Decade flicked his hands and jumped up.

  The card in front of him also floated into the air along with Decade.

  I saw Decade kicked the card, and his body was like a teleportation, passing through dozens of cards and coming to the goblin.

  Every time you pass a card, the power of 'Dimensional Knight Kick' will increase by 1T!


  If you can't hit it, it doesn't make any sense.

  "Haha, such a move is useless for me!"

  I saw that the goblin quickly activated the magic power, spun his body, and suddenly drilled a big hole in the concrete floor and hid deep in the ground.

  'Dimensional Knight Kick' lost the target and Decade landed directly.

  "It turns out that, using the ability of 'earth element' to get into the ground to avoid my kill. However, I am also interested in whack-a-mole."

  Decade took out the 'Kiva' knight card from the card box and put it in the card slot of the driver!


Chapter 41

  (PS: various, begging, begging, balls!)


  On the basis of Decade, Yuu has undergone a second transformation!

  The dark red armor and silver-white metal coat, the two compound eyes faintly flashed orange light, the appearance is quite cool and domineering, like a vampire!

  Like (Dark) Dark.Kiva, Kiva is also an armor that only allows the king (king) of the Tooth Vampire to transform.


  At this moment, the goblin hiding in the ground suddenly came out from behind Kiva, and the trident in his hand stabbed Kiva's back.

  Fortunately, Kiva's metal coat was hard enough to withstand the goblin's blow, but Yuu still felt a little pain.

  The goblin who finished the blow was very clever and hid in the ground again, and said with a smile, "Magician, even if you change your form, you will definitely not be able to help me!"

  Indeed, with ordinary methods, it is difficult to deal with an enemy who hides in the ground and makes a sneak attack.


  "Didn't I say it just now? I'm still very interested in whack-a-mole."

  After all, Kiva took out a card from the card box and threw it directly into the card slot of the drive.

  Immediately, the electronic prompt sounded: "FORMRIDE.Kiva.Dogga (form switching · Kiva · Dega form)!"

  He is dressed in purple and holds the Dega Hammer in his hand. He looks much stronger than the basic form!

  Kiva carried the giant hammer in both hands, concentrated all the strength of his body, and then... slammed it down!


  When the giant hammer hit the ground, there was a deafening loud noise!

  Moreover, the goblin was bounced out by the shock force that was knocked into the ground, flew over twenty meters high, and then slammed to the ground...

  "What? Do you want to hide in the ground? I don't mind playing whack-a-mole with you." Kiva joked.


  Di Jing scolded inwardly and shouted, "Magician! Don't be too complacent!"

  The voice fell, and the goblin released the magic of his whole body!Using the power of the 'ice element', the surrounding air seemed to condense into ice, and the piercing cold could not be resisted by clothes.

  Fortunately, there was no one else around, and Yuu also had Kiva's armor, so she didn't feel cold.

  However, the ground kept freezing, and at least half a mile of the ground was covered with a thick layer of frost.

  " did it suddenly become so cold? Hiss..."

  Shunping sucked in a breath of cold air, his whole body shaking from the cold.

  Everyone else left, leaving only Li and Shunpei who were worried about Yuu.

  Seeing that Shunping couldn't bear the cold, Li said, "Leave too, or you will be frostbitten."

  "Okay… okay…"

  Although Shunpei considers himself a disciple of Yu, he wants to see his respected master win from afar.

  But the cold air really can't be brave any more, or something will really happen.


  "Ali, aren't you cold?"

  Shunping found that Li was not like him at all, trembling all over because of the cold, but rather calm.

  Shunping doesn't know the current temperature, but it can probably still be inferred, at least below zero.

  At such a low temperature, Li's clothes were thin, so he didn't feel cold?

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