W reminded, then softened the sword in his hand, swung the sword at a very fast speed, and slashed at Wiseman like a whip.

  Because the sword becomes soft, and so does the arm, W swings the sword very fast, even though Wiseman's abilities are far superior to W-Luna-Trigger in all aspects, but due to the difference in the transformants, Mayu can't play the knight to the limit like Yu. Ability, coupled with lack of combat experience, Mayu was instantly at a disadvantage...

  "Brother Yu...is he actually so powerful?" Zhenyou was surprised, how naive he was, and thought he could win against Brother You.

  However, Yu is so powerful, and I am more happy in my heart.

  After all, the man you love is so powerful, you will definitely feel full of pride.

  "What are you thinking?" W was very keen and found Wiseman slightly distracted.

  "Don't tell you."

  "You girl, don't be distracted when fighting, otherwise it will be like this..."

  The W sword's edge turned, and with one move, Wiseman's flute sword was thrown flying, and the tip of the sword pointed to Wiseman's neck.

  "If I were the enemy, you would be dead."


  "If you lose, there are only 20 seconds left for one minute. You are not allowed to seek revenge from Medusa in the future, you know?"

  "I don't! Besides, I haven't lost yet!"

  Wiseman quickly replaced one of the rings, touching the drive's sensor.


  Four magic circles suddenly appeared on the ground around W, and special chains emerged from the magic circle, tightly binding W's limbs.

  "Hey, Brother Yu, this magic is so powerful, you absolutely can't break free of these chains!" Wiseman made a victorious scissor hand, "I won!"

Chapter 147 Long time no see

  "Hey, Brother Yu, this magic is so powerful, you absolutely can't break free of these chains, it's me who won!"

  Mayu said with a smile, as if the winning ticket was already in hand.

  "Not necessarily." You said lightly, even though his hands and feet were bound by special magic chains, he did not show a trace of panic.

  Yuu's right hand pulled out a card from the card box. Although his hand was bound by a chain, it was not completely immobile.


  Yu put the drawn card into the card slot of the drive, and at the same time as the electronic beep sounded, Yu changed from W to Dark.Kiva!

  Wearing a pitch-black cloak, dark red and black armor, and a pair of compound eyes shining with sky blue light, this handsome scumbag looks like the symbol of the king of the blood-tooth ghosts - Dark.Kiva.

  "Brother Yu, what are you... doing?"

  "What do you say?"

  Dark.Kiva pretended to be mysterious to answer Wiseman's question, and suddenly kicked the ground with his right foot and jumped into the sky.

  Under the power of the jump, the chains that bound Dark.Kiva's hands and feet were forcibly broken, and he jumped directly into the sky at a height of 15 meters and [-] meters. Dark.Kiva's body seemed to overlap with the sun. The Medusa had to close her eyes.

  Dark.Kiva spins in the sky, falling from the sky at a high speed!

  At the same time as it flew down, Dark.Kiva unleashed a sure-kill kick to Mayu and Wiseman——'King Burst End'!

  Dark.Kiva's attack came too fast, and Wiseman was sluggish in place.

  Seeing that Dark.Kiva's kick was about to fall, Mayu couldn't dodge.

  Because, whether it's backing up or using teleportation magic, it's too late.



  A loud bang caused the ground to tremble violently.

  After all, it is close to the destructive power of 200T, and the power is quite terrifying.

  After all, Yuu was reluctant to hurt Mayu, so his kill did not fall on Mayu, but only kicked on the ground beside Mayu.

  Mayu was completely dumbfounded, as if she had collapsed. Wiseman's armor turned into light and dispersed from her body, and she sat down on the ground.

  If Dark.Kiva's 'King Burst End' kicked her just now, she would be shattered to pieces...

  "Mayu." Dark.Kiva released his transformation, sat on the ground, beside Mayu, and said sternly: "Your strength may not be weak, but in this world, there are as many enemies as you can't defeat. If Facing every enemy with a confident attitude, you will die!"

  After listening to Zhenyu, she pouted slightly, a little wronged, and said angrily: "What? You are not confident enough... Can I learn from you?"

  follow me?

  You froze for a moment, "Uh, don't say it, are you imitating me?"

  "I'm just imitating you! Who made me... worship you?" Saying that, a red glow appeared on Mayu's face.

  Yu smiled bitterly, patted Mayu's head gently, and said, "Idiot, this is not allowed to imitate in the future."


  "Because I am strong and you are weak."

  "Smelly shameless." Mayubai glanced at You, only to see You smiled and said again: "Okay, you lost to me, and you are not allowed to trouble Medusa in the future, you know?"

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