"The last enemy, Yu Shibuya is left." Dark.Decade muttered to himself, but he didn't feel very happy.

  After all, he didn't even have a companion.

  Just when Dark.Decade was feeling sentimental, Gao Bird Lianhua threw out a small but extremely sharp steel wire from the ring on his right hand, and tied Dark.Decade's neck with a clever technique.

  "Mr. Mishima's revenge, I will avenge it!"

  Takatori Lianhua said coldly, pulling on the steel wire, trying to tear off Dark.Decade's head.

  If there is no knight's armor, just the neck of an ordinary person, the tall bird lotus flower can be easily torn off!

  But with armor on, this is obviously impossible.

  As a result, the broken wire is naturally the wire...

  "court death!"

  Tall Bird Lotus's actions undoubtedly angered Dark.Decade.

  I saw that he pointed the muzzle at the tall bird lotus flower, without the slightest sign of pity, and pulled the trigger ruthlessly.


  Dodging bullets, Gao Bird Lianhua can do it, but it needs to be at a distance of [-] meters.

  The distance between her and Dark.Decade is only more than ten meters...

  Takatori Lianhua closed her eyes, she was the best soldier of Masato Mishima and would not be afraid of death.

  when--! !

  The sound of a bullet hitting the metal echoed in Takatori Lianhua's ear.

  Gao Bird Lianhua was stunned and opened his eyes.

  What caught her eye was a knight with a pair of dazzling wings standing in front of her.

  The knight's information, Masato Mishima, was shown to Takatori Lianhua, so Takatori Lianhua quickly felt that the knight who blocked the bullet for him was very similar to Kabuto, but it seemed that he was not Kabuto.


  Dark.Decade stared at Hyper.Kabuto, who blocked the bullet with his hand and stood in front of the tall bird lotus flower, "You're finally here, Yukata Hibaka!!"

Chapter 113 decade vs dark decade, the end of mimesis

  When Yu arrived, the battle had already ended, and there was no one else in the field except for the body of Lianhua Takatori.

  "Are you late..."

  Yu frowned slightly, took out the Decade card from the cassette, inserted it into the drive, and turned into Decade.

  Then he took out the Kabuto card and transformed it into a Kabuto, and then used the Hyper.Kabuto card to transform into the final form.

  Then, of course, it is time to go backwards.

  Going back thirty minutes ago, Hyper.Kabuto appeared in front of Takatori Lianhua, and Dark.Decade happened to shoot her at this time.

  It wasn't intentional to save Takatori Lianhua, but the bullet shot towards Hyper.Kabuto, and he instinctively reached out to block it.


  Hyper.Kabuto suddenly appeared in front of him, Dark (Dark) Decade was stunned for a moment, when he saw the former's belt, he laughed: "You are finally here, Hibakata Yuu!!~"

  "Yo." Looking at Dark.Decade, Hyper.Kabuto spit out a word naturally, and changed back to Deca-de.


  Hearing the voice behind him, Decade turned his head and saw the tall bird lotus flower behind him.

  "Step aside." Decade said lightly.

  "...Well, senior, please be careful!"

  Gao Bird Lianhua hesitated for a while, then nodded and prepared to go to a far place to stay, but heard Dark.Decade laugh: "Did you come here on purpose to save her? You are really gentle towards women, Yu Shiba."

  Decade ignored these words, but Takatori Lianhua was a little moved. I didn't expect the senior to come to save him on purpose...

  "Ignore me... You look so high, I'm really unhappy!" Dark.Decade glared at Decade, clenching fists with both hands, his legs suddenly exerting force, and the sudden burst of speed carried a powerful punch. to Decade.

  Decade flicked his right hand lightly, then he clenched his fist and slammed into Dark.Decade with a punching sound. The two fists collided. Suddenly, a strong invisible air wave shot out from the two of them. And out, blowing the surrounding debris out five meters away.

  "Cut! Are they comparable..." Dark.Decade thought that his punching power was better than Decade, but he didn't expect that it was only a close match.

  However, if Dark.Decade knew that Decade was only using half of his power, he didn't know what his reaction would be.

  "Be careful."

  Decade reminded, and at the same time as the voice sounded, he suddenly raised his right foot and kicked Dark.Decade's waist with a sweeping kick.

  Dark.Decade quickly backed away, and after escaping the kick, he saw that Decade had already rushed forward, holding a sword gun in his hand - gun mode, the muzzle of which was touching Dark.Decade's chest at zero distance.


  With zero-distance bombardment, Dark.Decade's chest suddenly burst into flames, and his entire body couldn't stop flying backwards and fell heavily to the ground.


  Dark.Decade gritted his teeth secretly, stood up quickly, took out the card and inserted it into the drive, then jumped high and kicked Decade to kill - the knight of the dark dimension!

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