Binay nodded, as expected, he should have asked clearly.

  "Thank you." Binay bowed to Yu, then turned and ran out.

  "Yu, am I meddling with my own business? Obviously that body's condition is very bad..." Looking at Binay who hastily walked out, Wu wailed.

  "It seems to be seriously injured, but Ankh is attached to it, which suppresses the injury of the body."

  "Can you cure him? With the power of the golden fruit..."

  "Yes, but in this way, that girl will probably thank me very much, and then she might fall in love with me!" You looked at Wu playfully and smiled.

  "How can it be so easy to fall in love?" Wu Bai glanced at You, and Fen Quan smacked You on the shoulder.

  "Mom, you can't think like that. Maybe that sister really fell in love with Dad so easily? After all, Dad is so cool!"

  Ellie's words made Wu laugh and cry, but Yoo boasted that Ellie knew goods.


  After Zhi Shizi received the breakfast money, he told Ellie to come back next time before letting the Yu family leave.

  "Today is really a disaster... What is the meaning of the conversation between Ankh-kun and Ellie's father? King? The first generation OOO? Resurrection? Seal..."

  Completely unable to understand, Tomoko shook his head and decided not to think about such a headache.

  In other words, it was only ten o'clock in the morning, and there was plenty of time but nothing to do, so Yuuwa Mai decided to take Ellie to play.

  I went to places such as playgrounds and game halls, and Ellie had a lot of fun.

  Then, it's night!

  Ellie fell asleep, and Mai wanted to pretend to be asleep, but Yu hugged her and came to another vacant room in the villa.

  "One... must you?"

  "Definitely, I've been looking forward to it for a day, do you have the heart to let me hold it?"

  You smiled and asked, looking at the lovely dance, he couldn't bear the desire and hope anymore.

Chapter 21 The Man Who Brings the End to the World

  Late at night, Kazari was swinging in the park by himself.

  The swing creaked, but Kazari had a gloomy look on his face, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

  "This morning, the Yummy made by me was wiped out, mercilessly wiped out by that man!" Kazari secretly said, his eyes filled with resentment, staring at the front where there was nothing.

  Although the fact that Yummy was eliminated was so small that it was not worth getting angry at all, after all, Greeed could make a new Yummy by simply throwing a normal coin on a human.

  It's just from this incident that Kazari completely understood a truth, and that's why he was angry.

  That is, if their Greeed is useless, maybe Yuu will be wiped out just like Yummy- this morning!

  Kazari felt angry at the thought of his life in the hands of others, but more of a humble feeling - fear.

  "What a pity, Kazari-kun of Greeed, now you are like a lost lamb."

  Suddenly, an emotionless, gloomy voice came from behind.

  Kazari was startled for a moment, then turned around quickly, only to see that the owner of the voice was a strange middle-aged man.

  This middle-aged man looks very weird, his left arm has been kept raised, and on this left arm, there is a slightly terrifying doll!

  "Human? Who are you? Why do you know my name?" Kazari asked in a cold voice, and now he was in a fit of rage. If the middle-aged man's answer did not satisfy him, he would turn into a weirdo and kill him!

  "I'm the man who brought the end to the world! Kazari-kun, do you want to cooperate with me?" The middle-aged man was expressionless, and his tone was not emotional, but showed a hint of coldness, and invited Kazari in such a tone.


  In the early morning, the warm sun shines through the windows and sprinkles on the oak floor, reflecting a rippling luster.

  On the spacious double bed, there was a beautiful female body, tightly hugging a strong man, two beautiful legs without any fat, staggered on the man's legs.

  The woman's blonde hair was scattered around the pillow, covering half of her pretty face, but a faint blush could be seen on the exposed face.

  Feeling that the sun was starting to become dazzling, the man opened his eyes lazily and looked at the sleeping woman with his arms around him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  "Wu." You called out softly, seeing that Wu didn't respond, her eyes involuntarily looked down Wu's body, only to see that the moderate ravine was made of two rich and delicate piles.

  And at this moment, she was clinging to herself, and Yu could clearly feel that self-evident comfort.

  It was three o'clock in the morning last night, and Yucai was reluctant to let Wu, who was already out of breath, fall asleep, but when she thought of the taste of it, Yuu couldn't wait to wake Wu up and come again!

  The dance is so beautiful, she was originally a little beauty, and because of the golden fruit, she became the daughter of origin and became even more beautiful!

  Thinking that Wu already belongs to him completely, even Yuu can't help but get excited.

  "Well..." Wu suddenly revealed a sweet smile at this time.

  "Did you have a sweet dream?" You murmured in a low voice, while gently stroking the dancing blonde hair.

  Then, she quietly looked at Wu's sleeping face until Wu woke up half an hour later.

  "You... have you been staring at me like this?" Opening her eyes, Mai saw Yu staring at her.

  Wu felt a little embarrassed, and Pink Fist smacked Yu's chest.

  "Well, I blame you for being so good-looking, I can't help but be fascinated by it."

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