The phoenix smiled, damn cat demon, snitching, right?When your mission fails, this uncle tells you that you can't survive, you can't die!Ouch... it hurts!Medusa, this guy is too ruthless, right?

  at the same time…

  The cat demon who attacked humans in the city center and killed several policemen shuddered.

  "I always feel... If I can't complete the mission, my end will be miserable... Damn! If it weren't for the fact that Medusa-sama is so terrible, who would play such a game to force 'Gate' into despair! Huh? , Where's 'Gate'? Why is it gone? My God, I've never heard of such a thing!"

  Because he was concerned about dealing with the police who got in his way, the cat demon didn't even know that 'Gate' had sneaked away.

  "Ah! It's all your fault! I want you to pay for your life!!"

  The angry cat demon decided to kill the police who were in the way.

  The police saw the strength of the cat demon, and they didn't have the courage to fight against the cat demon.


  But at this time, a silver bullet was shot fiercely on the cat demon!

  "It hurts! Who is it!!"

  The silver bullet mixed with magic power really makes the cat demon feel pain.

  He looked in the direction of the shooting, and saw a handsome man about 180cm tall in a hospital suit and holding a weird pistol.

  Magician, fuck you!

  "Difficult... Could it be... you... you are the wizard wizard with the ring?"

  If it is said that the policeman was shivering with fear of the cat demon just now, it would be the turn of the feng shui, and it would be the cat demon's turn to tremble with fear by the Qingren.

  Last night, the cat demon saw with his own eyes that the phoenix was defeated by the magician with absolute power.

  Although the street was dark at that time, the cat demon could not see the true face of the magician.But that figure must be a magician!

  "Yes, I am a magician!"

  Haruto smiled, took out the magic ring of 'fire element', put it on his left middle finger, and touched the hand shape of the belt: "Transformation!"

  A red magic circle appeared in front of Haruto out of thin air. The magic circle passed through Haruto's body, and in the process, covered Haruto's whole body with a set of metal armor made of magic stones!

  A magician who controls the power of fire, wizard flame form!

  "Sa! Show. Time! (Come on! Show time is up!)"


  Not long after Qingren left the hospital, Li, who was called to go through the discharge procedures, returned.

  It was found that there was no Haruto in the ward, but Yuu was there.

  "It's you?"

  Because I saw it yesterday, Li still remembers Yuu.

  You naturally didn't forget the calendar, after all, she was such a lovely and beautiful woman, and you couldn't forget it even if she wanted to.

  "What about... Qingren?"

  "He watched the news just now and went out in a hurry."


  "Well, it seems that some monster attacking people appeared in the city center."

  "Ah! It's the Phantom!"

  Li guessed it at once, and it must be the Phantom who came out to cause trouble, so Qingren hurried.


  Phantom actually came out at this time?Haruto, he just transmitted a lot of magic power to me...

  No, with Haruto's current magic power, he will definitely not be able to deal with the phantom... I have to go there!

  Although Li knew that even if he went by himself, he wouldn't be able to help Qingren.

  But if she wants to do nothing, she would rather live and die with her partner Haruto in the past.

  Having said that, the question is...

  Li is a house girl. She has lived in Toriizaka for half a year. She has only gone out a few times, and she has no idea how to get to the city center.

  "That... do you know how to get to the city center? I have to go there, Haruto is in danger!"


  As Li said, Haruto and wizard are really in crisis.

  Originally, a phantom like the cat demon was not a wizard's opponent at all.

  But halfway through, the wizard's magic power was suddenly lost, and he couldn't even maintain his transformation, so he was forced to change back to a human...

  Seeing this, the cat demon smiled: "Could it be that, magician, your magic power has been exhausted?"

  Seeing Qingren's black-lined face, the cat demon knew that he had guessed correctly, showing his sharp claws on both hands, and said with a smile: "How did you hit me just now, I want nothing left, and give it all back to you!"

Chapter 16 Instant Kill

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