"Isn't it good, you can find a girlfriend by the way. Or are you afraid that you are too vulgar and will make a fool of yourself at the sorority party?"

  "I'm so vulgar, I'm so sorry." Kagami Mixin felt a little aggrieved.

  "Be confident. As a result, you look good, you are a talented person." Yu comforted Kaga Mixin, and finally said two words: "Probably."

  "What do you mean? Why can't you say that I'm a talent?" Kagami Mi-shin was a little mad, but Yuu clearly wanted to play him.

  "Actually, it's my friend who can't go because of something, so he may cancel the sorority."

  "It turns out that if you don't rely on friends, you can't do anything by yourself."

  "What can I do alone?"

  "Wait!" Listening to the conversation between the two, Takemiya Yuuko came out of the kitchen and said with a smile, "Yu, why don't you accompany Kagami!"

  "I have something to do..."

  Yuu didn't want to participate. Just as he was about to refuse, Kagami knelt down and hugged his right foot, begging: "Yu! Come with me! Please!!"

  "I see... let go of your hand, don't touch me!" Yuu is not used to being touched by men. …

  Hearing Yuu's agreement, Kagami released her hand, showing a happy expression with a hippie smile.


  After Shiba Xu came back, there was only Takemiya Yuuko in the foreign restaurant.

  "Where's Kagami?" Seeing that Kagami, who was cleaning, was not here, Hibakabe asked in dissatisfaction, thinking that he was going to be lazy again.

  "He's going to the sorority party, Xiao Xu, come to drink a bowl of miso soup. You and I cooked it together." Takenomiya Yuko gave a bowl of miso soup to the sun.

  The lower part of the sun was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Have you been here?"

  "Yeah." Takemiya Yuko nodded.

  The lower part of the sun drank a flavored soup, um... delicious!

  "So, what about others?" He took another sip.

  "Accompany Kagami to the fellowship."


  The miso soup that Shibuya Xu had just drank in his mouth spurted out...

  "Hmm? Why did Xiao Xu react so much? Could it be that... Really fell in love with Yu?"

  "It's not... it's not!" Hibukata blushed and went to the kitchen, but Takemiya Yuko laughed.

  On the other side, Yu followed Kagami to the location of the sorority club.

  On the road.

  "Kagami, do you really want to find a girlfriend?"


  After Yuu's question, Kagami nodded, "Who doesn't want a girlfriend without a girlfriend in 2.4?"

  "Then, how dare you let me accompany you? Are you really an idiot?"

  "What do you mean?"

  Kagami didn't understand.

  Just listening to You sternly said: "Do you think that if I join you in a friendship like this, do women still pay attention to such a mediocre you?"


  So narcissistic!


  Although I don't want to admit it, this guy is really, so handsome...

  After all, pulling him together is a misstep of missteps. Could it be that this friendship will be his home ground?You can only be reduced to a small supporting role?

  Looking at Kagami Mi-shin's black line, he smiled, patted his shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, you are obedient, I will be your wingman."

  "Brother Yu, no, Lord Yu! I will follow you all my life!!"

  When Kagami heard this, she was instantly grateful and moved to tears.

Chapter 40 The Enemy's Road is Narrow (2)

  The venue for the sorority was on a cruise ship in Shirokai, Shibuya Ward.

  "Yu, I... what should I do?"

  Walking to Yu who was looking out the window and overlooking the sea, Kagami asked in a low voice.

  "Do you still need to ask? Since the purpose is to find a girlfriend, then the first impression is the most important." You said, looking at the four women participating in the friendship not far away, and asked, "Which one do you like?"

  "Well... they're pretty cute, hehe..." Kagami Mixin said, giggling silly.

  "So, you want it all?"

  "Every man has a harem dream!" Kagami said righteously, and then added: "But, I prefer the one on the left..."

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