"It's the one who was handsome last time. I still remember his name, Yu Shiba."

  "Oh...you said brother Yu."

  Mayu knew who Hanano Saki was talking about, and asked a little strangely, "What's wrong?"

  "So didn't I say it? You feel a little weird recently, because of him, right?"

  "No. It's just..."


  Hanano Saki smelled the gossip and asked quickly.

  "There is a woman between us."

  "What? He pedals two boats?"


  "This...you haven't broken up yet?"

  "No, it's impossible!"

  Mayu shook her head firmly, and wanted to say something, when a shrill scream suddenly came from the front...


  Mayu Liu frowned, and he didn't care to talk any more, and said to Hanano Zauki: "Zaoji, you go back first, I'll go take a look!"

  Saying that, Mayu ran towards the front.

  "Wait a minute, Mayu!"

  Hanano Saki chased after him, even though he was horrified by the shrill screams just now.

  The two rushed to their destination, only to see...

  A monster like a crow stood in front of a blood-stained corpse.

  The screams just now, there is no doubt that the corpse was screamed before it became a corpse...

  "Oh? There are still prey brought to the door?"

  The crow monster looked at Mayu and Hanano Saki behind him, smiled slightly, and said coldly, "It just so happens, I haven't killed enough yet!"

  "Really... Really Yu..."

  Hanano Saki sat down on the ground, trembling all over.

  "Don't be afraid." Mayu reassured Hanano Saki, then looked at the Crow Weird and asked, "Are you a Phantom?"

  "This is surprising, you actually know that I am a Phantom?" The Crow Weird was a little surprised and asked, "Woman, who are you?"

  Mayu didn't answer, she took out a magic ring and put it on her right hand, and summoned the drive.

  "Driver.On! (Driver On)"

  Hanano Saki's attention was all on the Crow Monster, and because of her extreme fear, she didn't know that Mayu had summoned the driver to her waist, and she didn't know that Mayu had used 'sleep magic' on her, causing her to close her eyes and fall asleep. down.

  "So that's the case, are you a magician?"

  Seeing this scene, the crow eccentric has already determined the identity of Mayu.


  A golden magic circle appeared and passed through Mayu's body.

  At the moment when the magic circle passes through, Mayu has transformed into a white magician - Wiseman!

  "The sage is dead, what else do the remnants of your phantom want to do to humans?"

  "doing what?"

  The eccentric crow smiled and said, "I don't know about the others. Anyway, I like to torture and kill humans."

  "That's it..."

  Wiseman put a ring on the middle finger of his right hand, and said coldly, "The time for the end has come."

  "Do you want to fight me? Explain in advance that I am very strong!"

  The tone was full of confidence, and the crow eccentric spread its wings and floated at a height of about one meter.

  "Very strong?" Wiseman couldn't help laughing, his right hand wearing the Lord of the Rings was attached to the hand-shaped sensing device of the driver, and he only listened to the electronic sound effect: "Gravity! (Gravity)"

  Suddenly, in the area where the Raven Monster was, the gravity suddenly increased five hundred times!


  Under this terrifying gravity, the Raven Monster was suddenly pressed to the ground and unable to move.

  "go to hell!"

  "Explosion! (Explosion)"

  As Wiseman's icy voice fell, another electronic sound effect sounded, and the place where the raven monster was suddenly exploded!

  boom--! !

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