
  Turning to look, I saw a man with his back against the wall, looking at them with a playful smile.

  "A Kamen Rider who passed by to buy condoms, let's help Tiandao and them get rid of you by the way."

  Yu said with a smile, took out two cards from the card box and inserted them directly into the card slot of the drive.




  With a black cape, a pure white body, and his arms that were dyed blue by the blue fire, the moment Yuhua became Decade, he transformed into his current form!Kamen Rider named Eternal!

  "Come on, have fun with hell."

  With his right thumb upside down, Eternal said coldly.

Chapter 82 The Kidnapped Pomegranate

  Equipped with 26 pieces of 'Gaia.Memory', the Eternal (eternal) is far more powerful than the Gatack (steel bucket), plus it is used by Yu, only two adults, so it's not a problem at all.

  I saw the adults besieging Eternal with a flanking attack, but the latter dealt with it easily, and even counterattacked more violently when they blocked their attack.


  In the hands of Eternal, they were losing ground. The adults knew that it was impossible to defeat each other. They looked at each other and disappeared as afterimages, starting Clock.Up (super high speed).

  "The needless struggle is just a waste of time." Eternal said coldly, and the figure immediately turned into an afterimage and disappeared from the scene.

  At a speed that is hard to grasp with the naked eye, Eternal punched the two adult worms with punch after punch, and each attack was very sharp.

  Although Eternal itself does not have the ability of Clock.Up (super-high speed), but using the power of Brother A's (Ryu Terui) Accel (acceleration) memory, it can move at high speed, and it is not a problem to deal with the enemy of Clock.Up.


  Suddenly, Eternal pulled out the kill card and put it directly into the drive.At the same time as the beep sounded, the right foot was instantly burned by the blue flame!

  Neither adult 610 was aware of the danger, and they foolishly rushed towards Eternal.


  Eternal suddenly raised his right foot and swept the two adult worms at the same time with a sweeping kick, knocking them out!


  Kabuto (Jiadou) and Sasword (Sword Scorpion) don't know, Yuu has helped them solve their troubles, and the two are still busy deciding the winner.

  On the other hand, Yu went to the pharmacy to buy a box of condoms, and hurried back to Yuyue Misaki's house.

  Cape Youyue was ready for dinner, and when Yu came back with a box of condoms in her hand, her pretty face suddenly became hot.

  "I've made dinner, come over to eat first?"

  "No, I want to eat you first."

  Spring nights are worth thousands of dollars, and there is no reason to eat first when beautiful women are in front of them?

  As soon as Yu finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed Misaki Yuyue's lips.

  Cape Youyue originally wanted to eat before cooking, but since Yu was so impatient, she who loved Yu so much naturally responded enthusiastically, with her arms on Yu's neck, kissing affectionately.

  after?clap clap clap!Want to see it?I, little Z, make money.

  The next day, around [-]:[-] in the morning.

  Kagami Mixin was dreaming and snoring.

  Fortunately, he lived alone, otherwise no one would be able to fall asleep under Kagami's snoring.

  "Hey, wake up."

  Yu, who came in through the window, woke Kagami from her sleep.

  "Yu?" Kagami opened her dazed eyes and asked, "Why are you here? Is there something wrong?"


  "Uh... so early?"

  "Morning is the best time to exercise. Of course, if you still want to sleep, then you can go to sleep. I'll go first." With that, Yuu was about to jump out of the window and go back.

  "Wait a minute! I'll get up! I'll get up now!"

  Getting up quickly, Kagami Mixin hurriedly changed out of her pajamas, put on a set of casual clothes, and said with a smile, "Let's go!"


  "What... what's wrong?"

  Seeing Yu looking at him with a look of disgust, Kagami asked in a daze.

  "What you have to do when you get up is to brush your teeth and wash your face! Hurry up and wash up for me!"

  "Ah... yes!!"

  In a hurry, Kagami forgot to wash up.

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