
  This scorpion is the Zecter of the Sword of Gods. The butler's grandfather naturally recognized it and exclaimed, "Why... why... the young master's Sasword. Zecter is here with you?"

  "It seems to like me very much, so it has been following me since yesterday." Yu explained, and then went straight to the topic: "At that time, I defeated the Zerg that thought it mimicked the sword of God, and was about to give him the final blow. , Sasword.Zecter came out and saved his life."

  "The zerg can mimic humans and qualifiers, but it doesn't make them qualifiers, so Zecter won't show up to save people who aren't qualifiers. The reason why Zecter appears is that it's the Sword of God himself."


  Hearing this, the butler's grandfather fell silent.


  For a moment, he sighed and said helplessly: "I always knew that he was not really a young master, but... he has no memory of being a zerg, and has completely become a young master. For me, he It is the master I must serve. Moreover, this family must be maintained, and the Discaber family will never be destroyed in my hands.”


  At the same time, in the prison cell where the sword of God was imprisoned.

  "Could it be that I am the man standing at the top even in the prison cell?" Shen Daijian suddenly thought about this, feeling full of honor, "As expected of me!"


  Bang-! !

  Suddenly, two screams came from outside, followed by the sound of breaking the door.

  The iron door seemed to have suffered a heavy blow and was directly smashed open.

  "Wh... what's the situation?" God's sword looked stunned, and when he saw that it was the zerg-like Rena Mamiya who entered, his face was instantly filled with anger, "It's you? Damn zerg!! "

  "Heh, you are also a zerg, is it really okay to say that? God's sword." Mamiya Rena sneered.

Chapter 102 Wishes

  "You say, I'm a zerg (Worm)?"

  Hearing Mamiya Rina's words, Shendaijian was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Haha, what a joke, how could I be a Zerg?"

  "To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes yesterday, I wouldn't have expected you, the Sasword (sword scorpion), to be our companion." Mamiya Reina shook her head and said solemnly.

  "Enough! Don't make such silly jokes with me! Damn Zerg, I'm going to knock you all down!" Kamijima gritted his teeth, struggling with all his limbs, trying to break free from the chains on his body, and then and Mamiya Rena desperately.

  "Zerg! Take it easy, you're surrounded!"

  At this time, Tian Suoxiu and his team rushed over.

  Outside the door of the cell, a group of ant soldiers with guns stood.

  However, Mamiya Rena just glanced back and turned a blind eye.

  After all, no adult worm is afraid of ant soldiers, even if there are hundreds or thousands of them.And Mamiya Rena is the strongest adult worm after Nogi Reiji, and the ant soldier is actually no different from the ants on the ground.

  Looking at the sword of the gods who was struggling desperately to open the chain, Mamiya Rena smiled slightly and said, "I'll help you."

  As soon as the words fell, Mamiya Rena raised her left hand, and with the sharp claws on her hand, easily destroyed the iron chain that bound the Sword of God.

  With nothing to bind, the sword of the gods immediately threw a punch and hit Reina Mamiya fiercely.

  However, the hardened skin of adult worms is definitely not something that can be hurt by a human fist.Moreover, hitting Mamiya Rena with bare hands will only hurt the sword of the gods.


  The Sword of God took a deep breath, it would be great if the transformation sword was there, and Sasword.Zecter…

  "It seems that you won't follow me obediently, then..." Mamiya Rena suddenly raised her foot and hit her knee on the belly of the sword of God.

  The severe pain directly caused the sword of the gods to faint, and Mamiya Rena picked him up, turned and walked towards the gate of the dense ant soldiers.

  "Go away."

  The cold words were spit out from Mamiya Rena's mouth. When Tiansuoxiu saw it coming, he wanted to take the sword of the gods, so he immediately ordered the ant soldiers to open fire.

  Suddenly, gunshots rang out, and bullets rained down at Rena Mamiya.

  If you change to an ordinary human and get caught in such a fire, there will only be one end, and that is to be beaten into a basket.

  However, when the bullet hit Reina Mamiya, it was no different from tickling.

  Suddenly, Rena Mamiya disappeared out of thin air!The next moment, most of the ant soldiers fell down!

  When Rena Mamiya appeared again, people had already appeared outside the base.


  After leaving the base, Mamiya Rena felt a little relieved, but without thinking, a gunshot rang out.

  The bullet hit Mamiya Rena's back, although it didn't hurt.

  Looking back, looking at the location on the second floor of the base, a woman is aiming at it with a sniper rifle.

  "Humans are really hopeless. If you don't die, you won't die!" Mamiya Rena said coldly, and several sharp spikes suddenly bounced off her body and shot at the woman.

  The attack was very sudden, but the woman's response was not slow, and she crouched down immediately, avoiding the sharp needles shot by Mamiya Rena without any risk.

  Mamiya Rena didn't think that ordinary humans could dodge its sharp needle faster than a bullet. Thinking that the woman was dead, it quickly left, carrying the unconscious sword of the gods...

  "Hey, it went well."

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