That is, something that doesn't matter.

  What really matters is the Gate that can suppress despair and obtain the qualification to become a magician.

  However, in the 'giveaway', there are also some eccentric, difficult-to-control characters.

  For example, Region.

  If he just refuses to submit, the White Mage doesn't care.

  But the problem is that Region likes to kill people indiscriminately. As long as he encounters someone he thinks is good, he will directly destroy that person's mind and then kill him!

  During this process, some precious Gates were inevitably killed.

  Obviously it's just a 'gift', it doesn't matter if it exists, it will threaten the precious Gate, how can a white magician hold such a phantom?

  Therefore, Region was sealed by the White Mage.

  It was a seal that was stronger than Region and could not escape.

  However, with the death of the White Mage, the magic power of the seal was naturally removed, and Region regained his freedom.


  It's not that important. Although Region wanted to smash the White Mage into [-] pieces, as expected, it was more comfortable to kill a few beautiful humans after a long absence.

  From a distance, Region could feel the four magic powers converging together.

  He believes that there must be a 'good human being' that he likes to destroy.

  Sure enough, when he came here, he looked for Haru and Mayu, and with excitement, Region retreated from the human body, and turned into a phantom that was definitely not the kind of rogue-level phantom!

  "What... what should I do?"

  Shunping's face turned slightly dark, although he was already a magician, but now that his magic power was severely depleted, his chances of fighting against Phantom were extremely low.

  "What can I do? Hit it." Haruto gave Shunping a shudder, then took out the magic ring in the form of a fire dragon and put it on his left middle finger.

  "Don't use magic, use physical attacks with swords and guns." Mayu reminded, summoned the drive, and put on Wiseman's ring in her left hand, "Transformation!"

  The gorgeous magic circle swept over Mayu's delicate body, and at the moment when the magic circle passed through, Mayu had already put on a pure white feather-woven magic robe and turned into a Wiseman!

  "It turns out that we can attack without magic power, and it really doesn't take much magic power to just maintain the transformation." Rinko's eyes lit up, and Mayu who turned into Wiseman nodded slightly, "That's it."

  "Haha, then we have a chance of winning!" Shunping smiled, and quickly took out the ring and transformed.

  Haru and Rinko didn't give in too much, and completed their transformations.

  Rinko and Shunpei Magician styles are one model, Mage.

  Rinko is a water element, so the color of the armor is blue.

  Shunpei is the element of wind, and the color of his armor is green.


  With the shout of the wizard, the battle is about to start.

  "Come on, I want to find out your beautiful hearts!" Region said coldly, watching the four magicians rushing towards him, but he was not afraid at all, holding the double-edged halberd in his hand to greet him. up.

  "Bang bang bang!!"

  The wizard jumped up suddenly, switched the sword gun in his hand to gun mode, and fired three shots in a row.

  Three silver bullets were fired at Region, and Region stopped immediately and blocked the three bullets one by one with the double-edged halberd in his hand.

  However, while Region was trying to block the bullet, Mayu, Rinko, and Shunpei had already arrived!

  I saw Mayu and Wiseman stabbed out with their swords, and the sharp end of the flute sword stabbed Region's chest, splashing a little fireworks.

  After Mayu's blow, Rinko and Shunpei also slashed at Region.

  Sadly, the trio's attack didn't work against Region's hard skin.

  "You guys, are you tickling me?" Region asked with a smile, suddenly wielding a double-edged halberd, and slashing through the bodies of Mayu, Rinko, and Shunpei in a row.


  With three screams, the three were swept away by the terrifying counterattack, and fell heavily on the ground dozens of meters away.

  "Everyone!" When the wizard saw his companions being kicked away by Region, he immediately switched the sword and spear in his hand, turned it into sword mode, and rushed towards Region.

  "Your courage is commendable, you really have a beautiful heart, and it is worth my destruction!" Region raised his double-edged halberd high as he spoke.

  I saw that the blade of the halberd sword gathered black magic power, and the wizard felt bad when he saw it.

  "Let me see! Your heart!!!" Region swung down, drawing a dark arc and tearing the space apart!

  The wizard hurriedly backed away, narrowly avoiding Region's slash that could cut through space.

  "This... what is this?"

  Looking at the terrifying black crack in front of him, the wizard was shocked.

  "Don't be afraid, even if it gets cut on you, you won't die." Region smiled and continued: "It's just that I can directly enter the person's inner world and destroy the soul from the inside. ."

  "Oh, that's really a dangerous move..." The wizard frowned secretly, it seemed that he was only in the form of a fire dragon, and it was impossible to defeat this phantom.

  no solution anymore…

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