Kato attaches great importance to Yu now. As soon as he guesses what trouble Yu may encounter, he wants to help and leave a good impression. He doesn't even care too much about the fact that he has successfully captured Kabuto.


  bump! !

  "Where's that bastard? Wasn't he crazy just now! Where is he hiding now!"

  The sound of sticks smashing dishes came from the foreign restaurant, and the three foreigners led by them said unpleasant words while looking for Yuu's figure.

  Looking around, the foreigners didn't find Yu, even if he caused such a big movement, he didn't force him out.The annoyed foreigner turned his eyes to Hibakata Xu, approached with a grim smile and walked over, under Hibaba Xu's fearful and helpless eyes, he grabbed her arm and asked, "Miss, tell me the one just now. Where did the guy go? You know it? He beat us up badly because of you!"

  Xu Hazaa, who was not good at communicating at all, was shivering in fear of being pressed by foreigners for a while, with tears in his tightly closed eyes, as if they were about to fall in the next moment.

  Seeing that intimidation and questioning were useless, foreigners raised their hands to greet the gangsters behind them.

  "Take her away, I don't believe that the kid will come out. Tell that kid, if you don't come under the overpass in the evening, no one can say how this beautiful lady is, hahaha!"

  When the foreigner said something, all the gangsters they provoked laughed, and the terrified Sun Xia Xu silently prayed in his heart: "You..."

  She is very conflicted now. On the one hand, she hopes for You Lai, and on the other hand, she is very worried that You Lai will be injured.

  But at this moment, a rapid engine sound resounded through the restaurant, and when everyone looked at it suspiciously, a figure leaped into the air, kicking the foreigner who was holding the small hand of the sun, and kicked heavily on the chest. Fly the foreigner out of the restaurant along the window.

  Yu, who fell to the ground, ignored the gangsters around him, looked at the pale face of the sun, and squeezed his fists tightly.

  "It's all right. Leave the rest to me." You said this softly, then looked at the gangsters and the two foreigners, and said coldly, "The place is narrow, I'll accompany you to fight when you go out. ."

  "Hehe, as you wish."

  The restaurant is not big, and they have too many people. It is far better to beat a person here than to come from a spacious place outside, so they immediately agreed to Yuu's proposal.


  Xu Xia wanted to say something, but Yu interrupted her: "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

  After leaving the restaurant, in the empty space outside, you put his left hand in his pocket, and shook his right hand slightly, and said coldly: "I said, never appear in front of me, otherwise it will not be like being beaten. Simple."

  "You bastard!!"

  The foreigner who was kicked out by Yu at the beginning viciously walked over, greeted the gangster he brought, and shouted: "Kill him to death for me! I will take the responsibility!!"

  With the foreigner's loud shout, all the gangsters rushed up like pupae, trying to beat Yuu to the brink of blood with the sticks in their hands.

  Facing such a lineup, Yu didn't panic at all, and there was no reason to panic.

  However, at this moment, gunshots rang out.

  "Bang Bang Bang!!!"

  Three shots rang out, scaring all the gangsters to stop.

  I saw that it was a group of ant soldiers who came out of the van. They didn't aim at anyone and fired, but just shot into the sky as a warning.

  "Mr. Kato, is this really good? ZECT is an absolutely secret existence, so it's not good to appear in front of the public like this?" Misaki said with a frown.

  Kato didn't care and smiled: "Yu Shishiba, this man deserves what I do, and I have asked the headquarters for instructions, and Mr. Mishima also allows me to let it go."

  Since the headquarters has allowed it, Misaki Youyue naturally has nothing to say.

  After Kato finished speaking, he got out of the van and shouted to the group of gangsters: "So far, whoever dares to do it, I don't mind beating him into a hornet's nest."

  Following Kato's words, the ant soldiers behind him raised their machine guns one after another, scaring all the gangsters, including the three foreigners.

  No one dared to act rashly, except Yuu…

  Using Decade's power locally on Yuzai's right arm, he punched one of the foreigners in the face, knocking him several dozen meters away, hitting the ground hard, vomiting blood, and passed out.

  One punch to fly dozens of meters?The other two foreigners were completely stunned, their fists were terrifying.

  Seeing you walking towards them, the two became anxious and shouted, "You...what do you want?"

  Yu didn't answer, raised his right hand slightly, grabbed a foreigner's head in an instant, and slammed it to the ground!

  His face was hit on the ground, and the cement floor was cracked. You can imagine how miserable this foreigner was.

  The last one left, Yu still didn't calm down the anger in his heart, and looked at him with cold eyes, like a python staring at a frog.

  "I'm fighting with you!!!"

  In the end, the foreigner knew that Yu would not let him go, so he decided to fight.

  "Bang Bang Bang Bang!!!"

  Just as he was about to start, Kato immediately ordered the ant soldiers to shoot.

  Suddenly, the foreigner was shot through his body by several bullets and slowly fell to the ground...

  "As I said, I'll turn him into a hornet's nest if anyone dares to do it!" Kato shouted loudly, thinking that Yuu would be very grateful to him at this moment.

  However, You completely ignored him, looked at the other gangsters, and said coldly, "Go away, this is none of your business, I'm not interested in angering you."

  "Yes Yes!"

  This group of thugs dropped their sticks and seemed to flee.

  There were a few more heartfelt ones who wanted to take away these three horrible foreigners, but 023 was stopped by you: "I didn't let you take them away! Or do you want to accompany them to sink into the sea and feed the fish?"

  This is just so terrifying.

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