Although, it's a bit embarrassing to be seen by him peeing his pants...

Chapter 120 The Mirror World

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  Seeing Yu approaching, the two-headed dog immediately stood up straight, making himself look like that.

  You froze for a moment, why did this guy suddenly become respectful?

  Looking at Medusa, I thought it was what the woman said to the two-headed dog-.

  You guessed this, smiled and said, "Let's go, it's time to get out of here."

  "Let's leave here? Don't you drive the other Gates to despair?" Medusa asked.

  "No hurry." You shook his head slightly, because of the two-headed dog, the entire prison was in chaos, and soon, the police should come to the door.

  No, if there is such a big thing as a monster in the prison, the country will at least dispatch the army to suppress it.

  So, it's still the best way to go now.

  Although the country is nothing to Yuu, he is not alone after all, and it is impossible to be stupid enough to fight against the country.After all, he has a real reason to protect, and his dearest mother-in-law.

  "Hmph, let's go then."

  Medusa is very smart, she knows what You are scruples, she snorted coldly, and took the lead in the direction of the exit.

  "Idiot, walking through the front door will cause a commotion."

  "You're an idiot!" Medusa became unhappy and said angrily, "Then you say, if we don't go through the main entrance, how can we get out?"

  "There are many ways." Yu smiled slightly, took out two cards from the card box, and put them into the card slot of the drive one by one.



  Yu first transformed into Decade, and then covered Ryuki's armor on Decade's armor.

  Knight of the Mirror World - Ryuki!

  "In the end... how many poses can you transform into?"

  Another unfamiliar transformation, Medusa's face turned dark, this man... why is it bottomless?

  "Want to know?"

  "No, I have no interest in you."

  You smiled but smiled: "Women are always duplicitous, and you should be the most representative kind."

  "That's really an award." Medusa glared at You and asked, "So, how do we get out?"

  "Come here." Ryuki stood in front of a mirror of equal height, don't ask why there is such a mirror in the prison hall, how do I know?

  "Mirror?" Medusa froze for a moment, and the two-headed dog came to Ryuki's side, only to hear the two-headed dog ask very respectfully: "Boss, is there any mystery in this mirror? Or... it is hidden behind the mirror. Get out of the dark passage here?"

  "Your brain is good, but you have to think clearly. This is a prison. How could there be a secret passage in the hall to leave?"

  "Okay..." The two-headed dog patted the back of his head embarrassedly. Also, if there is a secret passage, wouldn't it be convenient for the prisoners inside to escape?

  "Hey, can you please stop selling?" Medusa gave Ryuki a white look, the latter smiled, suddenly holding Medusa's slender jade hand with his left hand, grabbing the arm of the two-headed dog with his right hand, and pulling the two of them, Ryuki's whole The body hit the mirror.

  The mirror was not broken, because Ryuki had the ability to enter the mirror world. He brought Medusa and the double-headed dog to the mirror world that was completely opposite to the original world.

  "Uh... just now, what happened?"

  The two-headed dog hasn't reacted yet, and is a little stunned.

  Medusa was also surprised. Looking at the mirror in front of her, she was pulled by Ryuki and bumped into the mirror. Why wasn't the mirror broken?and…

  Medusa looked around, this hall is definitely not the one she was in just now, although it is exactly the same, but everything here is reversed from just now...

  "Mirror World, when I first came in, I was also taken aback." Ryuki looked at Medusa's unbelievable expression and said this with a smile.

  "Hmph, I'm not like you, I would be frightened by this level of scenery." Medusa said coldly with her arms crossed.

  Ryuki laughed to himself, even though he was shocked just now, he said no...

  Surprisingly, this woman is very cute.

  "Let's go, we can leave the gate openly now," Ryuki said, raising his feet and walking towards the exit.

  Medusa and the two-headed dog followed, and walked out of the C4 prison unimpeded. When they got outside, Ryuki found a mirror, left the mirror world, and returned to the original world.

  Back, the two are still in shock.

  Although Medusa said that she was not surprised, the mirror world, a world that only existed in imagination, actually existed, and she walked through it in person. If she said she was not surprised, it must be false.

  "Double-headed dog, come here to gather at two o'clock in the morning tonight." Yu, who released his transformation, ordered in an unquestionable tone.

  The double-headed dog didn't know what You wanted to do, but he was afraid of you and didn't dare to ask, and nodded again and again: "Okay boss! I'll be there on time!"

  "Well, what do you want to do during this period? Be careful not to cause any commotion. If you are accidentally discovered by the magician, I don't want to waste time saving you."

  "I see, I'll pay attention!"

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