Bahamut didn't even have a chance to scream, his whole body was blasted into slag by the beam...

  This scene was seen by Medusa, who just happened to be rushed over.

  "You... killed him?"

  "Heh, shouldn't he die?" Decade's voice was cold.

  Medusa didn't answer, looking at Decade's arms, clearly holding a woman.

  Is it for this woman...?



  When Li woke up, it was already three in the morning.

  "woke up?"

  A cold female voice came, Li looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a beautiful woman with her arms folded and her back against the wall not far away.


  Li's eyes are very special, and he can see that this woman is a phantom with only one glance, and asked in a daze: "Why is the phantom here?"

  "Shh, don't be noisy." The woman and Medusa motioned to Li to shut up and pointed to Li's side, only to realize that Yu was lying on the bedside and fell asleep.

  "He has stayed up most of the night to take care of you, and he basically didn't sleep last night. Since you are awake, get up and give him the bed."

  After listening to Medusa's words, Li looked at Yuu who was asleep, and his heart was filled with emotion.

  She hurriedly let the bed out, only to see Medusa walk over and pick you up carefully, as if she was deliberately trying not to wake you up, she moved very delicately, put Yu gently on the bed, and covered you with a quilt...

  Such a scene, Li was completely stunned.

  Is this... is it something the Phantom would do?

  In Li's impression, the phantom is usually the kind of ruthless monster who will do whatever it takes to achieve the goal. How can it be like Medusa, for a human being?

  "You... who are you?" Li asked in a low voice.

  "Naturally it's a phantom." Medusa replied coldly, too lazy to talk about the calendar, and sat quietly on the other side of the bed.

Chapter 124 I'm Your Reliance

  (PS: Ask for flowers and ask for tickets oh oh oh!!!)

  At nine o'clock the next morning, Yu woke up from her dream.

  When he got up, he yawned and found Li sitting beside the bed.

  "Good morning, Li, how are you feeling?"

  "Well, I'm fine." Li replied with a smile, her body is relatively special, as long as she is not fatally injured, she will be fine.

  "Yu, thank you..." Li looked at You with grateful eyes, You smiled, reached out, touched Li's head, and said, "You're welcome."

  "Huh? Speaking of which, why did I sleep in bed?" Suddenly, Yoo thought of this.

  He fell asleep beside the bed last night, and the one sleeping on the bed was obviously Li.

  "It was the man who carried you to bed."

  Li replied, frowning slightly, and said, "Yu, that person's real a Phantom."

  The 'that person' Li said, of course Yuu knew, was referring to Medusa.

  "I know."


  Li was stunned for a moment, she thought You didn't know.

  Since Yuu knew that person was the Phantom, why was she still with her?I don't understand.

  "By the way, what about her?"

  You looked around and found that Medusa was not here, wondering, where did this woman go?

  "She went out just now, but didn't tell me where to go." Li replied.

  Coincidentally, the door opened at this time.

  Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

  I saw Medusa came back with a lunch box, saw that Yu had gotten up, put the lunch box on the counter by the bedside, and said indifferently: "The food you love, eat it while it's hot."

  "Exactly, I'm hungry."

  "Wait a minute, brush your teeth before you eat."

  Seeing that Yu obviously just woke up, Medusa must have not brushed her teeth yet, so she hurriedly reached out and grabbed the lunch box in Yu's hand.

  "Ha... while chatting with He Li, I forgot to wash up." Yulue scratched her hair awkwardly, got off the bed, and went to the bathroom to wash.

  About five minutes later, Yu came out of the bathroom after washing up, looked at Medusa, and said, "Medusa, you only brought back my breakfast, why didn't you bring one for Li?"

  Hearing this, Medusa held her hands in front of her, glanced at Li with a hostile gaze, and said coldly, "I have no obligation to take care of her."

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