Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 378

"How many Misaka are you?"

"Misaka 9803."


Bai Lu squinted her eyes, and the corners of her clothes drifted gently without wind.

Soul Chaser reminded:

"Don't mess around here."

"I know."

Bai Lu took a deep breath and suppressed the writhing mood.

"Tell me about the next test site and the location of other sisters."

"You have to confirm the password just in case, do, Misaka does what it says.

zxc741 asd852 qwe963, do, Misaka tested it as you."

"···I understand.

Dr. Mingtu, sister Misaka has handed it over to you. I'll go out and do something."

Bai Lu took a deep breath and asked Mingtu to chase the soul, then turned and left the room without looking back.

Looking at Bai Lu's back, Mingtu Chasing Soul, thoughtfully, shook his head slightly, said nothing, and analyzed the test data with a serious expression.

"Incomprehensible behavior, do, Misaka's puzzled self-talk."

Sister Misaka didn't understand why Bailu left without a clear answer, and she didn't understand what Bailu said'understand', and a doubtful look appeared in her slightly sluggish eyes.

However, Sister Misaka quickly pressed her doubts to the bottom of her heart, and her doubts could be solved by her sisters. Her task now is to continue the experiment.

"The doctor with big eyes, can you let Misaka leave? Do, Misaka took the opportunity to ask after the boy left."

"No, as a doctor, the most important thing is to treat every patient who comes to see a doctor."

Soul Chaser picked up the printed test report and read and thought word by word, and without hesitation, he rejected Sister Misaka's request. Leaving aside Bai Lu's idea for the time being, his professional ethics and pursuit as a doctor would not allow him to be untreated. The patient leaves.

"Well, your problem is not small. I will adjust it for you. The rest can be solved better than science with Bailu's ability."

"Shiro, is that boy's name? Do, Misaka confirmed."


"Why did Bailu block the experiment? According to Bailu's failure to decipher the code before, it was determined that Bailu was not the person involved in the experiment.

Do, Misaka feels more puzzled."

"This is a human being. It's amazing. As for the reason, when he comes back, you will know it by asking him."


Bailu didn't know the dialogue between Misaka and Underworld Chase after he left the hospital. He never doubted whether the Underworld Chase could solve Misaka's birth defects.

After opening the hospital, Bai Lu teleported directly to the shadow clone position he left behind through the Thunder God's mark, and then directly cancelled the ninjutsu, and obtained the memory of all the shadow clones.

Bailu looked down at the side walking down the street. He robbed Misaka 9803, but the experiment would not be stopped because of this'accident'. Either continue to let the new Misaka sister participate, or change a place or another. time.

In short, if you follow one party, you can always find a new sister Misaka.

He can find the location of the research institute directly through Sister Misaka. Many techniques of reverse tracking in magic can be done, but there is more than one research institute, and more importantly, the original DNA sample provided by Misaka Mikoto.

It’s useless to find a research institute. What Bailu wants is to catch it all in one swoop, to solve this problem fundamentally. Of course, the hanged man on the root cause also has to do both, but the hanged man has to wait for the body to carry the harem reinforcements. It was Esther who came back.

As night fell, the colorful lights of the academy city lit up, and the streets were full of traffic and people, as prosperous as during the day. A slightly remote building rooftop, sister Misaka wearing a military night vision device, wearing wireless headphones, holding An assault rifle, the muzzle pointed at the side facing away from him on the empty street below, calmly said:

"Misaka 9804 arrives at the designated location, and the 9803 experiment continues."

"Sorry, I have to interrupt you again."

Shiraito was behind Misaka 9804, speaking faintly, and put his hand on Misaka's shoulder.

The party who quietly waited for the beginning of the experiment sensed the appearance of Bai Lu through the vector, and suddenly turned his head, revealing a grinning smile and said:

"It finally appeared, Mouse!"


Gently kicked the stone beside his foot, but the stone shot through the air at Bailu at a supersonic speed.


The sound of the chain shaking sounded, and the eight black chains behind Bai Lu shining with golden light swayed in an orderly manner beside Bai Lu, circling and shaking, and accidentally pumped the supersonic stones into powder, and one of the black chains stretched straight. Pass to one side, like a spear stabs across the air.

One side looked at Bai Lu sarcastically and stood proudly, letting the black chain hit him.


The black chain slammed into the body of a party, and then burst into pieces, dissipating into Chakra energy, and dissipated before it hit the ground.

It seems that one party has trained the Immortality of King Kong, but it is totally wrong.

Chapter 347 Newly Married

One party’s ability to pass is vector control, and his most commonly used is reflection. The Diamond Blockade hits a party’s body at a very fast speed, and it will be counter-impacted by the same impact force. As a result, the King Kong Blockade breaks directly.

Bai Lu raised his eyebrows, and more diamond blockades spread behind him, changing the attack method, but circled around, like a giant python strangling, entwining one party's passage and slowly strangling, but the power of the diamond blockade is far more powerful than that of a giant python. Stronger, and more than one chain.

Bang bang bang...

The entangled diamond blockade suddenly burst and flew out torn apart.

"Is it only this level!?"

The tone of one party was very arrogant and violent, and he made no secret of his contempt and disappointment. He stomped on the ground lightly, and a large pavement under his feet was lifted up. As one party passed and kicked out, the half-room-sized pavement vacated. He jumped up, crashed into Bai Lu, and then jumped up. After chasing the road, he was murderous and ready to go.


The imposing road hit an invisible barrier three meters away from Bailu, and under the huge impact reaction force, it tore apart and exploded in all directions.

One party rushed out of the blasted mud and asphalt fragments, and hit the invisible barrier unabated. As the strongest lv5, he was confident enough that there was nothing in the world that could stop him.


In fact, a pot of cold water was poured on the passage of one party, he was blocked, and he did not tear up the invisible barrier.

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