The latter held up the sword to block the shoulder collision of the adult, but the impact of the adult was so powerful that Decade was knocked out with his sword.

  "It's a bit of a skill." Decade praised, he turned in mid-air and landed firmly on the ground, then with a kick of his toes, Decade rushed in front of the adult worm and swung his sword out!

  The slash with all its strength slashed at its body when the adult worm was caught off guard, and a deep sword mark opened on its chest. The huge force provoked its entire body and flew out dozens of times. meters away.


  Decade pulled out the kill card and inserted it into the drive.

  A golden card appeared in front of him, extending all the way to the adult worm.

  Decade turned the blade into a gun and pulled the trigger towards the golden card in front of him. The bullet passed through all the cards instantly, and finally turned into a golden beam. At the moment when the adult worm was about to fall to the ground, the beam penetrated through the adult's body, ending its attack. life.


  "Next year, I will come again."

  Xiao Xu stared at her parents' tombstones, she turned to leave a little, and saw You waiting for her not far away.

  Xiao ran in front of You, and Xiao Xu said apologetically, "I'm sorry for making you wait for a long time."

  "It didn't take long." You said, squeezed Xiao Xu's face, and said, "However, you don't have to be so polite with me."

  "Oh..." Xiao Xu's pretty face blushed, and then she asked, "By the way, what happened just now? I think I heard a noise."

  "No, it's your illusion." You didn't expect that Xiao Xu's hearing was so good. He even took the adult worm out of a kilometer just now, and Xiao Xu could still hear the sound of fighting...

  Seeing what You said, Xiao Xu naively thought it was his own illusion, so he stopped looking into it and went back with You.

  Back at the foreign restaurant, Xiao Xu invited You to a sumptuous lunch again, which was a thank you for accompanying her to visit the grave.

  The chief secretary of Tiandao, who came here also for lunch, was jealous. Why didn't Xiao Xu invite him to have a meal?And the cooking is so well done...

  "Yu, if you dare to make Xiao Xu cry, I will never let you go!" said Tiandao Chief Secretary coldly.

  "Let's not talk about that, why are you shameless here to eat the food Xiao Xu made for me?"

  "No Road Race!"


  You don't hate Chief Secretary Tiandao. Since he is shameless and come over to eat, you should treat him to a meal. Anyway, Xiao Xu also made a lot of it.

  In other words, Shendaijian passed a foreign restaurant, and because he wanted to experience the restaurant of the common people, he pushed the door and entered.

  "Is this a common people's restaurant? It really is full of common people's atmosphere." Shendaijian sighed with emotion, and then shouted: "Waiter, prepare me the best dishes in the store!"

  The voice of the sword of the gods attracted everyone in the store.

  Yuu and Chief Secretary Tiandao were eating Zhengxiang, and when they suddenly heard the voice of the sword of the gods, they looked over.

  You was stunned, why did the young master of God Generation Sword come to the foreign restaurant?

  On the other hand, the Director of Heavenly Dao stood up directly in front of the Sword of God, and asked with a frown, "Are you here to find fault? How can you order food like this?"

  Shendaijian glanced at the Chief Secretary of Heavenly Dao, shrugged his shoulders, and said sarcastically: "Grandpa is right, common people are common people. Listen, I am a man who stands on the top of everything, and I only eat the best when I eat cooking! Give it to me! Serve up, the best food here!"

  "Little Master 690, the cooking is not the best or the worst. Even simple fried rice can be made into a delicacy in the world." You interjected at this moment, pointed to the Chief Secretary of Tiandao, and said, "Tiandao is right, without you. Do you order food like this, or is your purpose just to find fault?"

  "Is that you? Yuuka Hibuka?" Seeing the man who had lost for the first time in his life again, Jindaijian frowned, threw the white gloves on his hands in front of Yuu, and said coldly, "Pick it up!"

  Losing the gloves means a duel, and if the opponent picks it up, it means agreeing to a duel.

  Routine You and Chief Secretary of Tiandao both understand, but Yu doesn't want to waste time teaching the sword of the gods. After all, the sword of the gods is a self-righteous kid to him.

  However, the Director of Tiandao picked up the gloves, only to hear him laugh: "Grandma once said that men need to learn to be calm, and boiled water will only evaporate if you boil it again."

  "Really?" Hearing this, the Sword God sneered, "Grandpa once said that men must burn, and if there is no ignition powder, there will be no brilliant fireworks."

  "In that case, let me be your opponent!" Chief Tiandao's eyes were full of fighting intent.

  "No problem, I'll eat your appetizer first, and then..." Shendaijian raised his hand and pointed at Yu, "I'll knock you down!"

Chapter 72 You...are actually a knight?

  (PS: Sometimes there is always an inexplicable Calvin, just like I only successfully completed a chapter at [-] o'clock in the evening... Faced with such a pitiful me, shouldn't I be rewarded with a wave of flowers?

  The scorching sun was in the sky, and in a spacious open space, the Director of Heavenly Dao stood opposite the Sword of God.

  "It only takes ten minutes to beat you!"

  The Sword of God let out mad words, but the Director of Heavenly Dao smiled slightly when he heard it. He slowly pulled his right hand out of his trousers, spread his fingers, and said, "Then, I will defeat you in five minutes."

  "You bastard!"

  Seeing that the Chief Secretary of Heavenly Dao was even more mad than himself, the sword of the gods couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted to Yu, who was beside the melon-eating crowd: "Yu Shiba! Hurry up and announce the start of the duel!"

  "Hello, I'm not a referee."

  Even so, Yuu acted as the referee and announced the start of the duel: "OK, let's start your performance."

  As soon as the words fell, the sword of the gods was already rushing towards the Director of Heavenly Dao, the muscles of his body were tensed to the extreme, and the shot was the flat boxing of karate that he had learned, and it swept the chest of the Director of Heavenly Dao!

  "Good job!" Chief Tiandao didn't mean to dodge, he stood on the spot and bowed his body, and his right hand was also punched!

  Fist to fist, the Director of Heavenly Dao directly confronted the fierce momentum of the sword of the gods.

  The two fists collided instantly, and there was a dull and harsh sound with a 'pop'!

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