"And when I become a wizard, I can use magic power. In other words, when I become a wizard, all my power is converted into magic power."

  "Similarly, I can send the magic power to you, and then you will transfer it to Li!"

  Speaking, Yu's expression was a little serious: "In the end, I don't have much confidence, but in any case, try it first."


  Qingren nodded, and now in this situation, he can only be a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

  So, Yu held Li's right hand, pulled her hand and his own hand to touch the hand-shaped sensing device of Haruto's driver, and then Yuyu infused the magic power into Haruto, and then sent it to Li through Haruto.

  (PS: That's the way the wizard makes up the magic, you have to touch the drive, and because Yuu is a Decade, even if it becomes a wizard, it is still the drive of the Decade.)

  To fill the needs of the Sage Stone at this time, the magic power required is quite large...

  The White Mage, who watched all this with a crystal ball, did not think that the two could successfully restore the calendar to its original state.

  When the Sage's Stone is close to a year, it will become like it is now, either it needs a large amount of magic power replenished by the sea, or the calendar will disappear...

  In other words, the White Mage put the Sage's Stone into Yu Li's body just to prolong Li's life.

  From the very beginning, he secretly prepared the witch's night banquet, because the only way to save Li was the witch's night banquet.

  No, there is another way, if you can get the 'Golden Fruit' of 'God's Power', you can also bring Li back to life, even more thorough than the Witch Night Banquet!

  However, this second method is just a legend after all, and no one knows whether the golden fruit exists or not.

  "The terrifying magic power is simply endless..."

  Seeing Yuu who kept pumping magic power, Haruto's face was full of surprise.

  The magic power he thought Yu possessed could only be compared to a small river at best, but no matter how he looked at it now, his power was not a small river, but an ocean!

  If it is Yuu!It must be restored to its original state!

  Qingren's heart was extremely excited, but it didn't take long to see that Yuu was sweating coldly and looked a little weak.

  "Yu, are you... alright?"


  Yu replied lightly, and continued to be busy delivering magic power.

  However, it didn't take long for Yu's mouth to overflow with scarlet blood...

  But even so, Yuu never thought about giving up the delivery.

  "Yu Shiba, he is obviously not a magician, yet he possesses such huge magical power. However, why does he insist on such a degree to the calendar?"

  After the white magician was shocked, he was puzzled again.

  In fact, the reason for Yuu's insistence is very simple, he just simply likes this cute girl.


  "The purpose of the sage is not to increase the Phantom."

  Knowing this fact, Takikawa Sora became more and more unable to guess the true purpose of the sage.

  In the phantom, he has been secretly investigating the sage's affairs, and even the sage does not know, many things have been known to Takikawa Sora.

  "Plus..." Takikawa Sora frowned slightly and muttered to himself, "The puppet that lives by magic power next to the magician."

  Speaking of which, why did she become a being that needs magic power to survive?

  Is it...

  Suddenly thinking of something, Sora Takikawa's eyes shrank suddenly.

  "That puppet has something I've always wanted in it, the Sage's Stone!"

  "It turns out that it is not the puppet that really needs magic power, but the Sage's Stone!"

  Thinking of this, Sora Takikawa smiled grimly.

  But after laughing for a long time, Sora Takikawa restrained his smile, because he saw the two-headed dog coming.

  "Guremlin, the boss wants us to pay attention to the movements of the sages. You should inform the people under you to help pay attention." The two-headed dog said, although Takigawa Sora is a cadre, but he is a popular person beside Yu. There's no need to humbly yet.

  "Kazuya, do you know what my dream is?" Takikawa Sora asked.

  Kazuya Fujiwara was the name of the double-headed dog's host before he died. The double-headed dog didn't like Takigawa Sora calling him by this name, and said coldly, "Don't call me by the name of Gate, and I am not interested in your dreams. "

  "Really? But I still have to say, my dream is to be human again!"

  "Oh, that kind of thing is impossible, don't you know?" The two-headed dog sneered.

  "I can do it, if there is a sage's stone!" Takikawa Sora clenched his fists and said, "I am bound to get the sage's stone! So, I don't care about the phantom or something, you go back and tell the boss of Hibuka Yuu. Bar!"

Chapter 142 Dolls

  Yuu was forced to cancel the transformation, because all the magic power was passed on to Li.


  Yun was panting heavily. This was the first time he worked so hard since he gained strength, and it was also the first time that he felt really tired.

  Still, it's worth it in terms of the results.

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