"Asshole, do you like to tease me so much? Is it fun?"

  "It's fun." Yu nodded, touched Medusa's head, and said, "Equivalent exchange, I answer a question for you, and you have to answer a question for me, how?"

  "Is this the condition you said?"

  "Otherwise, do you think the condition is for me to kiss?"


  You smiled, suddenly leaned down again, and kissed Medusa's lips domineeringly...

  "woo woo woo woo…"

  Medusa couldn't speak clearly and struggled a little, but in the end she gave up her resistance and let Yuu's head invade...

  Lips parted, You smiled and said, "I want to kiss you, anytime."

  "Enough! You should answer my question!"

  Obviously, Medusa was a little angry at the same time she was coquettish and shy.

  Yu also stopped teasing Medusa, put on a serious look, and said, "My purpose is very simple, remember what I said at the time? I will kill all the phantoms."

  Hearing this, Medusa fell silent. She didn't understand why the sage would allow the wicked Yuuka Hibuka to join the Phantom and give it to his leader.

  After a while, she said, "Is this all for revenge on me?"

  "Take it like this." You didn't want to say more in this question, and changed the topic: "It's time for you to answer my question, what is the purpose of adding companions to the phantom?"

  "In order to wake up the witch, the sage needs to increase the phantom and start the witch's night banquet."

  It's no secret in Phantom, so Medusa didn't hesitate to tell it all.

  "Witch? Witch Banquet?" Yu fell into deep thought, is the purpose of the sage really that simple?While the number of phantoms is increasing, it is also accompanied by death, at least no less than a few hundred phantoms have been killed by the magician.

  Besides, why did the sage let the magician go?Shouldn't such obstacles be eliminated?If more than ten phantoms are dispatched in one go, even a wizard will definitely not be able to handle it.

  Or, sages actually... need magicians?

  "What are you dazed for?"

  Medusa's voice pulled Yuu out of her thoughts, only to hear her ask, "It's up to me to ask, why did you agree with Gulemlin to be a cadre just now?"

  "I originally wanted to refuse, but who told you to speak, don't you know that I like to disagree with you the most?"


  Medusa took a deep breath, this man is really unreasonable!

  "It's okay, I'll go first."

  She felt that if she stayed any longer, she couldn't help but go berserk.

  "Of course there is something, since I have joined the Phantom, I have to do something for the Phantom, such as adding companions." You Dan smiled.

  Seeing the smile on Yuu's face, Medusa knew that he wasn't joking to make fun of himself, and said, "Just right, I know a Gate."

  "Lead the way."

  So, Yu left the forest with Medusa and returned to the city.

  On the way, Medusa suddenly sneered: "Yu Shiba, it's not that simple to make Gate despair."

  "It's not easy, but it's not difficult either. It's just a game that makes a person desperate. As long as you find the right way, you can easily break Gate's spiritual pillar and make him despair."

  "Haha, anyone who says it will say it."

  "Then, let you see my methods."

  Talking all the way, about half an hour later, the two arrived at their destination.

  The target Gate is an ordinary housewife of a certain family.

  Yu's face darkened, only to hear Medusa laugh: "What's wrong? Someone just said out loud that he wanted me to see his methods."

  Although Yu is not a good person, he is by no means a bad person. He really can't handle an ordinary housewife like this.

  Looking at the proud Medusa, a thought suddenly flashed in Yuu's mind, and he joked: "So it is, no wonder your phantom's overall strength level is so low, that's the reason."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I ask you, such an ordinary Gate can't be more ordinary, do you think any decent Phantom can be born?"


  "The answer is definitely no! Only a powerful host can breed a powerful phantom!"

  "Uh..." Medusa was taken aback for a while, is there such a statement?

  "So, we don't need to waste our energy on this level of Gate, but to find those Gates that are worthy of our persecution and despair."

  Yuu was just talking nonsense with her eyes open, but it was not without reason.

  Like such an ordinary housewife Gate, it is difficult to imagine what kind of powerful phantom she can give birth to.


  "Yu Hibakata, the purpose of our phantom is to make Gate despair, and then give birth to a new phantom. There has never been any requirement for quality, are you talking nonsense with me?"

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