Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 49

"Hei Jue, Ten Tails, Datongmu Huiye."

"...You are crazy."

Bai Lu's eyes were cold. He didn't know much about the anime "Naruto" in his previous life, but he had some impressions about the behind-the-scenes and important characters under the discussion of his classmates.

He probably guessed the other abacus he had played. It was nothing more than using Heijue to resurrect Too and Otsuki Kaguya, then break the space and move across boundaries.

However, what kind of disaster Too and Otsuki Teruya would bring to this world, he and the other himself also knew very well.

The only difference is that Bailu doesn't want to commit too many murders for her own sake and inflict innocent people, while the other Bailu uses all means for the purpose and doesn't care at all.

The reason why the King Kong version of Bailu is willing to talk to Bailu is nothing more than the special ability of the kaleidoscope that allows the King Kong version of Bailu to see a faster way, and the clone is found before it moves, so it has to be softened.

The King Kong version of Bailu sneered after hearing Bailu's words:

"So we are one and the same, but still different. You are Bailu, and I am me."


Bai Lu was silent when he heard the words, stared at the King Kong version of herself for a few seconds, and silently left the space of the heaven in the right eye.

The King Kong version of Bailu glanced at the place where Bailu disappeared, grinned in a low voice, and said meaningfully:

"How long can you escape? Bailu..."


"Why refuse..."

Bailu's spirit returned to reality, looking at the candle on the desk, muttering to himself softly, before he finished speaking, he seemed to worry about something and stopped abruptly.

Bai Lu sighed slightly, but she also understood that she hadn't changed another of her own thoughts in six years, and now being able to communicate is already a great improvement. Without too much entanglement, she put her eyes on the candle.

The candle is just ordinary white wax, and there is nothing special, but it is enough for Bailu to get the information he wants.

About five minutes?

Bailu got the time she left from the burning length of the candle, and silently recorded it.

Since it is the first time to travel through the world, the initial record cannot be used as a standard, and it needs to be compared with the subsequent travel records.


The next day, Bai Lu sat in the hall, and an attendant served a delicate and delicious breakfast.

Although it is a big family, the Senshou clan who have not experienced the Warring States period very much value food. Breakfast is not a luxury. It is just a bowl of rice, a grilled fish, and a bowl of rice porridge. Bailu does not like miso soup, so it does not.

The dining hall was not too big, but Bailu was alone at this time, empty and somewhat deserted.

It's not that Bai Lu came too early or too late, but only the direct line of the Qianshou clan can enter here, and the direct line of the Qianshou clan has only five people.

The Ninja World War came to an end, but did not enter a real peace period. Tsunade’s parents, as the patriarch and couple of the Senju clan, Konoha’s first clan, were not lightly responsible, so they often did not return home.

Senju Mito (Uzumaki Mito) has lived in the forest behind the gathering place of the Senju family since the first generation passed away because of its own particularity.

And Tsunade...It is said that a girl who sleeps longer is better for the skin.

When Tsunade saw Shiroru in the living room, he was a little surprised and surprised:

"You broke through so soon?"

Bai Lu nodded slightly.


"real or fake!"

Tsunade spit out subconsciously when he heard this, but was only surprised, and did not suspect that Wakaba was lying, his eyes lit up and said:

"Show me quickly, what surprises you said?"

After Bailu chewed and swallowed the fish in his mouth, he smiled helplessly:

"It's not suitable here."

"Yes, you eat faster!"

Tsunade suddenly realized that this is a place to eat. If he is known by his rigid father and princess and mother who values ​​literacy, it will inevitably be a lesson.

What kind of elegance...

Tsunade's chopsticks could not help slowing down while pulling the rice. He put down the bowl, learning the appearance of Bailu, picking it up bit by bit without any haste, and felt uncomfortable.

Bai Lu's movements are elegant and comfortable, the wind is light and the clouds are light, and it looks pleasing to the eye, and it is nondescript on her.

Tsunade sometimes suspects that he actually belongs to the second grandpa's house.

Chapter 48 Surprise?Scared!

The clear sky is clear, there are no clouds, and the blue sky indicates that there will be a good weather today. The morning sun shines on the earth and forest, awakening the vitality of this land.

There are not many other people in the Qianshou clan, but there are many trees. This is due to the first generation of Hokage, the former patriarch. As long as the places are not used, there are trees. The Qianshou clan actually lives in the forest.

The exercise field is no exception. Tsunade and Shiroru walked into the exercise field one after another. Tsunade said with some confusion:

"Need such a big place?"

After only bewildered for a moment, Tsunade left it behind and looked at Shiro, with expectation in his eyes, but he urged:

"I will participate in the survival drill training of Sarutobi teacher later, there is not much time, let's get started."

Bai Lu blinked lively and mischievously, then chuckled:

"It's already started."

"What? Hey!?"

Tsunade was puzzled at first, and then he was shocked to discover that one side was two or three meters high, and a circular water wall of unknown thickness rose suddenly in the exercise field. The internal space was almost two-thirds the area of ​​the exercise field. Completely wrapped up.

Seeing Tsunade's astonishment, Bailu curled up his mouth with pride. However, the next moment Tsunade's reaction caused black lines to hang down from his forehead.


Tsunade stepped forward to block Shiroru, holding Kunai in his hand, looking around vigilantly, and stubbornly shouted:

"Little Xiao Xiao, dare to do it in the Thousand Hands Clan, have you thought about the consequences!?"


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