"Hey, Yuu..."


  As the sun went down, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the two men, reflecting two long shadows.

  "If you have time to fight with me, it's better to spend your energy on dealing with the Zerg." Chief Secretary of Heavenly Dao said lightly.

  "Yeah, I'm enough to deal with the Zerg. What are you here to mess with? And... knocking you down is the mission given to me by the headquarters."

  With the fall of this sentence, the two did not have any further dialogue. Chief Tiandao knew that this confrontation was unavoidable, but not wanting a confrontation and being afraid of a confrontation were two different things.

  Tiandao Chief Secretary is never afraid of challenges!

  At this time, two groups of light flashed in the air, and the mechanical unicorn and the mechanical wasp appeared in the air at the same time!

  These two mechanical creatures are the Zecters of Chief Tendo and Yagato.

  The two Zecters did not fly to their masters immediately, but turned against each other at the will of their masters.

  The powerful single horn and the sharp bee tail collided with each other, and sparks continued to be wiped out with the collision.

  As they circled around their respective masters, the two mechanical bugs sent out a final confrontation.

  Behind the unicorn, a strong blue flame spewed out, like a jet, and the whole body spun towards the wasp.

  On the other hand, the wasp, the thin wings that danced behind its back vibrated instantly, and the sharp tail needle on the tail fiercely stabbed the unicorn under the charge.

  A strong spark exploded in the air, and the two mechanical bugs collided with each other at the end and were bounced off, ending in a draw.

  The mechanical bugs that flew upside down were held in the hands of their respective owners.



  Equip the Zecter on your belt and wrist, and the two will transform in an instant!

  kabuto and The.Bee.

Chapter 33 Ugly, your hideous face



  Souji Tendo and Yacar want to put their Zecters into the drive and complete their transformations at the same time.


  Seeing the appearance of Chief Tiandao after his transformation, Yacar and The.Bee were completely stunned.

  This guy is kabuto?how is this possible?Who was the Drive that spoiled the game last time?

  At this moment, Yacari's thoughts were a little messy, and he suddenly recalled what Drive said at that time: "You recognized the wrong person."

  Yacari immediately realized that Drive didn't lie to him, he was just self-righteous from beginning to end...

  "Ha ha…"

  The.Bee couldn't help laughing, it seemed that he really admitted the wrong person...

  The guy in front of him is Kabuto himself.

  "what happened?"

  Seeing The.Bee being a little weird, kabuto asked lightly.

  "Cast. Off! (Unarmor)"

  The answer to kabuto is the electronic sound from The.Bee drivers.

  Immediately, the metal armor on The.Bee bounced off, and after showing his true posture, he looked at kabuto with cold eyes, thinking: "Whether it's wrong or not, the purpose of crusade against kabuto has not changed."

  Kabuto sees The.Bee 'Cast.Off', and also removes his armor and turns into a knight.

  Looking at each other, under the setting sun, the two figures slowly approached 167, and then began to collide!

  The two figures are constantly intertwined with each other! The.Bee and kabuto were fighting against each other, and as you could see from the broken ground around them, they were both fighting with all their might.

  "Drink!!" With a loud shout, The.Bee threw a heavy punch!The sharp fist slammed into Kabuto's face with the sound of breaking wind.

  Kabuto dodged The.Bee's heavy punch with his head sideways, not giving the latter a chance to withdraw his fist, kabuto took the opportunity to lock The.Bee's hand, and the other hand quickly grabbed The.Bee's waist to throw way to throw it off the bridge!

  With kabuto's throw, The.Bee fell to the ground on his back.


  If it weren't for the armor of a knight, the human body was thrown from a height of more than ten meters, and the immortal would become disabled.


  The.Bee got up slowly, looked at Kabuto who jumped off the bridge, rushed up and started a fierce fight again.

  At this moment, Kagami Mixin rushed over with a flushed face and panting. Seeing The.Bee and kabuto fighting desperately, he was stunned, and instantly understood that Yacar wanted to be the leader of Shadow. Today Why did you specially try cooking with the Chief Secretary of Tiandao? Why did you bring the Chief of Tiandao to such a place? It turned out to be because the Chief of Tiandao was kabuto!


  "Aren't you all ZECT knights? You don't have to fight! Stop it!"

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