
  The radio sounded, and Yu Shun suddenly put on a magenta armor and turned into Decade.

  "So, you are also a knight?" Dark Kabuto was stunned when he saw Yu transformed into Decade, but he still couldn't understand why Yu, who was in human state just now, could take his attack?

  "Yes or no, it doesn't matter at all." Decade said lightly, took out the sword spear - sword mode, pointed the tip of the sword to the dark Kabuto, and said coldly: "Answer my question, what is your purpose? ?"

  "If you can beat me, it's not impossible to tell you." Diablo Kabuto laughed, pulling Zecter's horn from his belt.

  【Cast.Off】(Remove Armor)

  Immediately, the metal armor on the surface of the Dark Kabuto bounced off, and the moment he turned into a knight, he pulled his legs and charged towards Decade.

  As he ran, Kabuto drew out his dagger, and the moment he approached Decade, the sharp end of the dagger stabbed him in the chest.

  when--! !

  Decade blocked it with his sword, only to hear Diablo Kabuto ask: "Speaking of which, you haven't answered me, the relationship between you and Xiao Xu!"

  "Heh, the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, what's wrong?" Decade replied with a smile, deliberately provoking each other.

  "What kind of relationship between men and women?"

  "The kind that love each other."

  "Bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

  Diablo Kabuto was clearly angry, and the dagger in his hand quickly stabbed Decade.

  "What? Do you like Xiaoxu 440?" Decade asked with a smile, but his body was not slow, and he swung his sword to block all the attacks of Diablo Kabuto.

  "I like my sister, what's wrong!!" Diablo Kabuto roared, kicked Decade's chest with a kick, kicked him dozens of meters away, and slammed into a wall.

  "Sure enough, Xiaoxu is Tiandao's younger sister, no wonder he often visits Xiaoxu." Decade secretly said, watching the dark Kabuto rush towards him with murderous intent, he smiled and said, "Meizong is morbid, and Xiaoxu is Tiandao's sister, Not your zerg sister who mimicked him."

  "What a joke! I'm Xiao Xu's brother!!" The voice fell, and Diablo Kabuto pressed the three buttons on his belt in a row, and kicked Decade directly to activate the kill.


  So, who is Xiao Xu's brother?

  "Your circle is quite messy." Decade complained a little, and quickly pulled out a card from the card box and inserted it into the drive.


  The electric sound rang, and Decade changed his posture in an instant, turning into a golden knight.

  Caucasus (Golden Dou), the knight known as the "Golden Knight"!Its appearance itself is a terrifying existence wearing Hyper.Zecter!

Chapter 93 Xiao Xu's identity?Reiji Nogi appears

  On the top floor of a high-rise building, a man and a woman stood on the edge watching a battle in the distance, not afraid that they would fall from this height if they accidentally fell, because they were not humans, but zerg.

  What they were watching was the battle between Decade and the dark Kabuto.

  "Is that the knight that makes you feel uncomfortable?"

  The zerg's eyes are quite developed, and even if the distance is hundreds of meters, it can clearly see the outline of the target.

  The object the man is looking at is Decade, the second Boss of the Zerg, the strongest Zerg, Reiji Nogi.

  "Well, Yuu Hibuka, a fearsome man." Mamiya Rena nodded, although she didn't want to admit it, Yuu's strength really made her feel powerless.

  "Really? Interesting." Nogi Reiji smiled and stopped talking. He carefully watched Decade's battle and analyzed his combat ability.


  "The appearance has changed?"

  Seeing that Decade suddenly turned into a golden knight 'Caucasus', the dark Kabuto looked surprised, but he couldn't control it too much, and he kicked his most powerful killing move directly at him— -【Rider.Kick】(Rider Kick)

  Wrapped around the lightning strike and kicked Jin Doo, Jin Doo took out a card from the card box, inserted it into the card slot of the drive, and only listened to the electronic sound: [Hyper.Clock.Up] (Transcend · Super high speed)

  Suddenly the surrounding time seemed to stand still, and the dark Kabuto was also forced to stop in mid-air by this force, as if motionless.


  Pulling out another card and inserting it into the drive, Jin Doo jumped up instantly and kicked the dark Kabuto's chest with a powerful nirvana carrying a high-voltage current, kicking him out like a ball.

  The chest armor that was kicked by Hyper.Kick kept sparking, Diablo Kabuto fell to the ground and forcibly released his transformation, at the same time Hyper.Clock.Up ended.

  "Cough cough!!" Lying on the ground, mimicking Tiandao coughing in pain, looked up at Jin Dou, how he was defeated, he had no idea at all.

  After all, the speed of Hyper.Clock.Up is too fast, and the Mimic Heavenly Dao can't see or feel it at all.

  "Now, can you tell me your purpose, right?" After releasing the transformation, Yu came to the mimetic Tiandao's side, squatted down and asked.

  Yu is deliberately suppressing his strength, otherwise, with Jin Doo's sure-kill Hyper.Kick, he can directly kick the dark Kabuto and the transfiguration together.

  "Huh... for what purpose?"

  "Don't pretend to be stupid with me." Yu's eyes were cold, and he said, "Imitate it to the sky, and then approach Xiao Xu, what do you want to do?"

  "Of course, take Xiao Xu away! She shouldn't stay in this human society!" Mimic Tiandao said, gritted his teeth and stood up desperately.

  "What do you mean?" Yu frowned, feeling that things were definitely not as simple as she thought.

  "It doesn't matter if I tell you, it just so happens that Xiao Xu, you also come to listen to your true identity." Mimic Tiandao turned his head and looked at Xiao Xu who was hiding not far away.

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