Phantom - Cerberus!

Chapter 32 The most important thing is...

  (PS: Flowers! Tickets! Collection! Rewards! Step on the comment area!)


  The terrifying appearance of the Cerberus scared all the judges present into a panic, and Sayazi fled.

  Even Shunpei himself was so frightened that he sat on the ground.

  After all, ordinary humans have no immunity to the fear of weirdos.

  And the appearance of the Cerberus Phantom (Phantom) appeared in the live broadcast, which undoubtedly caused an uproar.

  But he doesn't care, as long as he can finally drive 'Gate' to despair!

  I saw the Cerberus stretched out his right hand suddenly, grabbed Shunping's neck, lifted Shunping who was sitting on the ground, and smiled: "Do you know? It's not you who uses magic when you shoot flames from your fingers. , but I did it!"

  Saying that, Cerberus let go of his hand, his entire body dived into the shadow, attached to Shunping's body, and controlled Shunping's body.

  "It's like this!"

  Under the control of Cerberus, Shunpei raised his right hand slightly and pointed to the picture book that fell on the ground.

  This picture book has always been a favorite of Shunpei since he was a child.

  The magician in the book is the object of his longing.

  Is it...


  However, it's too late.

  Shunping could only watch helplessly, his index finger radiated a raging fire, burning the picture book to the ground!

  "See? This is the truth of your magic."

  Cerberus left Shunping's body, patted Shunping's shoulder, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, after all, how could someone like you use magic?"

  At this moment, Su Ping's heart was broken.

  Yes, how can someone like me become a magician?

  Shunping felt that his entire body was weak, his feet went weak, and he fell to his knees.

  And, starting from his face, purple cracks burst open!

  This is the prelude to 'Gate' despair, the birth of the Phantom!

  "Very well, after a while, you will be our phantom's partner..."


  Before he could finish speaking, gunshots rang out.

  The bullet hit the Cerberus's back precisely from behind.


  Cerberus turned around and saw a magenta and black knight.

  He was holding a strangely-shaped gun, seven negatives stuck to his head, and his compound eyes shone with light green light.


  "It's you? Magician?"

  Cerberus is so angry, why is this magician again?Does he just like to meddle so much?

  Decade ignored the Cerberus and walked slowly to Shunpei's side.

  I saw that the purple cracks on Shunping's body were gradually expanding. It is estimated that he will give birth to a phantom in a short time...


  Seeing Decade coming, Shunping raised his head with difficulty, and said with a smile that was uglier than crying: "It feels... I feel so uncomfortable, am I... going to... die?"

  "Yeah." Decade nodded and said, "If you can't suppress despair, you will die, and a monster like him will be born." Decade pointed to Cerberus.

  Cerberus did not dare to act rashly, after all, he knew in his heart that he could not be the opponent of this real 'monster'.

  Shunping's expression was a little sad, and Decade said again: "The magician of the forest, I have read this picture book you like."

  Shunping was stunned, "The Magician of the Forest" is the picture book that was burned just now.

  The magician inside is something Shunpei has always dreamed of since he was a child, and even when he grows up, he dreams of becoming that kind of magician.

  "Hehe, in the end, I really... really can't become a magic... magician. Just like what the master said... said, a dream... should be allowed to continue to be... a dream."

  Having said that, Shunping calmed down.

  "You said that you want to be a magician who helps humans. But even if you can't become a magician, you can help humans. Don't forget this."


  Shunping stared at Decade in a daze, yes, although he dreams of becoming a magician, isn't the most important thing to do is to help everyone?Even without magic, you can do it yourself.

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