The ruby ​​on his body has been changed to an emerald, although the appearance has not changed much, but the ability is greatly different.

  In the hurricane form, he can use the magic of the wind element, and his speed is far beyond that of the flame form, and he can fly freely.

  "I see, can you convert elemental power? Then show me your current power!" Crow Tengu said, spread his wings, and flew into the sky.

  The wizard and him fought fiercely in the sky. The power of the wind element was used vividly in the wizard's hands. Compared with the flame form, the strength really increased a lot!


  "Hmph! Mage, play with me in the wind element, you are still too tender!!"

  I saw the Ravenous Tengu, summoning a violent hurricane, knocking the wizard down from the air!


  With a loud bang, the wizard's body smashed onto the concrete floor, smashing a hole in the ground!

  Wizard directly lost consciousness and turned back to human...

  The Crow Tengu landed, cast a cold glance at Wizard, and said, "It's still human, after all, it's weak."

  Leaving the words behind, he didn't mean to end Wizard's life, he turned around and left.

  Perhaps, it is disdain.

  After all, he also has his pride.

  In Phantom, even the sage of the BOSS has to give him three points, which shows that he is powerful.

  "Wait a moment."

  But at this time, Yu stopped the Yatengu.

Chapter 7 Complete Form

  (PS: During the new book period, all kinds of requests, your clicks, your collections, your flowers, your evaluation tickets, your... etc., have all contributed greatly to the results of this book, so Minasang, Ben z here to thank you all!)

  (PS2: With the handsome transformation picture of the protagonist.)

  The Crow Tengu was stunned. The man who was with the wizard had the courage to stop him after seeing how easily he could defeat the wizard?

  "You, what are you doing?"

  The Crow Tengu stared at Yu with icy eyes, and with his icy voice, it made people feel like they were in an ice cellar.


  Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he was not afraid of the coercion exerted by the kotengu. He pointed at the wizard who was unconscious and fell to the ground, and said indifferently: "I originally wanted to learn from him how to summon a familiar and control it, but He's knocked out by you now, what's the matter?"


  At Yu's words, Crow Tengu laughed and laughed loudly: "I heard it right? It's funny, it's so funny! I've never seen an ant like you who is not afraid of death!!!"

  As soon as the words fell, the Crow Tengu moved!

  Like an arrow from the string, it came to Yu in an instant, and an iron fist slammed towards Yu's eyebrows!

  "The ants should lie down for me, it's very annoying, don't you know?!!"

  The power of the Crow Tengu's punch is very terrifying, even a boulder can be smashed to smithereens with one punch!

  But if his punch hit Yuu's head, it would definitely blow up!

  However, as I said last time, an attack that misses, no matter how strong it is, is meaningless.

  I saw Yu turned slightly to the side, and very skillfully avoided the fist of the kotengu.

  "Yes, things like ants are very annoying."

  Yu's flat voice was passed into the ears of the kotengu.

  Crow Tengu trembled all over, and in such a moment, he felt 'fear'!

  And the one who gave him 'fear' was a human who wasn't even a magician?


  Without any fancy transformations, Yuu took out a 'Knight Card' with a 'Decade' pattern on it, and inserted it into the card slot of the driver already worn on his waist!

  In an instant, several white shadows overlapped Yuu's body, covering him with a layer of black metal armor!

  Then, seven black negatives were inserted into the head, the two compound eyes flashed a faint green light, and part of the armor was also dyed pink!

  He is Yu, and he is also known as the 'destroyer of everything', called Decade!

  "What? You're actually a magician too?!" Crow Tengu was shocked. In his impression, there is only one wizard so far, so why?

  "You're wrong, I'm not a magician."

  Before the words were finished, Decade took out the weapon-sword spear-sword mode, and with a sharp slash, slashed through the body of the Kotengu!


  With this sword, the Crow Tengu was successfully wounded, causing him to let out a strange bark in pain.


  "Whatever you are! Don't get too carried away!!!"

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