Facing two adults at the same time, Decade will have a harder time winning if he doesn't do something.

  "These zerg seem to be using Clock.Up's power. So..."

  Decade pulled out a Rider card from the card box and immediately inserted it into the card slot of the drive. An electronic sound rang out: "Kamen.Rider-Kabuto!"

  Suddenly, Decade covered Kabuto's armor on top of the original armor!

  A warrior named Sun God - Kabuto!

  "Clock. Up!"

  Kabuto also moved at super high speed, engaging in a fierce battle with the two adults at speeds unseen by the naked eye.

  Despite being one vs two, Yuu's fighting skills overwhelmingly overwhelmed the adults.

  After a few rounds of fighting, Kabuto kicked them away with one kick, then turned his back and quickly pulled out a card from the card box and put it into the card slot!

  "1! 2! 3! Rider–Kick"

  When the adults saw Kabuto's back to them, they thought it was an opportunity and jumped up without thinking.

  But I don't know, this is no different from courting death!

Chapter 138 Medusa vs Mayu

  Kabuto's right foot concentrated lightning, and when the adult worm entered his attack range, he immediately turned around and lifted his right foot to kick out!

  The two adult worms were kicked in a row, and the lightning from Kabuto's feet smashed into them!

  "Clock. Over! (Time is over)"

  When time resumed its normal flow, everyone could see Kabuto and the two adults in the field.

  I saw Kabuto turned his back to the adults, and the adults slowly fell down, and their bodies suddenly burst open and turned into ashes.


  Kagami was stunned for a moment, then walked quickly to Kabuto's side, "You...you're amazing, who the hell are you?"

  "Didn't you say it? It's just a passing Kamen Rider." At the same time as Kabuto said, he patted Kagami Mixin on the shoulder, then came to Medusa's side, released his transformation, and turned his armor into The phantom disappeared.

  "Let's go back."

  Caressing Medusa's pale face, she smiled.


  Medusa nodded, and the two left here holding hands.

  Looking at the two leaving, to be precise, Kagami Mixin was looking at Yu's back and muttered to herself, "Kamen Rider..."

  In fact, Kagami's organization 'ZECT' is developing the knight system, and the real Kabuto will come out soon.


  In the square, Nara Shunhei helped a boy who had fallen while playing, and saw that the boy's knee was broken.

  "Does it hurt?"

  "Well... it hurts." The boy said aggrievedly, tears in his eyes.

  "Then, will my brother cast you a magic to make the pain go away?" Nara Shunpei smiled, then raised his right index finger and closed his eyes to concentrate.

  The boy stopped crying and looked at Nara Shunpei with expectant eyes.

  magic?Does it really exist?

  The boy couldn't help thinking.


  "Qiqin cups and cups! The pain will fly away!"




  The boy smiled, "Brother, you are so old, are you still ashamed? But thank you for making me laugh, the pain seems to really fly away."

  With that said, the boy left, leaving only the slightly embarrassed Nara Shunpei.

  If only I could use real magic like Yuu and Haruto did...


  Thinking about it, Nara Shunpei sighed lightly.

  "Yes, if it's me, I can make you a magician!"

  Suddenly, a dull voice came into Nara Shunpei's ears from behind.

  Nara Shunpei was frightened by the sudden voice, and turned around quickly, only to see the White Mage unknowingly, just behind him, and I don't know when he came.

  "If you really want to be a magician, just follow me!" The white magician stretched out his hand, and Nara Shunpei was still a little stunned.

  When Nara Shunpei came back to his senses, he immediately asked, "Can I really...really be a magician?"

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