Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 393

Unless Aleister is willing to give up the layout for many years, he has no choice. Even if Aleister who has a life span of more than a thousand years can afford it, the sects on the magic side will not give Aleister more time. .

Aleister finally spoke:

"I can hand over the'Last Work' to you, and ban and destroy all the plans related to the third'Super Electromagnetic Cannon', but you need to help me resolve the crisis that will destroy the Academy City in the future."


Bai Lu happily agreed. He didn't plan to empty the White Wolf. The previous threat was just to sit on the ground and raise the price. Blindly persecuting is not a good choice. A win-win situation is the best result.

More importantly, he remembered that there was nothing that could threaten the academy city. People on the magic side had done such things, but they failed for various reasons, and even broke out on the technology side and the magic side in the future. In the Third World War, Academy City also became the victor.

Therefore, Aleister's condition is no different from Bailu, who is prophetic. Bailu doesn't mind being generous.

Of course, this level of threat was determined by Aleister. If Aleister thinks that he needs to show his hand for nothing, Bailu still has to take it.

Aleister was not surprised by Bailu's answer, and said lightly:

"Then the deal is concluded."


Esdes saw Bailu appear, relieved Mokobotem, and glanced at the side who was lying on the ground breathing air greedily, walked to Bailu's side, took Bailu's hand, and said lightly:

"Superpower is a good power, can we also develop it?"

Bai Lu nodded and chuckled:

"Of course, Sister Ai, you want to try?"

"Some interest."

Esther's attitude is very calm, seeing the atomic collapse and vector manipulation, she really wants to see what her superpowers are. Most of the reason is curiosity, and the other part is that her imperial power is almost developed. When the limit is reached, it is difficult to have a large improvement in a short time.

Bai Lu readily agreed.

"The doctor I know has developed equipment. I will take you to try it tomorrow."

The basis of super power is'personal reality', and often the type of super power also expresses a certain aspect of the person's heart, either yearning or fear.

In the same way, based on a person's performance, one can also roughly infer the other's ability type. Of course, this approximate range is quite large.

Bailu and Esders were talking about the development of their abilities, while walking down the street to go home, completely ignoring the passing of the side who had gradually recovered from hypoxia.

For the first time, one party has experienced the feeling of death approaching. Since having super powers and after various experiments and development, one party's ability to pass is almost invincible and has never encountered danger. However, today it is completely suppressed to the point of death. , Let one party pass deeply feel the sense of powerlessness.

One party Tong had been paying attention to Esdes, only to find that Esdes completely ignored him, which made him extremely angry, and he could not tell whether it was because of fear or something else.

"You bastard, did that kind of thing and leave as if nothing happened!?"

One side roared and activated his ability, using the reaction force to bounce himself out, and slammed into Esdes like a cannonball.

It seems that there is no technical level, in fact, this is already the strongest blow for a party.

Vector manipulation is not without limitations. The most critical prerequisite is that a vector must pass through skin contact before it can be manipulated.

Therefore, if you want to maximize your superpowers, one party must be close to Esters.

However, it was of no use. Asides would not give one party the opportunity to pass, and directly froze the space behind him.


The speed of one party can’t be said to be fast, but after vector manipulation, the impact force is no less than that of a space-based weapon. The aftermath from the collision with the space barrier blasted a large crater with a diameter of more than 100 meters on the ground.

As a result, there was a ray of sky, and Asides and Bai Lu on the other side of the space barrier were unharmed, and even the ground was still level.

"It's this kind of thing again!"

One side looked at the light blue film space barrier with a grim look. It was this kind of thing that almost suffocated him before, and now it is blocking him.

One party Tongxing was very unwilling and wanted to use his full power, but thinking about the consequences, one party Tongyun still did not do that.

The vector manipulation capable of stopping the earth for five seconds broke out at one point, and the aftermath alone was enough to flatten the school city, and I don't know how many people would be killed.

The original intention of improving ability is to become invincible and stop hurting others. Participate in the lv6 Absolute Ability Program. Kill those weak clones and hold your nose. But the people in Academy City are innocent, and they are all living people. .

One side stared at Esdes, as if a long time had passed, and as if after a moment, the ability to move around subsided, and he gave an uncomfortable cry and turned and left.

When Esdes saw this, he was a little surprised:

"It doesn't look like someone who gives up easily."

As early as in the previous life, through the original book, Bai Lu knew who was passing through, Bai Lu smiled and said:

"That guy isn't bad in nature, but he was led on an evil road, so I asked you to save him as much as possible before."

"That's it."

Esthers nodded clearly. In her opinion, it didn't matter who the other party was. If it was the enemy, she would crush, ravage, or kill, Bailu was still as good as ever.

But Esders didn't say anything. The heart of compassion is Bailu's character, but it is not indecisive, and it is also unambiguous at critical moments. It is enough to kill and decisive when it is time to kill.

Chapter 358 Sister Cannon

The world suddenly couldn't understand. Misaka Mikoto returned to the hotel room and couldn't sleep at night. He didn't go to bed until early in the morning. When he woke up the next day, it was almost noon.

Squinted by the dazzling sunlight outside the window, I woke up a few seconds later, thinking of what I encountered in the institute yesterday, quickly picked up the handheld computer and the bedside table landline connection, and then used this as the entrance to start Ability to invade the academy city database and search for keywords.

Pieces of information were quickly refreshed from the interface, and Misaka Mikoto quickly saw what she wanted to watch.

The research institute was closed, the s pharmaceutical company was sealed up, and the company's executives and researchers prosecuted, sentenced, and detained.

It's really... that's great!

Misaka Mikoto exhaled, and finally let go of the burden he had been carrying, and put down the burden he had been carrying, showing a happy smile, lying on his back on the bed, looking at the ceiling, Bai Lu couldn't help but smile.

"Well, in the end, no, how can I thank you!"

Misaka Mikoto fell into a little trouble, thinking of Bailu's ambiguous attitude towards her, her ears turned red slightly.


Bailu, as always, was about to walk home after get off work. When passing by the small playground next to the hospital, she heard the voice of Sister Pao. Following her reputation, she saw a girl with short brown hair on a public seat under a tree by the road. Cheerfully chuckled:

"Sister Pao...Sisters have already taken it out, are you going to have a look at them?"

"Well, I'm not ready to face them yet."

Misaka Mikoto hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head and refused. Although he destroyed the lv6 Absolute Ability Plan, the damage he caused to his sisters was irreparable.

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