Yu said with a slight smile, "However, I need you to soften 'it' for me."

  "Color embryo." Medusa gave a long glance, but did not refuse.


  In the summer, the sun in the afternoon is quite hot. Especially in the wasteland of Shibuya, the temperature is terrifyingly high.

  The unconscious Kagami was awakened by the high temperature, and the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was a large group of zerg (Worm) gathered together.

  "This..." Kagami's eyes shrank suddenly, her face turned pale instantly, and she felt cold sweat dripping down her spine. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him would be real.

  I saw that the number of light adults in the field was over a hundred!Other larvae have reached a terrifying number of thousands!

  They are arranged neatly, forming a neat line.

  "As long as the remaining knights are defeated, the life of this earth will no longer have the power to fight against our zerg!" Nogi Reiji said coldly, the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily, and his heart was faintly excited.

  "The question is, will they really come?" Mamiya Rena looked back at the large group of Zerg behind her. With such a large number, she did not believe that the knight would dare to come.

  It should be said that as long as you have a brain, you will not delusionally fight against such a large number of zerg, that is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg.

  "Oh, they are already here." Shendaijian sneered, slowly putting down the hands in front of him, and looking straight ahead.

  Looking along the line of sight of the sword of the gods, I saw three men walking slowly from a distance.

  It is Yu, Tiandao, and Daisuke Kazama.

  "I really shouldn't have listened to you and let him go, otherwise it wouldn't have turned into the current situation." Looking at the sword of the gods headed by the Zerg, Tian Dao frowned and said to You.

  "However, thanks to him, the Zerg gathered all together, just in time to catch them all at once." You said, smiled slightly, and added, "Also, he is not our enemy."

  "What? You mean..." Tian Dao thought of some possibility, looked at the sword of the gods, and suddenly realized that this was the plan of the sword of Yu and the sword of the gods.

  However, the number of Zerg...is a very big problem after all.

  "I always feel that I shouldn't come..." Kazama Taisuke twitched the corners of his mouth. The number of enemies was so terrifying. He only had three people on his side. Can he win?

  "Stupid knights, I didn't expect you guys would dare to come." Nogi Reiji stepped forward, pointed to the army behind him, and said contemptuously, "I'm just asking if you're afraid? I used to play with you, but now It's time for you to understand the horror of the Zerg!"


  "why are you laughing?"

  Seeing that Yu was not afraid at all but laughed out loud, Reiji Naoki was immediately displeased and asked.

  "Of course I'm laughing at your ignorance." Yu took out two knight cards from the card box and inserted them into the card slots of the drive in sequence.



  Accompanied by the electronic sound, Yu's whole body was covered with a burst of light, and in an instant, it had become Decade!Immediately shrouded in golden light, golden wings scattered, and Decade underwent a second transformation!Odin, holding a golden tin rod, stood still.

  "Let me tell you, what is true terror." Odin said coldly, and immediately took out the 'kill card' from the card box and inserted it into the drive.

  【Eternal.Chaos】(Eternal Chaos)

  The radio sounded, and I saw a bunch of data combined in front of Odin, manifesting a golden phoenix composed of data!


  The golden phoenix opened its mouth and let out a piercing cry, and immediately flew behind Odin, becoming one with its master and becoming Odin's wings!

  Waving his golden wings, Odin instantly flew into the air.

  Almost all eyes were on Odin who was in the air, wondering, what exactly did he want to do?

  I saw that Odin opened his wings, and a raging fire was rolled up on his wings!

  The burning flames of the wings turn into particles!They condensed together in an instant and turned into a huge fireball, like a small sun!

  The already hot weather, as Odin created this small sun, the temperature increased dozens of times.

  The zerg is fine, but Tian Dao and others are sweating all over.

  "Just kidding? That's... the sun?" Mamiya Rina widened her eyes with a look of surprise.

  The same is true of Reiji Nogi. It should be said that everyone present, including the Zerg, was shocked by the small sun created by Odin.

  "Not good! Must stop him!"

  Realizing the danger, Reiji Nogi was about to jump into the air to stop Odin, but it was too late.

  I saw that Odin's hand waved down, and the small sun in the sky suddenly fell, hitting the place where the Zerg gathered at a very fast speed.

  Suddenly, there was a loud 'bang' sound, like a nuclear explosion, and the mushroom cloud rose in this waste area!

  The scene was filled with smoke, making it impossible to see anything.

  "It seems to have gone too far."

  Odin muttered to himself mockingly, then flapped his wings and rolled up a gust of wind to blow away all the smoke.

  With no smoke blocking the view, the view below is clearly visible.

  I saw that there was a huge deep pit where the small sun hit!

  And there are not many zerg left. Except for Reiji Nogi and Rena Mamiya, there are only a dozen or so adults who responded quickly and turned on the Clock.Up (super high speed) to avoid them. The rest are all dead, even the corpse capital turned to ashes!

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