mistake to improve the brain calculation, the possibility is too small, Misaka Mikoto dare not take this risk, nor does he dare to make a decision for Sakuraiko.

Bai Lu did not answer directly, but asked instead:

"What did she encounter before she passed out? Or what did she do?"

Shirai Kuroko replied for Misaka Mikoto:

"Zotian used levep."

She is currently investigating this matter, and Saten vaguely spoke before she fell into a coma, so she knew better than Misaka Mikoto.

"what is that?"

Bai Lu remembers the story of the original story, but it is impossible to remember all the details.

Baijing Kuroko glanced at Bai Lu contemptuously, disgusting him that he didn't even know the topic that has been widely spread in the Academy City recently, but he still replied:

"The things in urban legends that can improve their superpowers are heard from users as a piece of music, but they have no samples of what it looks like. It seems that people who use this music are all one-time use, and they will disappear completely after use. ."

"It's amazing."

Bai Lu sighed, and didn't care about Shirai Kuroko's contempt. He was not a capable person. Although he was willing to pay attention to the information of Academy City, the rumors of urban legends were not included in the collection.

You can't expect him to collect all kinds of information. He is not some kind of upside down voyeur with eyeliner covering every corner of the Academy City, and he doesn't have that strong information processing ability.

"But this thing uses music as a medium, so it can be cracked in the same way. You can find music to be cracked, or you can find the music producer directly."

Bai Lu gave a solution. In his opinion, this matter was not a big problem. Sister Pao could easily solve it, so she was not very positive.

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