Because that makes you lazy!

  "Daddy Daddy!"

  Feeling Yu came back, I saw Ellie jogging towards Yu while screaming.

  Yu showed a gentle smile, squatted down, hugged Ellie who ran in front of her, and asked with a smile, "Are you good at home?"

  "Well, I'm very good!" Ellie nodded obediently, then took out the phone in her hand, handed it to Yu, and said, "Dad, they have something good for you to see!"

  This is Dan's phone...

  You curiously took it over, only to see that the mobile phone had opened the photo album, and the photo album was full of a bunch of beautiful and attractive pictures of white flowers!

  Yu probably guessed what it was, and opened it, and saw a picture of a woman taking a shower in the bathroom.

  If not dance, who else could it be?

  "Ai Li, this was taken by you secretly?" You asked while looking at Ai Li with a twitching mouth.

  "Yeah!" Ellie nodded with a smile, "Does Dad like it?"

  "Ai Li, it's not a question of whether you like it or not, it's not right to do this kind of thing!" You said to Ai 860 Li with the attitude of an educator, but she gave Ai Li a compliment in her heart, silently Check out the next picture, um, it's pretty cool!

  "Then...then I won't be like this in the future." Ellie lowered her head.

  "Uh, occasionally, it's alright." Yu said embarrassedly, then touched Ellie's head and said, "However, Dad is not angry."

  "Really? Hee hee!" Ellie raised her head, revealing a cute smile.


  At this moment, the bathroom door opened, and Mai came out of the bathroom wrapped in a scarf.

  "Where have you been? Why did it take you so long to come back?" Wu asked, walking over.

  Just as Yu was about to answer, she saw Wu's face change as she walked in front of her.

  Only then did You realize that the picture on the phone was still on, and Wu... had already seen it.

  "Ai Li!" Wu didn't have to think about it to know that it was Ai Li who filmed it secretly, and her beautiful eyes looked at Ai Li with fire.

  "Mom, don't be angry, it's my dad who said he took my mom's bathing photo, and he's willing to play with me!"


  I'll go, I've never said such a thing!Ellie, this girl is too good at throwing the pot, isn't she?Should I say she is my daughter?

  "Yu Shibuya!!"

  "Calm down, Wu, put down the things in your hands, do you think I will instigate Ellie to do such a thing?"

  "Questions and answers are useless! Die to death!!"

Chapter 15 Multinational Cuisine Restaurant and the Magical Girl Izumi Hina (Part [-])

  Kazari went out all night, and it wasn't until the next morning that Kazari returned to their Greeed stronghold, an abandoned bar on the outskirts of the city.

  On the way back, Kazari caused no panic, and even if many people saw him, none of them were scared.

  Because, Kazari is not a weird person now, but a handsome young man wearing a peaked cap and blond hair, no matter how you look at it, he is just an ordinary human being.

  "Kazari?" Uva (Uba) had already returned to the bar. He also looked like a human. He was handsome and wore a bright green coat.

  Seeing Kazari coming back, but because of his human appearance, Uva wasn't sure he was Kazari, so he asked tentatively.

  Although they are both Greeeds, Greeeds cannot communicate with each other, and if they don't show their true bodies, they really don't know who the other party is. (PS: The first time Ankh saw Uva's human appearance, Ankh didn't recognize Uva. But they could sense Yummy's words.)

  "It's me." Kazari nodded, his eyes fell on Uva, and after remembering Uva's human appearance, he turned to look at the other two companions.

  A foolish man in silver clothes who was eating snacks, Kazari knew it was Gameru without a second thought.

  As for the girl who was sitting quietly in the corner reading a book, Kazari knew she was Mezuru without thinking.

  After all, there is only one woman in the Greeed, Mezuru.

  "Kazari, why did you come back after going out for so long?" 573Mezuru suddenly raised his head, revealing a delicate and beautiful face, looked at Kazari, who was looking at himself, and asked coldly.

  "I could have come back last night, but I met a human with very interesting desires and desires, so I made a Yummy on him, and it took a while." Kazari laughed. It is estimated that this Yummy will not be long before. Grow fast with that human's desires and desires, then give him lots of ordinary coins!

  "Compared to this, what did Wang say last night, how can we help him?" Uva looked at Kazari and asked. Although he didn't want to admit it, Kazari was the smartest among the four Greeeds.

  Of course, that doesn't include Ankh.

  In terms of IQ, Uva thinks Ankh is better than Kazari.

  "Looking for people with special abilities? I've already started to help him pay attention." Kazari said indifferently, with some unwillingness in his tone.

  Once again surrendering to human beings and doing things for him obediently is always an unacceptable thing for the arrogant Kazari.

  "However, why is Wang looking for someone with special abilities? That's weird." Gameru asked stupidly while eating snacks.

  "Who knows? What's on the mind of someone like him, how can we possibly guess?" Kazari shrugged, but looked away from Gameru in disdain.

  Even if he pretends to be a human, Greeed doesn't have the five senses of a human, and what he eats is colorless and tasteless. Kazari really doesn't understand what Gameru is eating for?

  "Speaking of which, Mezuru!" Uva suddenly looked at Mezuru and warned her: "Be careful in the future, don't ask Wang Wen for core coins again, so as not to anger him, otherwise we will feel better. ."

  "Hmph, to put it lightly, it wasn't you who was taken away from the core coins." Mezuru snorted coldly, ignoring Uva, and was too lazy to argue with him.

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