Mayu blinked, froze for a moment, and for a moment...


  As if hearing something incredible, Mayu was taken aback, her beautiful eyes widened, she stared blankly at Yu, who had a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and said, "I've never heard of this kind of thing..."


  Since this is what Mayu expected, Yuu will naturally do her best to help.

  Having said that, this matter can be done with Medusa's presence.

  After all, Medusa is quite popular in Phantom.

  However, only a part of them are willing to be obedient, and this part is the two-headed dog.

  They all deeply experienced the horror of Yu, and they naturally did not dare to obey Medusa's orders in the face of Yu's woman.

  In addition, their three views are upright, and they do not have the habit of bloodthirsty, so there is no resistance to the order of 'prohibition of taking the initiative to attack humans'.

  The problem is another part.

  The phantoms in this part are no better than the two-headed dogs. These phantoms, like the raven monsters that Mayu met today, are phantoms who like to kill humans.

  So, if you want the phantoms to stop attacking humans in the future, you have to make this part of the phantoms change their ways, or... get rid of them.

  You choose, of course, is the most direct and straightforward method.

  Almost like a thunderbolt, Yu has teamed up with Medusa, Haruto, Rinko, Shun and others in the past two days to kill all these 'disobedient' phantoms!

  As for Mayu, Yuu didn't allow her to participate because...she had to take a class.

  "Humph! Don't take me for such a fun thing! Brother Yu is the most annoying!!"

  Mayu is so angry that she can't wait to leave the school to participate in the crusade against the Phantom.

  Then, on the evening of the third day, Yuba Haruto and Li and the others were invited to have a party from home, because the event ended smoothly.

  At the same time, Shibuya.

  An elite unit directly under the ZECT headquarters is fighting against Worms. Although they are all larvae, there are at least twenty of them!

  With other troops, there is simply no way to fight twenty larvae at the same time.

  However, although the number of the troops facing it is not large, all of them are the elites of the elites.

  Coupled with the ingenious command of the captain Yagage, five larvae were wiped out in an instant.

  The larvae are the weakest beings among the zerg, but even the weakest, Tiansuo Shuichi's army is very difficult to destroy even one. Comparing this army, it can be seen that the gap is as big as a gulf.

  And this unit is called Shadow.

  "Captain! No, that zerg... is starting to shed its skin!"

  Listening to the report of his subordinates, Yacar wanted to smile slightly, and commanded: "Then break it before it sheds its skin! Prepare the blasting bomb and focus on shooting!"


  Shadow's team members, under the command of Yagage, immediately replaced the most lethal blasting bombs, and together with ten people, simultaneously fired at the larvae that only evolved by molting.

  In less than a few seconds, the larva was bombarded to death before it had finished molting.

  Gradually, the larvae in the field were destroyed one by one, but Shadow's side was intact!

  "Is the last one? Stop and let me deal with it!" Yacar wanted to shout, and everyone obeyed the order to stop shooting.

  At this moment, a mechanical wasp the size of a slap flew down from the air towards the arrow cart.

  Yacar wanted to stretch out his right hand, grab this wasp that fell from the sky, put it on the docking device of the left wrist cuff, and drink out two words: "Transformation!"

  Immediately, a ray of light that intersected with gold and silver emerged from the left hand holding the wasp, and instantly covered Yacari's entire body, turning into a knight in gold and silver armor - The.Bee (Queen Bee)!

  "This is... Captain's knight system, The.Bee!"

  Yagaka's subordinates all looked at him transformed into The.Bee with adoring eyes.

  The.Bee ignored it and walked slowly towards the remaining larva.


  The larva screamed and rushed forward with anger.

  It does not shed its skin, and its attack speed is not fast. This is the same disease of larvae.

  As it tore out its sharp claws, The.Bee slapped it punch after punch!

  The fierce iron fists continued, The.Bee seemed to use this larva as a sandbag. After hitting dozens of punches in a row, the larva couldn't stand it anymore and exploded and died under The.Bee's punch!

  "Great! As expected of The.Bee!"

  "Idiot! The strongest is the captain! Because it is the captain who uses The.Bee, The.Bee can play such a high level of combat effectiveness!"

  Listening to your subordinates, The.Bee released his transformation and said: "Let's say a few words less, no matter how strong I am, it is only personal strength. We are a whole, don't forget 'perfect harmony'! "

  When Yacar thought about it, all the Ant 4.4 soldiers stood up straight and shouted, "Yes!"

  Yacar wanted to smile slightly, looked up at the moon hanging high in the sky, and thought to himself, "However, one knight is enough, whoever Kabuto and Mr. Kato reported to the organization before they died, no matter who you are, I down!"


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