Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 373

"Oh, our little busy people rarely have time to come."

"Uncle Rizhan, don't tease me."

Bailu gave a dry smile, his avatar didn't dare to appear frequently in front of top ninjas like Sarutobi Hizhan and Shimura Danzo, otherwise he would have to show his stuff, so his avatar was'very busy' for the past seven years, and he rarely left the Senju clan on weekdays Land, only during the New Year's holidays will he visit Sarutobi Hizen and others.

"I'm getting married, this is my invitation."

Bai Lu took out four gilt and scarlet invitations and handed them to the four Sarutobi Rizens.

Sarutobi Rizen and others accepted the invitation, opened it and looked at them with different expressions. Sarutobi Rizen's eyes moved slightly, and then he smiled heartily:

"Good boy, we finally have to wait until this day, and we are relieved."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun then rolled her eyes to Bai Lu, and said in an angry tone:

"When I was a kid, I didn't notice that you were still a messy mess. It seems that I have been worrying about you in the past few years, but don't disappoint Xiao Tsunade and the others."

They are also very concerned about Bailu's marriage. After all, they are the only descendant of the teacher. They have a good relationship with Bailu, Tsunade, and the Uzumaki princess but they have delayed for several years. They also find it strange, but this kind of thing is not good to outsiders. Directly intervene, and now they are determined to be relieved.

"Definitely certain."

Bai Lu hurriedly responded.

Shimura Danzo nodded and didn't say anything. He didn't care about love at all. As long as Bailu got married and had children, it wouldn't be a problem to let the teacher break the incense.

It's just that the wedding date of Bailu and Princess Maelstrom has been set, and some plans about the Maelstrom family need to be changed, which is not a troublesome thing.

Menyan Mito didn't say anything. He did not care about Bailu as much as others. Taking care of Bailu was more based on the support of his teacher. He has never liked Bailu's behavior of not being a ninja and doing business. .

Sarutobi Rizen and Zhuan Xiaochun said a few more words. Bailu knew that the four high-level Konohas were sitting together when the Ninja world was about to be upset, and they must not be partying idle, so he took the opportunity to leave:

"Then I will send an invitation to Uncle Qiu Dao and the others."

"All right, I won't keep you today."

Sarutobi Rizen stood up, patted Bailu on the shoulder, and sent Bailu out the door, holding a pipe in one hand, standing side by side with Bailu, looking at the brightly lit Konoha Village, Sarutobi Rizen looked calm and thoughtful. Refers to:

"This is the treasure your uncle and grandpa left us."

Bai Lu nodded and said seriously:

"Yes, this is also the pride of Senshou."

Sarutobi Rizen smiled, patted Bailu on the shoulder, and smiled:

"Go, don't stay out too late at night, let alone those red light streets."

"Pure, I don't understand what you are talking about, uncle."

Bai Lu shrugged and ran away laughing.

"Smelly boy."

Sarutobi Rizen laughed and cursed, shook his head, and turned back to the courtyard.

Sarutobi Rizen knew that Bailu was a person with a lot of emotions. He was afraid that Bailu would be sentimental about the whirlpool clan, and he unconditionally supported the whirlpool clan, but with Bailu's clear answer, his heart was half relieved.

Until the dust settles, Sarutobi Hisaki will not be relieved, and Shimura Danzo and others are the same.

Bailu walked on the colorful and bright streets of various shops, and sighed slightly. He seemed to have a chat with Sarutobi and the dumb, making him feel that he really can't be regarded as a rascal a few years ago. Of the child.

However, he really did not intend to interfere with the Maelstrom family. He had helped the Maelstrom family a lot. The Maelstrom family was dead on their own. It was the entire Ninja World that was staring at the Maelstrom family. This was a general trend, and Bai Lu was helpless.

When Bai Lu did not use his own force to suppress the Ninja World, no matter how he helped the Uzumaki clan, he was harming Konoha's interests. This was a question of position. Even if he married Uzumaki's young lady, he could not change his position.

The only thing that can be done is to protect the ordinary people of the whirlpool clan as much as possible and avoid the whirlpool clan from being annihilated.

As for those elders in high positions, they are all dead. Once the Ninja World decides to attack the Maelstrom clan, it will definitely not let the Maelstrom clan leave those leaders and backbone forces as a disaster.

For the whirlpool clan, Bai Lu only cares about the whirlpool clan's young lady, and his father-in-law who always likes to put on airs is not very familiar.

Well, apart from the little sister, the one who is slightly familiar is the prospective sister-in-law, a girl with a very gentle personality, completely different from her sister.


The residents of Konoha woke up early in the morning and were shocked to find that there were countless festive red characters in the village overnight. The red triangle pennant was strung across the village with a rope. From the sky, Konoha seemed to fall into red. The main road is even covered with an expensive red carpet, extending all the way into the land of the Qianshou tribe.

Some of the villagers exclaimed enviously:

"This kind of pomp is worthy of a thousand hands."

"Who seems to be getting married?"

"It's so extravagant to be able to use the top red carpet to pave the floor. Just think about it and know that there is only the young master."

"Oh! So it's actually a bit late."

"It's a long time late."

"Speaking of which, Master Qianshou was married, and my daughter might have a chance too."

"You really dare to think about it, this is Princess Swirl!"

The uncle who wanted to be Bailu's father-in-law scratched his head and laughed.


In the village, there is no objection to the luxury of Bailu's big wedding. First, the thousand-handed family has a lofty status in Konoha, and secondly, Bailu is a super rich and well known in Konoha.

Nonsense, all kinds of electrical appliances and appliances used in your home can be linked to a certain brand more or less, you can't think of it if you are not impressed!

It’s the most common idea to let your daughters and daughters have sugar daddy like that uncle, but they are just acquaintances chatting and joking with each other. It’s okay for them to connect civilians with their own surnames and ordinary Senju members. As for those direct members More or less, the marriages of the two have the purpose of marriage, and the marriage partners are all important families such as Sarutobi, Shimura, Nara, and Inuzuka.

According to the rules, Bailu gave the highest specifications, and asked his cronies Mo Yiyun and Senju Senmao to bring two elite squads to the Uzumaki family to welcome their relatives. Two days passed in a flash. The exquisite craftsmanship of the eight large The sedan chair bears shoulders on the eight elites, Mo Yiyun and Senmao Qianju are dressed in red to open the way. Behind the sedan chair are dozens of people from the Uzumaki family to give away their marriage and dowry.

The welcoming team carried the sedan chair, stepping on the red carpet and entering the gate of the Thousand Hands Clan.

And in the lounge in the wedding venue, Tsunade and Touka Kirishima both put on light makeup, and they wore bright red gold thread embroidered phoenix wedding gowns, noble and gorgeous, not solemn, but also set off the few women. Extraordinarily charming.

Esdes raised his sleeves and looked at the wedding dress in a completely different style from his own world. His expression was inexplicable. Although he was determined to be Bailu when he lost to the show, it was the first time that such a formal ceremony was held. It feels wonderful and inexplicably joyful.

Bai Lu was also very happy. Since she woke up in the morning, she changed into the big red bridegroom's suit. The smile on her face has not stopped, smiling a bit like a fool.

Kirishima Dongxiang casts a pretty white eye at Bailu. He didn't want to care about a certain big radish on the day of his joy. He gently stroked the cuff, feeling the layering of Jinfeng's top embroidery at his fingertips, and said with some doubts:

"This is the Oriental wedding dress style."

"Hmm, don't you think it's very festive?"

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