Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 387

Jianqi likes to be dubious, and this reason sounds reasonable, but as Anbe, they don't know what inhumane experiments this institute has done.

That means that the other party either came to find her specifically, or find te's fault, or the experiment of this institute is a very high-level confidential experiment.

Based on the continuous destruction of several research institutes under the company of this research institute in the past few days, the possibility of the latter is very high, but the first possibility cannot be ruled out.

"Just treat it like this!"

Leonai smiled and threw out his fists.


Jian Qi's favorite hurriedly defended, but the result was unexpected. Her nitrogen armor was not broken, but the distance limit was just a little short.

Although the armor was not broken, the impact was not offset. The silk flag flew out. Under the tremendous force, it smashed through two corridor walls in succession, and then stopped when it was mounted on the third wall.

The personnel of the research institute who was undergoing an emergency transfer was taken aback, holding the documents and the package to be transferred hurriedly fled away from the dangerous battlefield.

Jian Qi's favorite face was expressionless, but her heart sank. Her nitrogen armor almost reached its endurance and collapsed.

Was it an explosion or was the power hidden before?

She doesn't know her favorite, but she understands that if she doesn't go all out, she will lose, or even die, and the mission will fail.


The two metal tanks were opened, and the liquid nitrogen inside quickly vaporized and flowed out, and then was controlled by the favorite of Jianqi to form a stronger nitrogen armor.

Chapter 353 Nitrogen Armor

The Anbu organization is doing things that are not visible. In the dark, conspiracy and tricks, even lv5 is not invincible, a miss is the end.

Silken flag loves to deeply understand the dangers of the Anbe industry, so he understands his weaknesses and makes sufficient preparations. The two cans of compressed liquid nitrogen he carries are one of his cards.

In view of his lack of long-range combat capability, the silk flag is even equipped with the warhead of a portable combat vehicle missile.

As the name suggests, it is a powerful weapon that is easy to carry, but powerful enough to blast off a tank.

Silken Banner's favorite did not rush back to fight Leo Nai, but released the liquid nitrogen he carried with him, and then flung out the warheads of six opposing tank missiles.


Amid the sound of the explosion, fire came out from the tail of the warhead and rushed into the corridor hole where the dust was dissipating!

The silk flag likes to launch his abilities, manipulating nitrogen for thrust, and instantly collapses the wall that has been devastated behind him. The whole person is wrapped in the sweeping nitrogen, expelling the dust and chasing behind the warhead.

Her nitrogen manipulation range is very small and can only form armor around her, but the defense is extremely strong, and it is no problem to withstand the aftermath of the warhead. She intends to make a second blow after Leonai and Black Eye are injured by the warhead attack.

Black pupil and Leo Nai's perception are very strong, and they immediately noticed the warhead's attack, and the black pupil leaped away, not to escape, but to comply with the agreement not to participate in Leo Nai's battle.

Leo Nai didn't try hard, his body flashed away, and his figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, leaving the wind whirled in place visible to the naked eye.

The warhead of Academy City is not as high as black technology, but it is not a simple thing like rpg. The small warhead is equipped with thermal tracking, and it is affected by the electromagnetic influence left by Leo Nai Lei's instantaneous body. Chased the past.

"So complicated!"

Leo Nai’s ears trembled. The individual armament of technological weapons may not be as strong as that of Teigu, but they have more excellent combat functions that Teigu does not possess, and this makes Leo Nai who like boxing to flesh fighting annoying. Annoying.

After dodging once, Leonard found that these small warheads had tracking functions, and there was not much at all. He clenched a fist with one hand and slammed it into the clean and smooth passage under his feet. Amidst the roar, the corridor suddenly swayed, and Leonard was in front of him. A large part of the passage instantly cocked, and then quickly withdrew back.

Sheer strength alone could not do this, Leonai used Chakra to maintain the integrity of the ground ahead.


The missile warhead hit the raised floor, and a violent explosion suddenly occurred. Although the raised floor is thick, it is impossible to completely defend against missile attacks. The shock wave that filled the passage carried fragments of the missile and gravel and soil. Rushed towards Leonai.

Leonai crossed his arms in front of him, still embarrassed.

At the same time, a small white fist pierced through the fragments of the missile and the gravel and mud, and hit Leone's smooth abdomen heavily.


The boxing sound was particularly dull, as if the air was shaking, like the bombardment of a sledgehammer, which showed that the power was amazing.

However, this is only the beginning, the petite fist is wrapped in nitrogen, swept the air current, and the wind roars like a Gatling gun, high frequency and continuous.

However, this kind of attack only lasted for two seconds and then stopped. A pair of bones were distinct, and the furry claws caught Jian Qi's favorite little fist.

The white and smooth belly has a red mark the size of silk flag’s favorite fist. Leonai took a breath, and the golden vertical pupils stared at silk flag’s favorite. His teeth showed a pair of canine teeth, slightly animalistic, bold and big. Smiled:

"Not bad, the power is stronger than before!"

Although she was embarrassed and suffered a little loss, this kind of opponent, this kind of battle is interesting. In the ninja world, only the ninjutsu masters in Yunyin Village can fight to the full.

Jin Qi loves her the most but she can’t laugh. Her attack just now went all out. A single blow was enough to smash a car. Two seconds was enough for her to hit thirty punches. Thirty punches were in the same position. The armored vehicle steel plate was also pierced!

However, from the outside, it only left a red mark on Leo Nai, and the red print disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye... In fact Leo Nai was injured, and the injury was not light, but the king of beasts. Resilience is amazing, and it can even be broken. Leo Nai practiced ninjutsu, and through chakra, he can use Tegu's abilities more handily. Although he can't heal ninjutsu, his recovery is no less than speeding. regeneration.

But the intense pain still made Leonie gasp.

Jianqi favorite doesn't know the details, but she knows that she is at an absolute disadvantage. Even so, she is not ready to give up, her fist is caught, her slender right leg is wrapped in nitrogen armor, and the wind screams through the air. Kicked towards Leonai's knee.

In fact, Jian Qi likes to hit Leo Nai’s lower abdomen with her knees, but she is not tall enough, she is too short than Leo Nai, especially Leo Nai’s long legs are higher than her shoulders, so she can only retreat. Secondly.

Leonai took a step back with his right leg just to avoid the attack of the silk flag's favorite, and then grabbed the silk flag's favorite hands and flicked it, trying to throw the silk flag's favorite out.

At this moment, Jian Qi likes to vaporize the inner layer of the nitrogen armor on his fist, creating a gap. He easily pulled out his fist from Leo Nai's hand, squatted short, and swept his legs. Specializes in Leonai chassis.

In the case of a large height difference, generally speaking, it is a very wise strategy for a short man to play a taller chassis, because the high base requires bending over, the posture is uncomfortable, and the attack power will be greatly weakened.

It's a pity that Leo Nai does not belong to the'normal' people. The king of beasts is a super dangerous species of lion king. The most prominent thing about cats is balance.

Leonai didn't need to bend down to attack at all. He jumped directly on the spot, with his slender thighs raised above his head, and carried out the most classic tomahawk-style attack against the silk banner favorite.


The whole research institute shook. The silk flag fell to the second floor of the basement. It was not that it was smashed, but Leo Nai kicked it down. The floor of more than ten meters in radius collapsed directly, and by the way the floor of the basement floor Also beaten through.

Black pupil looked at the big hole in the corridor, rolled his eyes silently with a lollipop in his mouth. Since Leo Nai has practiced Weird Force and Yunyin Village's Thunder-Dance Ninjutsu, and then has the emperor's blessing, just be serious With hands, the destructive power of each blow is so exaggerated.

Black pupil shook his head, ignoring Leo Nai's and Jin Qi's favorite battle, she didn't come here to watch Leo Nai's demolition, she also had Bai Lu's request.

Close your eyes, point your fingers together on the wall, Chakra passes from your fingertips, transforms into invisible waves, spreads in the institute, and then gives back.

A few seconds later, the black pupil opened his eyes, jumped from the hole that Leo Nai smashed, bypassed the two people fighting vigorously, and went straight down, according to the perceived target position, followed the passage to a place. The piece is full of technology, and there is a room with floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall.

Fu Shutoshin calmly operated on the keyboard, inserting the prepared emotional code memory into the card slot, and then instilled it through the learning device to the only sister Misaka who had not been transferred from the training slot below.

Although there is only one Misaka sister, there is a connection called Misaka Network between Misaka sisters. As long as the code is instilled into one, it will be transmitted to all sisters through Misaka Network.

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