"Hurry up and stop him, or the destructive power of his blow will endanger other Gates!" Medusa reminded aloud, but Yuu had already started to move, using the ability of 'passionate state' partial transformation, only covering her feet Decade's armor, as if smeared with oil on the soles of his feet, rushed to the front of the two-headed dog in an instant, kicked the two-headed dog's abdomen with one foot, preventing the two-headed dog from making a move, kicked him dozens of meters away, and smashed it heavily on the ground. on the ground.

  Although it is only a partial transformation, the power of Yu's foot should not be underestimated. Anyway, the two-headed dog felt a burning pain in his abdomen.

  "Okay... It's amazing! Did you all see it? He kicked the monster out with one kick!"

  "At least fifteen meters! My God... This is simply not something a human can do!"

  Indeed, it is impossible for a human to kick a monster weighing nearly 200kg to fly fifteen meters.

  But none of them knew that Yu was a kick that blessed Decade's power.

  "If you have time to make a noise here, you should run for your life, if you don't want to be killed."

  Looking at the prison guards and criminals who were talking about it, You said coldly.

  The double-headed dog stood up, with a fierce look on his face, so frightened that everyone didn't want to stay here anymore, and they all fled.

  In just a moment, there were only three people left in the huge hall.

  No, it's the four of them, and Rei Hoshino who couldn't walk because of fear...

  "It hurts a lot, that kick you just did." The two-headed dog touched his abdomen and smiled, "Reciprocity, pick me up!"

  When the words fell, the two dog mouths of the two-headed dog burned out, and two balls of fire the size of soccer balls suddenly spewed out, slamming towards you.

  Yu didn't dodge, she didn't move.

  When the fireball touched Yuu's body, it suddenly exploded, and with a loud 'boom', the sky burst into flames!

  "Heh, it's just a human after all, it's really weak." The two-headed dog sneered, thinking that Yuu had already died in his flames, and was ready to find the next prey.

  When he looked at Rei Hoshino on the stage, the double-headed dog showed a sly grin, stepped on his toes, jumped onto the stage twenty meters away, and came to Rei Hoshino.

  "Don't...don't come here!!"

  "Hehe, fear, scream, let me hear your screams!!"

  The two-headed dog is very satisfied with Hoshino Rei's scared expression, and his hands and ten fingers have sharp claws, and he wants to tear Hoshino Rei!

  Pity Xiangxiyu?The double-headed dog didn't understand what the word meant. The moment his nails grew, his paws were ruthlessly drawn towards Rei Hoshino.


  Rei Hoshino was so frightened that she closed her eyes, and her lower body moistened her panties.



  Suddenly, an electric sound came from the flames.

  The double-headed dog heard it, the attack stopped abruptly, and he turned back in a hurry, seeing the looming figure in the flame, the double-headed dog's face was full of disbelief: "You are not dead? How could a human body be in my flames? Survive?"

  "Because, I'm Kamen Rider."

  The flames went out, and standing there was Yuu who transformed into a Dark (Dark) Kiva.

  A dark cloak, a dark red armor, and two compound eyes flashing a faint blue light.

  The highest masterpiece of the Fangire family, the Dark.Kiva that only kings can transform into!

  "Kamen Rider..." Looking at Dark.Kiva's cool figure, Rei Hoshino murmured these four words.

Chapter 118 The Wave Formation

  (PS: Shamelessly asking for a wave of flower tickets!!!)

  "Kamen Rider? Oh, although I don't know what the hell it is, but you are an eyesore! Disappear for me!"

  After the words fell, the two dog mouths of the two-headed dog suddenly spurted two fiery fireballs, which slammed into Dark (Dark) Kiva.

  Dark.Kiva was very calm, raised his right foot slightly, and kicked away the two fireballs that entered his range!


  The fireball was kicked and slammed into the wall on the left, and the fireball exploded immediately, blasting two large holes in the wall.

  At the moment when the fireball exploded, the double-headed dog rushed up and came to Dark.Kiva in an instant, and ripped out its right paw towards Dark.Kiva's heart!

  Dark.Kiva didn't back down, he just stood still, letting the two-headed dog's claws rip at him.

  This is not looking for abuse, because Dark.Kiva's armor has excellent defensive performance, and it is not afraid of a claw attack of the level of a double-headed dog.


  When the blow was successful, the double-headed dog was full of shock. He thought that his claw could at least tear through Dark.Kiva's armor, but he never even thought that he could not leave any claw marks...

  "What's wrong? At this level, you will die." Dark.Kiva shook his hand and joked.

  "Joke, only you will die!" The two-headed dog couldn't help but add magic power to his claws, burning flames.

  With the blessing of flames, the two-headed dog can't break Dark.Kiva's defense if you don't believe it.

  With a grin, the two-headed dog stepped forward and rushed towards Dark.Kiva at a very fast speed.

  "Naive guy." Looking at the two-headed dog who was rushing towards him, Dark.Kiva sneered to himself, raised his right hand, and pointed his index finger in front of him. At a position ten meters behind the two-headed dog, a green light was formed. A magic circle in the shape of a bat - 'Wave Barrier'.

  "I'm going to dig your guts out! Die for me!!"

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