
  Naturally, Decade wouldn't let the adult's attack work. He lifted the gun and fired, and the bullet hit the adult's palm, preventing his attack from causing damage to Kabuto.

  【1! 2! 3】


  Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kabuto pressed the three buttons on the belt in a row, lifted his right foot wrapped in a strong current, and kicked the adult worm.

  At such a close distance, the adult worms must not be able to escape.

  However, the adult quickly backed away, narrowly avoiding Kabuto's killer kick.

  "You avoided it?" Kabuto was slightly surprised, and quickly pulled away and retreated to Decade's side.

  "This adult worm doesn't seem to be a generalist." Decade said solemnly, and Kabuto nodded, "Indeed, don't be careless."

  "Just right, try this." Decade pulled out a card from the card box, a 'Final.Form.Ride.Card' card with Kabuto and Kabuto.Zecter engraved on it.

  "Tian Dao, it will be a little itchy, bear with it."

  With that said, Decade inserted the card into the drive's slot.

  "What do you mean?"

  Kabuto still doesn't know why, just listen to the electronic sound from Decade's driver: [Final.Form.Ride——Kabuto]

  (PS: I uploaded a picture of this card, do you think there is no such setting? Some do. (laughs)

Chapter 99 Zerg?God Sword?


  As the electronic sound rang from the driver, Decade's hand was lightly touching Kabuto's back.

  Kabuto didn't know why, and suddenly felt a strange feeling on his back, like some switch was turned on by Decade, Kabuto's body changed unnaturally, and the armor extended other parts, just like the Transformers in the sci-fi movie, Kabuto was deformed , turned into a huge unicorn mechanical bug.

  "Uh? What... what's going on?"

  Blue flames spewed out of the injector at the back, and Kabuto, who was floating in the air, slowly recovered, and asked in surprise, "Yu, what's going on? What have I become?"

  Although he can't see his current appearance, Tiandao can still feel that he has become another 'object'.

  "You've turned into a unicorn. It's very similar to your Zecter. You can imagine it." Decade laughed, then jumped up and stood on the back of the unicorn that the way of heaven changed.

  "What the hell? Why did you stand up? Get me down!"

  Being trampled on like this is undoubtedly a shame for Tiandao!

  "Don't be arrogant, let's defeat the zerg (Worm) first." But regardless of Tiandao's feelings, Decade fired five shots at the adult worm who was stunned by the sword gun in his hand - gun mode.

  Bang bang bang bang! ! !

  The bullet that burst from the muzzle hit the adult worm with precision, and the highly penetrating bullet knocked it back a few steps, and the pain in the body made it roar again and again.

  Withstanding the bullet, the adult worm rushed over frantically.

  Tian Dao hurriedly flapped his wings and carried Decade to the sky, avoiding the rushing adult insects.

  "That's right." Decade smiled slightly, and shot at the adult worm on the ground above the sky. With amazing spear skills, every bullet was accurately shot on the adult worm.

  "Hey, I really want to dump you!"

  Tian Dao said a little unhappily, but his body was carrying Decade honestly.

  Taking advantage of the height in the sky, the two played with adults.

  But the adult worm is not a fool, and will be willing to be a target, only to see it leap into the air with all its might, the scorpion tail on its buttocks instantly lengthens, and it is thrown out!

  It's going to shoot down Unicorns and Decade in the sky!

  However, the unicorn was transformed by the way of heaven, and the reaction nerve is no less than that of the way of heaven, and the heavenly way reacted instantly. The injector on the back suddenly spewed a large amount of blue flames, using the high speed to easily avoid the scorpion tail thrown by the adult insect. .

  "As expected of Heaven, just rush up like this!" Decade praised, cutting the sword spear into sword mode.

  "You don't need to say it!" Tian Dao said with some disgust, he circled directly, flew towards the adult worm from the back, and slammed into the adult worm with a single horn on his head.

  The adults without the ability to fly could not dodge in midair at all, and the back was severely hit by Tiandao's unicorn.

  At the same time, Decade, who was standing on the back of the unicorn, switched the spear and sword to sword form, and slashed across with a sword.

  The sharp edge of the sword slashed the part where the adult worm was hit, and it was instantly injured.

  With the huge impact, the adult worm fell to the ground [-] meters away, smashing a half-meter deep pit on the ground.

  The two attacked at the same time, and the power was absolutely no less than the kill in Hyper (transcendence) form.

  If it was an ordinary adult worm, it would have exploded and died, but this adult worm did not...

  Also, it turned back into a human and passed out.

  Decade jumps off the unicorn's back, and the unicorn turns back to Kabuto.

  "Hey, what is the principle that can turn me into a unicorn?" Kabuto asked eagerly with a strong thirst for knowledge.

  "Don't ask me, I don't know either." Decade shrugged slightly, he really didn't know.

  "Forget it, it's time to give this zerg the final blow."

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