Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 383

Sister Cannon ranks third in lv5, not destructive third, but versatility. Sister Cannon’s lv5 level of electrical ability is in no way disadvantaged in the world of science and technology. It is better than vector manipulation and second place. Substances are more convenient and extensive.

If Sister Cannon’s attack methods are stronger, it’s not impossible to become the first one... The so-called stronger, according to one party’s limit of power, the earth stops rotating for five seconds, and sister Cannon’s electromagnetic guns are enough to destroy the stars!

Pulling a little further, to get back to the subject, the cautious actions of the research institute have indeed caused small difficulties for Bailu's tracking, so that Sister Pao discovered the truth about the clone before Bailu, and found those research institutes, waiting for Bailu to notice. At the time, the gun sister had already begun to destroy the research institute.

Sister Misaka was robbed ahead of time, how did Sister Pao know about Sister Misaka?

Bai Lu thought carefully about the reason. Because it was an anime that he had seen in his previous life, many details were not recalled. Now that I think about it carefully, Bai Lu found that he had overlooked an unobtrusive, but not negligible character in the original work.


Participated in the Misaka sister cloning project, and finally found out that the interference experiment was organized by spreading bank cards in every corner of the school city, and the result was smashed by Misaka Mikoto and learned about the lv6 Absolute Ability Project.

More importantly, Fu Shu Toshi is extremely talented, and the real change for Misaka's sisters comes from the emotional code she wrote.

This is a super talent!

It's a pity that because this woman has no characteristics, Bai Lu was not very impressed. He missed the past, causing Bai Lu to fall short of his work and failed to hide it completely.

At this point, Shiro decided to change his plan and simply let Misaka Mikoto vent. As for the placement and cleanup of the research institute Misaka's sisters, let the clone follow suit.

By the way, get rid of those scumbags in the Institute whose humanity is annihilated.

Asdes is very patient. As the best hunter, she has never lacked patience, and she has been practicing in the Ninja World for eight years. No matter how much she desires to fight, she will not miss two days.

The family sits in the home theater, sits together eating snacks, watching comedy movies, and enjoys it. Someone takes advantage of the dim light to wipe his hands on his wife next to him...

In fact, this level of dim light is no different to everyone here, but including the two maids, black and white, everyone has become accustomed to someone's absurd behavior and turned a blind eye.

Suddenly, someone's dishonest actions stopped, and Qianshou Remi quickly became sober, his breathing was slightly disordered, and his beautiful eyes were watery and shiny, and he said in confusion:

"Little Lord?"

Bai Lu pulled out his hand and said with a chuckle:

"No. 4 in Academy City, Mai Ye Shenli and her team showed up. Does anyone want to warm up?"

Black pupil turned his head from the front row and asked calmly:


Bai Lu thought for a while and said:

"The enemy."

The enemy is not equal to the enemy. The enemy must be killed. The enemy just has a different position and can be defeated.

Anbe didn't directly participate in the experiment. He just accepted employment to prevent Misaka Mikoto's destruction. Although Maiye Shenli's personality is unflattering, he can be forgiven for being a super fierce sister.

Esdes glanced at Bai Lu and said faintly:

"The atom collapses, let me give it a try."

No one robbed her of the prey selected by Esdes, and was targeted by the strongest hunter. Bai Lu also secretly said that Mai Ye asked for more blessings.

Leonai squeezed his fist and said:

"The little girl in nitrogen armor has been handed over to me. I heard that she has a lot of power. I don't know if she can compare with me."

Although Leo Nai has practiced ninjutsu, his previous habit of using Tegu as a king of beasts has survived. He likes fighting fights from fist to flesh most.

Tsunade said it was a little late, and her strange power fist also liked fist-to-fight fighting, and to be honest, it was even more brutal than Leo Nai's King of Beasts.

Bailu waited for a few seconds, no one spoke, but it is not surprising that there are four official members of Anbu (item). The two with outstanding combat effectiveness were picked by Esdes and Leo Nai, and the remaining one was combat effective. Zero, the other is just good at applying explosives, and can't raise the girls' fighting interest at all.

Bai Lu shrugged and instructed the twin maid behind him:

"Black and white, you guys take down Takiju and Flanda."

The black and white twin sisters bowed slightly to lead their orders.

"Yes, master."


Misaka Mikoto broke the door of the institute with a palm computer and her own abilities with a heavy heart. What she is doing now is illegal... But what these institutes do to her is even more cruel.

Even so, Misaka Mikoto did not think about hurting anyone. Before she wanted to come, all the research institutes and research facilities were destroyed. The black hand behind the scenes would be heavily in debt. Without the basic conditions, the cruel plan would not be able to proceed. .

With her level of lv5, the researchers who are just ordinary people's security guards cannot cause harm to her. As for the various automatic weapons of the research institute, facing the apex of electrical superpowers, she has no threat.

However, the "smashing and smashing" career in the past few days has made her physically and mentally exhausted. Fortunately, it is already the second to last. If the plan goes well, all the research institutes will be destroyed by her, and the clones will not be sent to death.

Her nightmare is also over...

However, not everything can be as expected. Mikoto Misaka was ambushed just as he broke the door of the institute.

Misaka Mikoto's expression was calm, the electric current on his arms flashed, and the top of his head suddenly burst into several falling ceilings, deflected by the magnetic force, and landed beside him.

Misaka Mikoto took a look, and the people from the institute went to the empty building, leaving only the faint emergency light. She did not see the attacker.

Trap or ambush?

Misaka Mikoto looked solemn. This was not the first time she encountered this situation. She was even blocked by an assault rifle. The next enemy is likely to be capable.

It didn't hit a shot, and those with electrical abilities really have an advantage in the city.

Flanda hid behind a load-bearing column, with what looked like a correction tape in his hand, but it was actually a kind of explosive. A white line was drawn on the column and connected to the previously reserved white line.

Although the explosives used to blast doors or walls are a little overkill here, all tasks are important, and she gets half of the reward for completing the tasks.

Flanda thought of the bag she quite liked, and the corners of her mouth ignited the white line explosive.


The seemingly flimsy white line burned, leaving a deep trace where it passed, destructively powerful, and quickly spread out along the arranged route.


With a soft sound, a scarlet tail, like a weapon of a magic weapon, easily submerged into the steel-paved floor, cutting off the burning line lead, and the subtle explosion stopped abruptly.


The expected explosion sound did not occur, Flanda was stunned, and cautiously popped his small head from behind the load-bearing column, but it was a person wearing a white maid costume, white long hair and waist, one eye was normal but the other eye was black. The evil red, slightly ferocious sister.

Misaka Mikoto was also stunned. She didn't understand where this person came from. Although she helped prevent an explosion, her friends and enemies were still unknown.

"Catch it with your hands."

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