Could it be that there is something in the factory that keeps them from leaving?

  Like, Zerg eggs?

  Yu made a guess, and when he guessed that the Zerg might use the factory as a spawning ground, his brow suddenly wrinkled.

  If this is the case, the zerg inside must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise I don't know how many zerg will be born and infiltrate human society and harm people.

  Leaping off the locomotive, Yu stepped over the 'No Entry' sign in front of him, entered the factory, and kept walking inside.


  Suddenly, a larva jumped out from the side, swiping its claws and tearing at Yu directly, but before its claws hit the target, the larva was shot in the head by the well-prepared Yu.

  The head was shot through, the entire body of the larva turned into green fire, and it exploded to death.

  Because Yu fired the gun, the sound of gunfire resounded throughout the factory, naturally attracting many zerg out.

  I saw that about a dozen larvae jumped out and surrounded Yu.


  With a contemptuous smile, Yoo moved lightly, avoiding the sharp claws waving around.

  His flickering figure did not seem to be fighting the larvae, but instead seemed to be dancing a special kind of dance.

  He raised his hand at will and shot, and the larvae turned into green flaming bodies and died.

  However, the larvae seemed to be endless, and the result of dying one after another was to attract more larvae.

  "There are too many ants, it's really a hassle." Yu smiled helplessly, switched the sword spear in his hand to sword mode, and swept away the larvae with his superb sword skills.

  However, this was the zerg's lair after all, and Yuu could still see a lot of zerg hiding in the shadows from the corner of his eyes during the battle.

  "Isn't it over..." Yu took two steps back, took out the Decade card from the card box, and prepared to transform.

  "Big brother, this way, this way!"

  But at this moment, a childish voice came from a hidden pipe not far away.

  I saw that it was a little boy with a dusty face and a messy body. He hid in the pipe and waved to You, motioning for You to hide.


  Yu ignored him, inserted the card he had drawn into the drive, and an electronic sound sounded: [Kamen.Rider.Decade]

  The magenta streamer and the black card phantom intertwined, and you turned into a Decade, and took out a card from the card box and inserted it into the drive.

  【Clock.Up】(Super high speed)

  Except for Decade, all things affected by time are slowed down by dozens of times. Decade turns into an afterimage in the eyes of the larvae, but in an instant, with the sound of Clock.Over (end of time), all the larvae in the field turn green. The fire dissipated.

  "Big brother, you are amazing!"

  Seeing that all the Zerg had been eliminated, the little boy climbed out of the pipe and ran in front of Decade with a happy expression on his face.


  Decade suddenly turned the blade in his hand into a gun, pointed it at the boy's body, and pulled the trigger.


  The bullet pierced through the boy's chest, the boy took two steps back, lowered his head in disbelief, looked at the pierced and bloody chest, and asked weakly, "Big...Big, why are you...why?"

  "This factory is a zerg's lair, humans can't live here, and they can't allow humans to be in the same room with them, because for the factories they protect as 'spawning ground', humans will never be allowed to appear. Yes." Decade gave the answer, the boy's expression of pain disappeared instantly, and he asked in confusion: "You actually...know that this is our spawning ground?"

  "Otherwise, what reason do you have for staying here?"

  "Ha ha…"

  The boy clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Humans are really incredible animals, obviously most of them are pitifully weak, but their intelligence is much stronger than that of the zerg. ... However, like the big brother, he has the power and the intelligence is superior. Humans must not stay in this world!"

  The voice fell, and the boy shed his human skin and turned into a zerg.

  The size of the child is its mimic, but it is actually taller than Decade, and it is an adult in the shape of a spider.

  "Come on, big brother!!"

  The adult spit out corrosive spider silk at Decade, and when Decade was eager to dodge, it immediately entered Clock.Up and sent a shower-like combo to Decade.

  Decade was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground.

  Seeing that the worm was a good opportunity, he wanted to kill Decade in one fell swoop.

  But, it doesn't have this chance.

  Because, Decade pulled out two cards in an instant and put them in the drive.



  These two similar capabilities, for Decade, can coexist.

  The feature of heavy acceleration is to slow down the flow of things within a certain range. Even if the person is still conscious, the body will also be hindered by the slowdown.

  Clock.Up is also an ability to slow down the speed. It is not an 'acceleration', but actually slows down time. Since I am not hindered by 4.5 to slowing down, it looks like lightning to outsiders.

  When these two abilities are released together, the adult worm in Clock.Up suddenly slows down due to heavy acceleration.

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