Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 370

In general, it is like this."

Although Bai Lu said it simply, but the women who knew Bai Lu's'biggest life in the world' character and various life-saving skills were twitched.

Tsunade’s indifference broke his power in an instant, grabbing Bailu's hand for inspection, and said nervously:

"Has the body fully recovered? Is there no hidden danger left?"

Esdes and Touka Kirishima no longer sullen their faces, and the atmosphere is greatly relaxed.

Bai Lu held Tsunade's little hand back, and said lightly:

"No problem, that is, the last bit of life force in the Yin Seal has been consumed."

Tsunade checked it again and found nothing wrong. He found that Bailu held his hand back, and the earlobe turned red. Seeing Tsunade's reaction, Tsunade confirmed that Bailu was okay, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Asides just let go, thinking of Bailu's life and death at the time, feeling self-blame and annoyed when he was not around, and regretted that he missed the battle with a strong enemy fighter, and said unhappy:

"Why don't we come back in the first time, are we so unworthy of your trust?"

Suiji said in confusion:


Bai Lu nodded.

"Well, although it sounds unbelievable, she didn't kill me. Instead, she gave me weapons and knowledge sufficient to kill the gods and became my teacher. She asked to be called'Master'."

Kirishima Touka blinked, tilted her head and said:

"...This, no matter how you listen to it, it doesn't feel real."

"But this is the truth. The story of the master craftsman is a long story. I will tell you slowly later."

Bai Lu smiled lightly:

"That is the power of magic, you will see it."

Chapter 341: Return to Ninja World

Really... a lot of things have happened.

Bai Lu rubbed her brows, relieving her dizzy and painful head receiving too many memories at once.

The memory of more than seven years is not so easy to accept. Fortunately, the spiritual secrets that he has been practicing have been accumulating to strengthen his mental power and soul, and related magic to help him, so that he will not be too embarrassed.

To be ordinary people, if you dare to do so, you are dead.

Don't say that seven years, even half a month, is enough to cause serious mental disturbance to the average person. This is why the shadow clone technique is classified as a grade ninjutsu. In addition to its practicality, it is also very dangerous.

The reason for the multiple shadow avatar technique as a forbidden technique is even more needless to say.

When the physical discomfort eased, Bai Lu closed his eyes and began to sort out in detail the things that had happened in the Ninja world during the past few years when he was out of the Ninja world.

The overall trend of Ninja in the past few years has been peaceful. Bailu’s business empire has developed very smoothly, and in order not to expose his wealth, he avoids accumulating a lot of money to the point of being jealous of others... Although with the current strength of Qianshou, you do not need to care at all The so-called open guns are easy to hide from the dark arrows and difficult to defend. Those people deliberately engage in small damage, which is also very helpless and headache.

So from three years ago, Bailu's business empire began to turn from light to dark. It seemed that with the decline of the Thousand Hands Clan, the lack of confidence began to hesitate, even a low-key man.

In fact, under the operation of the business genius of Moyiyun, Ninja does not know how many industries are under the control of Bailu's business empire. The tentacles of the business empire have extended to all industries in various countries to make gold, military and civilian industries. If you are involved, you will get gold every day.

In addition, the Thousands of Hands Clan itself has not changed much, and it is indeed declining.

After all, it was not the era of precarious wars. Senju and Uchiha were no longer enemies. In the case that the blood inheritance was difficult to awaken, the clansmen of the Senju clan grew slowly, and lost their opposition to the Ninja World, and even to the village of Konoha. The right to speak.

The only thing that can be drawn is that the first generation of Naruto that has passed away for many years can be shaken twice. As for the real strength, although it is still stronger than most Ninjas, it has long lost its glory of the year, and is even more so than Uchiha. Was dumped several blocks.

The Ninja world has been calm for many years, but unfortunately there has been no peace for a few years. The four major Ninja villages besides Konoha are still thinking about moving. This time the fuse is the Uzumaki family.

With the secret support of Bailu’s business empire and the support of Konoha’s hard-core ally, the small days of the Uzumaki clan have become more prosperous. With the exclusive sealing technique, they dare not say that they are on an equal footing with the five great Shinobu villages, but they are also full of confidence. He is comfortable with the five great ninja villages, and has a much more comfortable life than other small ninja villages.

However, this person is always greedy, and it swelled within a few days. The whirlpool family actually wants to turn the vortex village into the vortex country...

Bai Lu's deity flipped through this piece of information, and secretly complained about his future father-in-law, who was afraid that it was not someone who was getting older, and his brain was confused.

Regardless of the whirlpool clan or the Wuyin Village, in any case, even with special products such as the door-blocking seal technique and the detonation talisman, for the five major ninja villages, they are still small characters who rely on their breath to survive.

If the nation was founded, the Maelstrom clan, and the ninja family dominated the country, with huge human and material resources, it would be enough to be on an equal footing with the five ninja villages.

Coupled with the sealing technique that even the tail beast can be trapped to death, I'm afraid it's not going to sit on the head of the Five Great Ninja Village.

The sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan can seal the nine tails, and before the first generations of Hokage and Uchiha Madara, they were super fierce beasts that humans cannot match.

The sealing technique of the Maelstrom family is comparable to the terrible technology of neutralizing nuclear bombs in the technological world, and the Maelstrom family is the organization that masters this technology.

If it's just a small organization without threats, the five big rogue countries will all woo Yan Yue, but this organization now wants to build a nation... What does this mean?

This is to sit on the heads of the five hooligans to urinate and wear flail, the five hooligans can bear it!?If you don't slap you to death, you just can't find a suitable excuse.

Even if Konoha and the Uzumaki clan are hard-core allies, Konoha cannot accept the Uzumaki clan's idea of ​​building a nation.

The reason is that the seal technique is too restrained against the tail beasts and other ninjutsu, which makes the five ninjutsu villages feel uneasy. If it is the unique ninjutsu of a small group of people and a small family, the five ninjutsu villages are sure to pay a certain amount. The price will be wiped out, and once this technology is popularized, small families will become behemoths, which will make the Five Ninja Villages uneasy.

The five great Ninja villages are already the apex of their forces. They will fight each other, but they cannot allow other Ninja villages to share the cake, let alone those beyond their control.

This is the general trend of the world. The Uzumaki family is dying if they want to build a nation. The reason why they are not dead is that Konoha has not completely abandoned the Uzumaki family, and the other four Ninja villages do not want to easily break the balance.

After all, in the case of war, when both sides are prepared for each other and the strengths are not much different, those who first show their strength will suffer more.

But... the day when the Maelstrom clan announced the founding of the country was when Konoha completely gave up, the other four powers attacked and the Maelstrom clan perished.

e. Maybe Konoha will also sneak into the attacking teams of the four big countries, and pull some small countries as cover by the way.

Don't overestimate the ethics of Sarutobi Hizen after being Hokage, and don't underestimate the bottom line of Shimura Danzo, who has chosen to be in the dark and is not a good person.

What happened to the hardcore ally?Brothers still settle accounts!

The whirlpool clan has expanded. With the support of the business empire and Konoha, they no longer know their surname.

It is as strong as the country of iron, and its position is absolutely neutral. It seems complacent, but in fact it cleverly avoided every violent conflict in the Ninja world.

Obviously, it is a country composed of a group of warriors who can't know how to do ninjutsu, but it has survived the chaotic Warring States period, and is on the same level as the five great Ninjutsu countries.

Although there are no ninjas in the country of iron, they are composed of seemingly ordinary warriors like samurai, but the army of tens of thousands of samurai is enough to make the five big countries and five big Ninja villages dare not take its edge lightly.

Of course, if the Five Ninja Villages of the Five Great Powers were determined to fight the Iron Country, they would still be able to destroy the Iron Country as long as they were willing to bear the cost of trauma.

But there is no benefit, and Bushido and the spirit of warriors are popular in the Iron Country. They are all stubborn people, and it does not make sense to forcibly defeat the Iron Country in the form of war.

The topic went a bit farther. In short, the Maelstrom family was afraid that it was not Shi Lezhi, and they were all on the road to death, and it was not surprising when they died.

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