
  "You... are you serious?"

  You looked at Medusa blankly, the latter nodded and said, "Well, although I don't know the reason, Mayu has indeed become a magician."


  Yu's pupils shrank suddenly, and her body trembled slightly.

  In other words, the week he left, Mayu faced despair...

  "Mayu be fine, at least she didn't turn into a phantom." Medusa knew what Yu was worried about, comforted her, and hugged Yu's trembling body.

  The trembling stopped, Yun hugged Medusa tightly, smelled her fragrance, closed her eyes, and fell into deep thought.

  Yes, as far as the result is concerned, it's fine if it's really okay...

  So, who made Mayu despair?

  After thinking about it for a moment, it turns out that there is only one prisoner, the sage.

  The purpose of letting himself go to Shibuya is obviously to support himself, but... what method does he use to make Mayu despair?

  Although Yuu figured out that the culprit was a sage, he didn't know that the culprit who made Mayu despair was either someone else or himself.

Chapter 140 Dissatisfaction

  In a dense forest shrouded in mist, Nara Shunpei put a ring inlaid with green magic stone on his left middle finger, first pretending to pose strangely, and then...


  The Lord of the Rings in his left hand touched the sensor device of the driver at his waist, and a green magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Nara Shunpei!

  The green magic circle passed over Nara Shunpei's body, and at the moment when the magic circle penetrated, Nara Shunpei has transformed into a magician!

  A magician who is almost the same as Mage except for the color, it should be said that Nara Shunhei transformed into Mage, but it is different from Mage of Mayu. Mayu is a magician of 'earth element', and he is 'wind element'.

  "Success!! I finally successfully transformed!!"

  Nara Shunpei danced with excitement and laughed at the woman in police uniform not far away: "Hahahaha! Miss Rinko, have you seen it? I have successfully transformed! I am now a magician!!"

  Rinko rolled his eyes at him and said, "Shunping, you don't even think about it, you have successfully transformed from the first day, and it took you a week, it's a shame."

  Shunpei didn't take Rinko's words to heart at all, and still smiled happily: "I don't care, anyway, I'm already a magician now!"

  Dreams come true, always exciting.

  Rinko smiled. She also successfully became a magician the day before yesterday. As long as she thought that she could use this power to deal with the Phantom that harmed the citizens in the future, she couldn't help but get excited.

  At that time, it will not be long before you can get a promotion and a salary increase, become the director, and reach the pinnacle of life!Think about it and get a little excited...

  "Sister Rinko, what are you laughing at?"

  Just as Rinko was YY, a female voice entered her ears.

  Rinko came back to her senses, and seeing that Mayu was back, she smiled awkwardly: "It's nothing, just intoxicated."

  After speaking, Rinko said again: "By the way, while you were out, the white magician came to you, and he said that he would let you go to see him when you came back."

  "Oh, is he in the cave?" Mayu pointed to the front, there was a hidden cave not far away.

  "Well, in addition to teaching us magic, he usually stays in the cave." Rinko said, thinking of something, and asked: "Mayu, do you know about you becoming a magician?"

  Speaking of Yu, Mayu's expression was a little sad, she smiled wryly, and said, "Maybe you know..."

  After all, she went to meet Medusa today, and Medusa should have told Yuu afterwards.

  "He... agrees with you to be a magician?"

  "How is that possible? Brother Yu can't agree. However, it is my own decision to become a magician. I need strength, and I can't let brother Yu protect me all the time." Mayu said firmly, adding in her heart: "Also, I We must use this power to defeat Medusa!"


  In the cave, the White Mage looked at the calendar in the Hall of Shadows through the crystal ball.

  I saw that Li's situation was very bad at the moment. She had reached the weakest stage. Even if Haruto's magic power was sublimated, the magic supplement to Li could no longer restore Li to its original state.

  The 'Sage's Stone' is the crystallization of magic power, and the magic power contained in it is quite terrifying, and it can even revive the dead body.

  That's right, Li died a year ago, and the only thing that keeps Li alive is the Sage's Stone that the White Mage put in Li's body.

  But the stone of the sage is not omnipotent, and maintaining Li's life requires a lot of magical irrigation. For this reason, the White Mage handed Li to Qingren, and Qingren delivered magic power to Li.

  At present, Haruto has been unable to meet the needs of the Sage's Stone, and if this continues, Li may...

  There is still a week before the witch's banquet will be held. If you don't give Li the last time to fill the magic, Li may not be able to last until that time.

  "Looks like it's time to bring the calendar back." The white magician muttered to himself, suddenly heard footsteps, and hurriedly turned off the crystal ball screen, shouting, "Who!!!"

  "it's me."

  It was Mayu who came in. Mayu's eyebrows were slightly frowning. Why was the White Mage so flustered?

  "Did you secretly run to find Medusa for revenge today?" the white magician asked, watching through the crystal ball, of course he knew it.

  "I want to become a magician, one of the purposes is to take revenge, what's the problem?" Mayu said bluntly, because she always thought that the white magician was the enemy.

  At least, the White Mage is Yu's enemy, so that's the equivalent of Mayu's enemy.

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