Mochizuki, who was repelled, opened the distance from Decade, sighed, and said, "However, at this level, you are not my opponent!"

  "Heh, ignorance is really happiness. You didn't realize that there is a real gap between you and me." Decade sneered, and took out a golden knight card from the card box.

  "What did you say?"

  Mochizuki was puzzled by Decade's words, only to see Decade insert the gold card in his hand into the drive.


  The electric sound rang, and Decade changed his posture instantly. A pitch-black knight wrapped in a red cloak—Dark Kiva appeared in front of Mochizuki!

  "What? It's changed again?" Mochizuki looked surprised, only to see Dark Kiva slightly raised his right hand and pointed in its direction.

  Suddenly, under Mochizuki's feet, a magic circle in the shape of a bat flashing green light appeared!

  "What is this... ah ah ah ah!!!"

  Before he finished speaking, Mochizuki screamed in pain, because the magic circle under its feet had high-voltage current, and it could imprison objects so that it could not come out of the magic circle. Dispel the magic circle on its own.

  "You...haven't used your full strength since the beginning?"

  Mochizuki, who realized this, looked at the dark Kiva in horror.

  The latter smiled, but didn't answer. He simply made a gesture, and saw the magic circle that was destroying Mochizuki standing upright, and bounced Mochizuki from the magic circle, and his whole body flew towards the dark Kiva.

  Diablo Kiva clenched his fist and charged up at this time, and the turbulent energy condensed on his right fist, forming a dark flame that burned!

  The moment Mochizuki flew in front of him, the Dark Kiva punched out!The black flames hit Mochizuki's abdomen directly, blasting it a hundred meters away.

  "Lord Mochizuki!!"

  "Where are you looking!"


  【Rider.Shooting】(Rider Shooting)

  Because Moonlight was blasted by the dark Kiva, the adult was distracted, and The.Bee and Drake seized the opportunity, and at the same time used the ultimate move to blast the adult.

  The adult worm was caught off guard and ate the kills of the two knights head on. The body was knocked out like an arrow, and it happened to land next to Mochizuki.

Chapter 85 hyper.zecter

  "Aren't you... all right? Lord Mochizuki?"

  The adult's body is also strong enough. After eating the kill that The.Bee (Queen Bee) and Drake (Thunderfly) released jointly, they didn't explode to death, and even had enough strength to help Mochizuki up.


  Being lifted up by his subordinates, Mochizuki answered weakly, looked at the dark Kiva with cold eyes, and gritted his teeth and said, "The existence of your knights is too dangerous! It is necessary! You must be defeated!"

  Pushing away the adult worm that was supporting him, Mochizuki light trembled and walked towards the dark Kiva.

  After being electrocuted by the magic circle for a few seconds, and after taking a punch from the Dark Kiva's incomplete small kill 'Dark Prison Fall', Mochizuki's body was already seriously injured, and he was able to stand up and move around, relying entirely on a strong will.

  "Useless struggles are just futile."

  Diablo Kiva said lightly, took out a card from the card box and put it into the drive.

  【Wake.Up! Wake.Up! 】


  【King·Blast End】

  With his hands crossed, Dark Kiva's body squatted slightly, and a large amount of 'Demon Emperor Power' gathered on his right foot, faintly flashing a green light.

  I saw that the sky was originally a clear sky, but in an instant, it was gradually darkened by the launch of the sure-kill Diablo Kiva.

  "Um...why is the sky getting darker? It's only noon now!" Looking up at the dim sky, The.Bee said in surprise: "And...the moon? The blood-red moon?"

  Not only did the sky darken, but you could also see a blood-colored moon hanging high in the sky. This strange change in the sky made everyone present, except for the dark Kiva, fall into deep shock.

  "It's Yu, he must have done something," Drake said, looking at the figure of Dark Kiva, that's all he could think.

  "Isn't it?"

  Change the color of the sky, if this is man-made, it is really terrifying.

  "Don't worry about it so much, let's go too!"

  Speaking coldly, Drake pulled the rear device of the gun, only to hear the electronic sound followed: [Rider. Shooting] (Knight Shooting)

  Daisuke Kazama couldn't forgive Mochizuki, and the kidnapping of Lu by them will inevitably leave indelible wounds on Lu's young heart.

  Although Durian is strong, it is far beyond Daisuke Kazama's imagination.


  Nodding his head, The.Bee's right hand swiped across the wasp Zecter he was wearing on his left hand, and the electric current immediately wrapped around his entire left arm.


  "Zerg, only you and I can never forgive!!"

  With a loud roar, The.Bee charged towards Mochizuki with a left hand full of electricity.

  "Damn human! Don't want to hurt Mochizuki-sama!"

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