"Guest, your figure is well maintained, I recommend this dress, it must be perfect on you!"


  "Um, how about this one? According to our repeat customers, their boyfriends like this off-the-shoulder dress."

  Medusa was slightly moved. Looking at the dress recommended by the waiter, she asked, "Really? Will Yuu like it?"

  "Yu?" The waiter was stunned, but she reacted instantly: "Oh, it's your boyfriend! Sure, men like this style!"

  "Then, wrap it up."


  Later, the waiter recommended a few more sets, and Medusa really liked it, so she bought them all.

  I don't care about money either, because she, like Yuu, is not bad for money.


  Carrying the wrapped clothes, Medusa walked on her way back.

  But in the place where he met Mayu last time, he met Mayu again.

  "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Medusa." Mayu said coldly, and the right hand wearing the ring touched her abdomen and summoned the drive.

  "Driver.On! (Driver On)"

  Medusa frowned slightly and asked, "Waiting for me here, what are you doing? Mayu Inamori."

  "Is it interesting to ask?" Saying that, Mayu took out Wiseman's ring, put it on the middle finger of her left hand, and then touched the hand-shaped sensing device of the driver.


  The golden magic circle of waiting height appeared and passed through Mayu's body.

  When the magic circle passed through, Mayu had turned into a white magician, Wiseman.

  "White Mage?" Medusa was a little surprised when she saw this.

  "Medusa, the time for the end has come!" Mayu who turned into Wiseman shook her hand slightly and walked up slowly.

  "If I can, I really don't want to fight with you." Medusa knew that a battle was inevitable, so she put the clothes in her hands on the ground, and immediately turned into a phantom.

  "Clothes?" Wiseman noticed Medusa's bag on the ground, and found that it contained clothes, and was stunned for a moment.

  "Yeah, he must like the clothes he bought for Yukan." Medusa smiled, for some reason, she just wanted to stimulate Mayu.

  Possibly, that's what happens between rivals.

  "Bastard! Shameless!!" Wiseman took out his flute sword and rushed towards Medusa while scolding.

  Medusa succeeded in angering Mayu. Seeing her rushing up with murderous intent, Medusa immediately took out the snake stick and quickly released her magic power, condensing a purple energy ball twice the size of a soccer ball and blasting it towards Wiseman. .

  Wiseman held the sword in his left hand, and slashed the energy ball in half with a swing of the sword. Then, his right hand wearing the ring was attached to the hand-shaped sensing device of the driver, and he only heard the prompt sound: "Explosion! (Explosion)"

  boom--! !

  A magic circle was formed at the location of Medusa, and a violent explosion started from the magic circle!

  Comparable to the power of a ton of TNT explosives detonated together, a deep pit has been blown out of Medusa's previous location.

  "do you died?"

  "how is this possible."

  Wiseman was startled, because Medusa's voice came from behind her.

  She wanted to turn around, but Medusa didn't give Wiseman a chance to turn around. The snake hair turned into a python, binding Wiseman's body!

  Wiseman tried to use strength to break the restraint of Medusa, but the python that Medusa's snake hair turned into held her tightly, and she could not break free from the restraint even though she exerted all her strength.

  "Don't waste your energy, that will only make it tighter." Medusa said coldly as always.

  Wiseman stopped struggling because it was exactly what Medusa said.

  "So, answer my question obediently, who drove you to despair? Who made you a magician?"

  "Heh, do you think I'll answer your question?" Wiseman sneered.

  Medusa thought the same, gave up the inquiry, and said, "Yu is very worried about you, I've been looking for you these days, I'm going to take you back to see him."

  "Humph! I don't want to see Brother Yu for the time being."

  "Then I can't help you, I can only aggrieve you first and take you back into stone." Medusa smiled, her eyes suddenly flashing purple light.

  "Turn to stone, what do you mean?"

  "Of course it means literally." Medusa laughed, Wiseman's entire body was petrified by a wonderful force!Instantly turned into a stone statue!

  Medusa retracted the python that bound Wiseman and turned back into snake hair.

  Looking at the stone statue of Wiseman, she was thinking about how to bring it back, but she couldn't just carry it back.

  After thinking for a while, it seems that the only way to move back is feasible...

  Bang-! !

  But suddenly, the stone statue cracked, the stone layer on the surface burst, and Wiseman came out.

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