However, he seriously underestimated the strength of Decade.

  Using only his left hand, Decade took the scales one by one and squeezed them all in his hand. With a little force, the scales were crushed into powder...

Chapter 88 Kamen Rider Eternal

  (PS: Minasang, begging for flowers, begging for tickets, begging for balls!!!!)

  Seeing that Decade was at a very close distance, not only took all the scales he shot with one hand, but also crushed them into powder, the Lizardman suddenly gasped and couldn't believe his eyes.

  "Huh, but that's it."

  Suddenly, with a contemptuous sentence, Decade slammed his sword and tore through the lizardman's body, bringing out a brilliant spark, and the lizardman's strange cry from the pain: "Goo!!"

  Decade succeeded with a sword, quickly switched the sword to gun mode, touched the muzzle of the gun on the belly of the lizardman at zero distance, and pulled the trigger three times in a row!

  "Bang Bang Bang!!!"

  The bullet exploded directly in the Lizardman's abdomen. Because it was a zero-distance shot, and because Decade's bullet was specially made, it was very lethal. Three shots severely injured the Lizardman and hit him. Back ten meters.

  "Damn! Damn!! 15"

  The lizardman who kept his footing was annoyed. He liked humans to play the role of the corpse in his script, but he definitely didn't like to play this role himself!

  If it goes on like this, he will really become a corpse.No, there are no bones left!

  Thinking about it, the lizardmen gritted their teeth, although they didn't want to use that 'eight-hundred self-inflicted damage to the enemy's thousand' moves, but now there is only...


  Seemingly having made a decision, the lizardmen shouted violently and boiled the magic power of their whole body!His originally sturdy body, his muscles suddenly swelled, and his stature became stronger!

  Decade was slightly startled, but didn't care.

  It's just arming yourself with magic to make yourself stronger.But as the strength increases, the speed decreases accordingly.

  Therefore, it is meaningless ability.

  In battle, speed and agility are more meaningful than strength.

  The world's martial arts is only fast and not broken, this is not a joke.

  Although this is not a competition, the meaning is the same.

  However, Decade is clearly careless.

  Because... the lizardmen not only enhanced their physique and strength, but also their speed and reaction!

  "Magician, I'm sorry, you lost the chance of a painless death! In my current state, if I don't torture the enemy to death, I will never give up!"

  The lizardmen who finished speaking were like arrows from a string, and shot at Decade.



  Not only fast, but also terrifyingly powerful!

  The Lizardman rushed in front of Decade, clenched his right hand into a fist, and blasted it out.

  Although Decade blocked with his sword, removing most of the power of the lizardmen's punch, Decade was still knocked ten meters away with his sword and fell to the ground.


  "do not come!!"

  Seeing that Rinko, who was not far away, wanted to come over to help him, Decade hurriedly stopped.

  The lizardmen had already rushed up at this time, and before Decade got up, he grabbed Decade's neck with his right hand, pressed Decade to the ground, and dragged Decade forward!

  The back was rubbing against the ground, and there was a burning pain. If it wasn't for Decade's armor, it would have been dripping with blood.

  The lizardmen's strength is very strong, Decade can't break free with strong means, and can only take a chance, cut the sword and spear into gun mode, and shoot at the obvious weakness of the lizardmen, the only eyeball!


  The lizardman's response was not slow, he hurriedly released the hand that was holding Decade's throat, and stepped back to avoid the bullet that shot at his eyeball.


  Decade took a breath and stood up slowly.

  His back hurts a lot, after all, he was dragged by the lizardmen for hundreds of meters.

  However, he always liked to give back ten times the pain that the enemy gave him.

  He pulled out a gold-plated 'Knight Card' from the deck, and he said coldly, "It is an honor for you to experience the power of the strongest 'Gaia·Memory'!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Decade put the drawn card into the card slot of the drive, and an electronic sound effect sounded: "Kamen Rider Eternal! (Kamen Rider Eternal)"

  Suddenly, under the surprised gazes of Lizardmen and Rinko, Decade transformed again!

  He was dressed in white, his arms were dyed blue by blue fire, his compound eyes flashed with orange light, and he was wearing a black cloak. His handsome figure was unforgettable.

  He is the nemesis of all Gaia Memory, Kamen Rider Eternal!

  "Come on, have fun with hell!"

  Yu Zeng had an encounter with Eternal's transformative Dao Keji, which subconsciously used an icy tone to recite this line, and thumbed up his right hand, making an action of contempt for the lizardmen.

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