"It hurts, you guy..."

  Kicking Locust got up and pressed Zecter on the belt with his hand.

  【Rider.Jump】(Rider Jump)

  The strength of both feet condensed, kicked the locust and jumped up, instantly jumping to a height of [-] meters!

  He pressed Zecter again and kicked the locust to kill.


  Falling down from the sky at high speed, the locust kicker kicked Rena Mamiya.

  Although Rider.Kick, who kicks the locust, is the strongest among all the knights in ZECT, but against the Zerg's boss Rena Mamiya, this ultimate move is still not enough.

  Concentrating on her right wrist, at the moment when Kicking Locust's sure kill came, Mamiya Rena slammed out the giant pincer on her right wrist, directly confronting Kicking Locust head-on.

  bump--! ! !


  With a loud bang, accompanied by a scream, the kicking locust was knocked into the air again, like a broken kite, drawing a perfect parabola in the air, and finally, with a 'boom', it hit the ground dozens of meters away.

  "It's so weak." Mamiya Rina disdainfully walked over to Kicking Locust.

  The latter groaned twice and stood up again.

  Looking at Mamiya Reina who was walking gradually, Kicking Locust knew that he was not an opponent, and smiled: "Speaking of which, the two prey you are dealing with have already escaped."

  "What?" Mamiya Rina was startled and turned around abruptly.

  I saw that there was no third person in the park, and the Chief Secretary of Heaven and God and the Sword of the Gods had quietly slipped away...

  "Run away from them, and you!" Mamiya Rina was furious, her icy eyes swept to Kicking Locust, and she rushed towards him with her legs.

  "Unfortunately, I suddenly don't want to play with you anymore, bye bye." Kick Locus smiled and pressed Zecter on his belt.


  "Do you think you can escape from me?"

  "In terms of the ability to escape, there is really no existence that is more powerful than kicking locusts."

  After finishing speaking, Kicking Locust slaps the Clock.Up (super high-speed) device on his belt, enters the Clock.Up speed, and then uses Kicking Locust's jumping skills to quickly jump away from the scene.

  Although Rena Mamiya wanted to turn on Clock.Up to catch up, but the jumping ability of the kicking locust was really terrifying, she couldn't catch up, even if her speed was several times faster than the average adult insect.

  With her zerg appearance gone, Rena Mamiya turned back into a human woman.

  "Next time, we must bury you all!"

  With a cold breath in her beautiful eyes, Rena Mamiya vowed to kill all the knights.

  Originally, Mamiya Reina turned a blind eye to the existence of the knights, after all, they couldn't really threaten them, but now it is different, the factory that Yu destroyed is very important to her, so she completely hates the knights.


  After leaving the park, Mamiya Rena planned to go to the factory destroyed by Yu, but at a corner, she accidentally bumped into a man.


  "Be careful."

  He bumped into someone, and the other party was fine, but Mamiya Rina's delicate body fell backwards.

  Fortunately, the man reached out and hugged her, otherwise she would fall to the ground.

  "Are you okay?"

  the man asked.

  Rina Mamiya frowned, pushed the man away, and said angrily, "Don't touch me, human!"

  "Hey, is it unreasonable? You bumped into me and I saved you. What's your attitude?"

  "court death!"

  What is there to say about the zerg?Mamiya Rena took off her body and turned into a zerg again.

  Obviously, being embraced by humans is a shame within shame for Rena Mamiya.

  "Zerg?" The man was stunned for a moment, only to see Mamiya Rena's giant pliers on his right wrist stab the man's heart.

  However, just as Mamiya Rena's giant pincers were about to stab the target, a blue stag beetle the size of a slap flew down from the sky, and the petite body bounced off Mamiya Reina's attack directly. rescued the man.


  Seeing the stag beetle's appearance, Rena Mamiya was startled, "You...are you actually a knight?"

  "Oh... just right." The man grabbed the stag beetle in his hand and said with a smile, "Just try it with you, the power of the genuine Gatack (steel bucket)!"


  Putting the stag beetle on the butt of the belt worn on the body, a blue streamer instantly covered the man's whole body, and a blue knight appeared in front of Mamiya Rena.

  Gatack named 'God of War'!

Chapter 75 Interest This Kind Of Thing Is Worthless After All

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