The scene returns to the president's room of the Fantasy Group. The venue just now was chosen by Genm. As he releases his transformation, the game field will also disappear.

  "I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language." You sat on the chair of Tan Lidou's president, looking at the scarred three people with his legs crossed, "Should you surrender, or just die like this?"

Chapter 17 Nicole

  No one wants to die, and Tan Lidou is no exception.

  Just asking him to submit, he was extremely reluctant to be arrogant.

  Looking at Yu who was sitting in his chair with Erlang's legs up, Tan Lidou frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Decade, what is your purpose? Why do you insist on becoming my Kamen Rider Chronicle game? administrator?"

  "You don't need to know." You's icy eyes fell on Tan Lidou, a terrifying sense of oppression hit him, making him take three steps back, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on his face.

  Looking away subconsciously, he didn't dare to look at Yuu.

  It's just that Yuu's strength is too terrifying, and the momentum is so amazing that even Parad and Graphite who are silent on the side can feel it.

  "Perhaps, this is the aura of dominance..." Palad secretly said, looking at Yu, he slowly revealed a faint smile.

  This man is much more interesting than Genm.

  Regardless of what Palad was thinking at this time, You repeated it coldly: "Answer me, do you choose to return, or die?"

  "This guy! I have the talent of God! He actually wants to step on me! Damn it! Damn it!!" Tan Lidou gritted his teeth secretly, but he barely showed a flattering smile on the surface, " That... resignation, I choose - choose resignation!"

  "What about you?" He glanced at Palad and Graphite, and asked coldly.

  In fact, Yuu has no interest in these two people. His purpose is to find a way to completely destroy the Kamen Rider Chronicle.

  However, it is still possible to subdue these two by the way.

  "Submit! I said before the fight, if you win, I will surrender to you." Palad raised his right hand and smiled.

  "Hmph, the same." Graphite saw that Parad chose to surrender, and he agreed, but added a cold snort, expressing a trace of disdain.

  In fact, Yuyi's death cannot threaten their Bugsters, because they are not human beings. Even if they die, as long as the data is still there, they can be resurrected infinitely.

  Therefore, death is not something to fear for them.


  With money, you can really do whatever you want.

  In just a few days, You bought nearly 60% of the shares from various shareholders of the Fantasy Group with a lot of money, and directly became the president (chairman) of the Fantasy Group.

  Tan Lidou doesn't care about this, on the contrary, because of Yu's investment, he has huge funds to develop the game.

  However, Tan Lidou still has deep hostility towards You.

  He doesn't mind getting his hands on his company, he doesn't mind at all, but getting his hands on Kamen Rider Chronicles won't work!

  But Tan Lidou didn't dare to resist the absolute power Yu showed.

  If you can develop the 'Dangerous.Zombie (Dangerous Zombie)' cassette, and then obtain the "undead" data, you will be able to die without fear!Then you can rule out the Decade guy!

  While thinking about it, Tan Lidou showed Yan Yi's smile.

  "President Tan, you seem to be thinking about something very rude." You looked at Tan Lidou and smiled lightly.

  Tan Lidou hurriedly shook his head, showing a flattering smile, "Why, I didn't think about anything."

  "Heh, compared to this, how is the development of Kamen Rider Chronicles? I invested a lot of money, don't say you were delayed?"

  The reason why You bought a large number of shares in the Fantasy Group, became the president, and invested a huge sum of money was to facilitate his actions.

  "President, I can't develop Kamen Rider Chronicle in a short time, because I haven't collected a lot of information." Tan Lidou said, paused and said: "President, you should know CR (Computer Rescue Center) The doctor and the flower family both have the game cartridges I gave them, right? In fact, they are the 'guinea pigs' that I use to collect data."

  In order not to let You suspect that he still has the heart of betrayal, Tan Lidou told You a lot of things completely.

  Although You Zao could see through Tan Lidou's dissent.

  Yuu's plan, it doesn't matter whether Tan Lidou surrenders [-]%, what matters is the Kamen Rider Chronicle he developed.

  If it wasn't for Xia Hai saying that even if Tan Li Dou was killed, Kamen Rider Chronicle would still have someone else to take over.

  However, Yuu is actually quite interested in Kamen Rider Chronicles.

  Even if a game can ruin another world, if there is no interest, it is of course fake.

  "so boring!"

  At this time, Parad, who was lying on the table playing with the handheld, suddenly sat up, put down the handheld and took out his 'Dual Gear Playing Cassette', and said to You: "Decade, let's play the game!"

  "What, are you tired of playing with the handheld?" Yu asked, looking at Parad.

  Palad nodded, "I'm tired of playing! So, let me play with you!"

  "Wait until your cassette is maxed out, or do you have a tendency to be abused?"

  With Parad's current strength, challenging Yuu is really looking for abuse.

  "I'm not shaking M!"

  Palad rolled his eyes, looked at Tan Lidou who was busy with his work, and said, "Genm, get my cassette to the full level!"

  "Don't be silly, with the current information, LV.10 is already the limit." Tan Lidou replied, suddenly remembered something, and smiled: "By the way, there is a new game hall on the opposite street. If the president plays games, you can go there and play."

  Tan Lidou wants to let you go, and then concentrates on making a 'dangerous zombie cassette' to deal with him.

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