



  Time passed, and soon a minute passed.

  Under the order of the section chief, the police officers rushed forward and rushed into the warehouse in a rude way, shouting, "Don't move!"

  I saw a young man in the warehouse.

  He was about 20 years old, sitting on a wooden box, leisurely nibbling on the chicken drumstick in his hand.

  Even though he saw dozens of police officers pointing pistols at him, he was still focused on finishing the chicken legs, but he was not afraid of such a scene.

  The police were all stunned, including Rinko.

  After all, the prisoner who is dying is still eating so leisurely, it is strange not to be stunned.

  "Raise... your hand!!" The section leader cleared his emotions and shouted.

  The young man threw the chicken bones with only bones left after eating them, then counted the number of police officers one-two-three, and said with a smile: "Well, the role of the corpse today is decided to be you police officers!"

  After all, the young man grinned and retreated, turning into a monster with a terrifying appearance!

  All green, only one eye!

  It was the Phantom that escaped from the wizard!lizard Man!


  When the phantom of the Lizardman appeared, the police were out of control.

  After all, police officers are just ordinary people, and they all have an innate fear of monsters.

  Except for Rinko, the rest of the policemen pulled the trigger in a panic.

  "Bang Bang Bang!!!"

  Suddenly, gunshots resounded throughout the warehouse.

  The bullets hit the lizardmen like rain.

  But it's just bullets from ordinary guns, and it can't cause damage to the phantom Lizardmen at all.

  It can be said that a bullet hit on a lizardman is no different from scratching a tickle.

  When all the police's bullets were exhausted, the Lizardman asked coldly, "Are you finished?"

  The police were completely stunned. There were so many bullets that could kill an average person a hundred times without causing any harm to the Lizardmen?

  Fear, fear, lingered in the hearts of everyone.

  Even Rinko has to admit that only Kamen Riders like Yu can deal with these monsters...

  "Then, it's me!"

  I saw the lizardman's head flicked, and dozens of scales suddenly shot out from the head!

  The sharp scales were like bullets, hitting all the policemen except Rinko!

  But it didn't hit the nail on the head, just pierced their shoulders!


  Suddenly, a painful cry rang out.

  The lizardman chuckled, only to feel the wailing sound like the sound of nature, looked at Rinko, and asked with a smile: "Woman, why didn't you shoot?"

  Hearing the lizardmen calling herself, the stunned Rinko came back to her senses, took a step back, and said in a daze: "I...my gun is in the car, you...you wait! I'll take my gun and kill you!"

  Saying that, Rinko turned and ran out.

  She knew that this was a situation that could not be solved by the police. She could only go back and wake up Yu who was sleeping in her car. Only he could save everyone, otherwise everyone would be killed by monsters!

  "Hey, woman, don't run!"

  The lizardman dodged and stood in front of Rinko, smiling: "After all, you are also today's corpse character!"

Chapter 87 This is embarrassing

  Like a flash, the lizardmen stood in front of Rinko.

  Looking at the terrifying appearance of the lizardman up close, Rinko was very frightened, cold sweat poured out of her beautiful face, and she subconsciously took a few steps back.

  "You are all corpse characters today, so..." The words suddenly paused here, and I saw a long sword in the right hand of the lizardman, and said with a wicked smile: "No one wants to escape from my hands, I'm going to torture you all slowly, and then kill! Hahahaha!"

  "You monster! Stop joking!!"

  There are also fierce people in this group of police.

  On the brink of life and death, several strong police officers overcame their fear of weirdos and rushed towards the lizardmen.

  Those who participated in this operation were all elite soldiers of the Metropolitan Police Department. Like the policeman who took the lead, he was the last national Sanda champion. Whether it was his own speed or strength, he was a 'superman' among human beings. .

  Having said that, even Yuu, whose physical quality has surpassed that of human beings, would not be able to inflict harm on a weirdo with his own strength with his bare hands, not to mention them...

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