Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 45

In addition to the ground, Mie's head was also the first to bear the brunt. It withstood the violent impact, and the black metal was unable to withstand it, twisted and shattered, and died on the spot.

The subsequent aftermath did not cause much damage to Mie's body, but it didn't matter anymore, he was already dead anyway.

Bai Lu didn't get much better either. The white clothes on her body became rotten beggar costumes, and the sleeves on her right arm had disappeared. She looked embarrassed, but she didn't actually suffer much damage.

Bai Lu was a little grateful that he had the foresight (coward and fear of death), and turned the weapon that embodied the rules of hell space into a black tights, and now he will not be embarrassed to run naked.

He tore off the white clothes that were just like the beggars, Bai Lu sighed lightly as he watched the dead on the ground and could not die.

Even if he was unconscious, he was able to find and attack himself. It was really loyal and admirable, but it was an enemy.

The few warriors who rushed into the smoke and dust came in and saw that Bai Lu was safe and sound. The terrifying monster Kabane had his head twisted and blood was lying on the bottom of the pit, so they all sent in admiration.

"Mr. Bailu."

"As expected of Mr. Bailu."


Bai Lu didn't feel at all about these flattering words. At first, he might have been so happy. Now he is used to it, facing it with the calmest state of mind. After nodding his head slightly, he walked straight out.

Seeing that Bai Lu was safe and sound, the people in Sifang Chuanchangpu and Jiatiecheng were relieved.

However, Tianniao Mima's pupils flashed with red light, her fingers were slightly hard, and then they were released, put down the telescope, and said blankly to the subordinates around him:

"let's go."

He said that he turned straight and walked into Juncheng, but the clear finger marks on the two mirror barrels of the telescope showed that he was far from being so calm.

Chapter Forty Four

Sifang Chuanchangpu saw Bailu coming out of the smoke and dust. Although it looked a little embarrassed, but there was no wound, he immediately relieved his heart, stepped forward to meet Bailu, and said with concern:

"Bailu, how are you?"

"It's okay."

Bai Lu shook his head slightly, hearing the familiar, heavy and dynamic mechanical movement and the sound of metal friction, turning his head and looking at it, the Shufang Zhongjun City, which was resting on the viaduct track, had already started and was struggling to climb.

But this is only temporary. It doesn't take three minutes for it to gallop on the track like a horse.

Want to escape?

Bai Lu raised her eyebrows, and was too late to explain to Sifang Chuanchangpu, so she chased after her.

Leaning forward, his hands are naturally hanging behind him and swinging with the airflow. It looks a bit weird, completely inconsistent with aerodynamics. Bailu runs very fast. With the help of Chakra, he flies over the wall and completely ignores obstacles. , And soon rushed to the vicinity of Shufang Zhongjun City.

However, the hunter Fang Zhongjun City has gradually accelerated.

Bai Lu glanced sharply, his fingers flicked like flowers, pulling out an afterimage, and the seal was completed in a flash.

"Water Escape·The Art of Water Dragon Ball!"


A water dragon more than ten meters long appeared behind Bai Lu out of thin air, roared to the sky, circling Bai Lu, soared to the sky, and spit out a pure water ball in front of Shu Fangzhong's Juncheng.


The seemingly ordinary water polo ball fell on the track, but it exerted the power that is not inferior to the iron cannonball. In an instant, a large hole was blasted on the viaduct built of solid rock, and the railroad tracks laid on the top were torn to pieces like paper. .


Juncheng stopped abruptly, the metal wheels and the metal rails rubbed and made a sharp and piercing sound, sparks shot in all directions, and it stopped dangerously before the pothole. The side wall of the carriage on one side rose, and the warriors of the hunting party were waiting in it. .



There was a heavy drink from the carriage, and the gunshots sounded in unison, and the curling steam muzzle escaped. The dense lead bullets looked like a rain curtain, covering all the space in front of Bailu.

Bai Lu's complexion did not change, her footsteps kept moving, her speed remained unchanged, her pupils shrank several times in a flash, and a thick wall of water rose up in front of her.

Puff puff···

The lead bomb submerged into the wall of water and made a dense light noise, bringing out cavities in the wall of water. However, under the constantly moving water flow, it quickly lost its power and moved in the water wall with the flow of water. Constantly up and down.

The miraculous scene stunned the samurai. The world is still in the seventeenth century. Scientific concepts and theories have not yet been popularized in Japan. This country is still in an era of superstition.

Can people control the flow of water?No, it was a monster, it was a fairy.

The commander of Shu Fangzhong was a very calm and sober person. After a brief surprise, he said with a calm face:

"For Mima! Prepare the mortar!"

God?monster?It doesn't matter, as long as it is the enemy of Ma Ma, then tear him apart!

The commander's words seemed like a potent tonic, and all the samurai in the hunting party immediately found the backbone, no longer confused, no longer afraid, adjusted the muzzle in an orderly manner, and carried the shells.

The great talents of the United States and Malaysia are their everything, leading them invincible and invincible, overthrowing the corrupt and timid shogunate, expelling Kabane, and leading mankind towards a bright future. The monsters they encounter now are just big setbacks. The victory belongs to them.

Bai Lu was slightly startled when he saw that Shou Fangzhong quickly got rid of panic, and his methodical behavior.

Since he came to this world, he has never used ninjutsu in a crowded place. After all, in this ignorant world, he who can use ninjutsu will probably be treated as a monster, which will cause him a lot of trouble.

Fear comes from the unknown and cannot be controlled.

Human beings worship the supernatural powers of gods and monsters, even offering incense, but no one really wants to see gods or monsters with powerful or strange power appear in front of them.

The beautiful love between scholar and fox demon can only appear in stories like "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio".

With the soul of the army, it is a strong team, it's a pity...

Bai Lu sighed inwardly, feeling a little regretful, such an army is rare, but he can't let these people continue to hinder him, and the mortar will hurt him.

"Shui Dun·Shui Qingbo!"

The water wall suddenly collapsed, and the next moment it rose up again. More clear water formed in front of Bailu a larger wave than before. It rose more than ten meters up out of thin air like a wave, then snapped forward and rushed away.

Goodness is like water, and water is soft and changeable. Among the five conventional attributes of land, water, fire, wind, and thunder, it is the most peaceful, and its attack power and defense power are inferior to other attributes.

However, as the saying goes, water and fire are merciless, and Huo Dun is the most destructive among ninjutsu. How can water Dun be worse?

When the amount of water summoned by Shui Dun reaches a certain level, it will change from quantity to qualitative change, and every move will form a terrifying destructive power.

Don't you see that a larger wave in the sea is enough to overturn a boat on the sea.

Bailu's water escape has been practiced hard for many years. Although he is far behind the grandfather who is known as the "Water God" in terms of his attainments, ninjutsu is a great bonus in places like Iwado Station close to the sea and rich in water vapor. of.

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